
Diet and nutrition in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach

Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract are a real problem in the modern world, since the transience of the pace of life is often not...

Sleep disturbance: causes and treatment

Sleep disorders are not so much a lack of sleep (insomnia), but a violation of falling asleep, a violation of the...

Squamous cell carcinoma, treatment, causes, symptoms, signs

Valery Zolotov Reading time: 6 minutes A A Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor that characterizes...

Hirsutism: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment How hirsutism is treated in women

Hirsutism is male-pattern hair growth in women. Hirsutism in women occurs in two cases: it is transmitted by...

ALL about lumbago: what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment for lumbago at home Exacerbation of lumbago

If, during a sharp turn or lifting a heavy object, acute pain occurs in the lower back, which intensifies with...

The left hand and fingers are numb - causes and treatment

The human body is an integral system that has a complex structure and is constantly in close connection with...

Sjögren's disease - causes, classification, diagnosis, treatment with medications and folk remedies Sjögren's disease symptoms treatment for what

3055 0 Sjögren's syndrome (“siggy syndrome”) is an autoimmune lesion of exocrine (primarily...

Atopic dermatitis in infants: photos, symptoms, causes and treatment

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease. Every year it is diagnosed more and more often....

How to correctly identify cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms Diagnosis of osteochondrosis

In our article today: Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the most susceptible are...

Green tea for gastritis with low and high acidity: medical advice

This is the scourge of modern society. Busy life, constant lack of time for a proper lunch, stress,...