
Diet and nutrition in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach

Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract are a real problem in the modern world, since the transience of the pace of life is often not...

Green tea for gastritis with low and high acidity: medical advice

This is the scourge of modern society. Busy life, constant lack of time for a proper lunch, stress,...

Structure of the ankle joint

» » The human osteoarticular system consists of certain anatomical formations and their groups,...

Is it possible to cure infertility?

Infertility is the absence of pregnancy for any reason after 1 year of sexual activity without the use of methods...

Errors in diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer Prostate cancer research methods

Contents Carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, prostate tumor, prostate cancer are the names of one...

How to correctly identify cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms Diagnosis of osteochondrosis

In our article today: Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the most susceptible are...

Types and methods of preventing syphilis in different categories of patients

Prevention of syphilis is a set of fairly simple measures, the observance of which will help protect against dangerous...

How to cook champignons How long should you fry champignons with onions

The unprecedented popularity of champignons all over the world is explained not only by the taste of these mushrooms, but also by their safety...

Nine of Pentacles Reversed

The card shows a very rich man who is in the thickets of a vineyard. On his left outstretched arm...

Blood test for progesterone - indications, preparation, norms and interpretation

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the female sex glands, that is, the ovaries. Its significance for...