Senator definition. Senator (Senator) is. Meaning of the word senator

The Senate is one of several highest governing bodies in the country, which deals with issues of personnel appointments, political investigations, and determining domestic and foreign policy. Modern state apparatuses have their own versions of this institution in Russia, the USA, Italy, as well as France, Spain, Belgium, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, Poland, Australia, Colombia and many others. Often this body is called differently - (legislative assembly).


Senators are officials in elected positions in the institution of the same name. However, in some countries of modern democratic systems, this term is used to refer to the departments that are part of the highest courts.

To determine what the word "senator" means, it is necessary to turn to the Latin origins of this expression. In an ancient language, now not used in colloquial speech, there is a word “senatus”. It defines a group, a gathering of older people, and in turn comes from "senex", which means "old man". The very origin of the term is closely connected with one of the forms of social order, where power belonged to those tribal elders who were later called senators. This continued for about a thousand years during the existence of Ancient Rome. First appearing in that ancient era, the idea of ​​the Senate as a political institution was raised by many countries over a significant period of history until the present day.

First Senate

However, both now and in ancient times, senators are different officials. Back then they were considered representatives of the upper class. The title given to them was for life. The emperor had the power to appoint people to these positions, and they passed on their position by inheritance. With the establishment of the republic around the 6th century BC. e. The Senate arose from the council of elders representing the patrician family. Along with other government entities, it became a significant part of public life. Former magistrates were included in its composition for life, which meant the concentration of the political forces and experience of Rome.

Senators carried out preliminary consideration of bills, managed military affairs, determined foreign policy, finances, took care of state property, supervised religious cults, and declared a state of emergency. In practice they ran the state.
Their decisions had the force of law. During the ancient Roman period, the power of senators was gradually limited, inexorably focusing on the emperor. Since the governing body turned into a collection of representatives of noble wealthy families, each senator whose position was inherited ceased to have great political influence.

Russian way

In Rus', the first Senate was founded by the Tsar in 1711 as the highest body of state power and legislative activity. From the beginning of the 19th century, the institution began to exercise supervisory functions over the work of public entities. And, according to a high decree, starting in 1864, he was entrusted with another important task - to perform the function of the highest cassation authority. However, having existed until 1917, the Senate and its members were dissolved as a result of the events of the October Revolution at the request of the “Decree on the Court”.

Tsar Peter the Great was often absent from the country, which prevented him from devoting himself entirely to governing the state. In order to delegate power, he repeatedly entrusted affairs to selected persons. At first, these powers looked like a temporary personal assignment. But since 1711, similar responsibilities were assigned to a new institution called It did not resemble foreign institutions of that time (Poland, Sweden), but was called upon to meet the unique conditions of Russian life. The amount of power granted to officials was determined by a decree of the king, which specified influence on an equal basis with the person of His Majesty. This to a certain extent influenced the meaning of the word “senator” in the Russian interpretation.

Peter's reforms

When Peter's regular absences ceased, the question of dissolving the senators did not arise. The institution becomes an organization where the most important matters of management, legal proceedings and the development of current legislation take place. In the last years of Peter's reign, the extraordinary powers of senators lost their meaning, mainly in legislative matters. Founded in 1726, it began to actually exercise power, as a result of which the position of the Senate changed radically, and many of its members moved to positions in the Council.

Over the next almost two hundred years, the organization established by Peter the Great underwent many changes: it was divided into departments, remade into a cabinet, a committee of ministers, and divided powers, responsibilities and rights both within and together with other state institutions. The advent of revolution and people's power at the beginning of the 20th century made its continued existence impossible. The institution and its members were relieved of their duties.

Recent period

For the first time, the prototype of the Senate in Soviet-era Russia was realized through the example of the Federation Council (unofficial abbreviation - SovFed) in July 1990 as an advisory body to the President of the USSR in the period 1990-1991. It was headed directly by the head of the country and included senior officials in the apparatus. It included 31 members from among the chairmen of the Councils of autonomous republics, regions and districts, as well as 31 chairmen of some regional and city bodies. Drawing an analogy with a number of foreign institutions, people began to call the Federation Council the Senate, and its members - senators.

Nowadays, the Upper House has been established in Russia. It was created on the basis of a body of the Soviet period and works on the principle of the classic Senate. The Federation Council cannot be dissolved by the President. Its meetings are held separately from the meetings of deputies in the State Duma. It operates as a permanent body, the members of the Council perform their duties on an ongoing basis.

Upper house

This government body is formed and composed on a non-partisan basis. This definition means that its members do not create factions or parties. Representatives of the Upper House are vested with immunity for the entire term of their powers. The legislative work of the institution takes a subordinate role relative to the State Duma. Thus, acts are first discussed in the Duma and only after a positive assessment are submitted to the Federation Council for consideration.

Over the past 20 years, the Russian “Senate” has gone through four stages of reform. At each of them, regional leaders were changed, the mechanisms for personnel appointments were clarified, and the passing qualification was determined. For example, among the general requirements for elected candidates there is an age limit of 30 years, the need for at least 5 years of residence, as well as an impeccable reputation. Every senator in Russia is a representative of the legislative or executive body of a subject of the Federation.

How it's done in America

Senators are the second most powerful people in a state after the governor. Their total number in the USA is 100 members, 2 representatives per state. Being elected to the post of US Senator is usually much more difficult than being elected as a Congressman:

  • only two people per staff pass and no more;
  • American senators are elected for a six-year term, i.e. every 2 years they campaign for one third of the total number of members;
  • the election procedure can take up a large amount of financial and psychological resources.

In order for an official candidate for senator to have a real chance, the law requires:

  • sufficient time to be a well-known personality, preferably both in the state and at the level of the federal political atmosphere;
  • have a good social status: governor, experienced congressman, mayor from a big city, other merits and achievements;
  • concentrate great influence and financial opportunities around yourself;
  • Every candidate must be nominated by the state party organization; it is very difficult for a non-party fighter to win state elections.

The Senate election campaign is taking place in the same fierce manner as the presidential election. Millions are wasted throughout the year, and scandals pop up in the media every now and then. One candidate each from the Republican and Democratic parties is competing. If the new elected candidate showed good results during his first term, then in the next elections he becomes almost invincible. A senator in the United States is a civil servant who sometimes holds his position for up to 30 years.

Duties of a Senator

A member of the Senate of any state is endowed with a number of powers that his voters demand. Since the main work of the institution consists of meetings and discussions of documents, the official must personally take an active part in the meetings of the entities of which he is a member. Senators consider bills, determine the domestic and foreign policies of society, take part in the management of finances, state property, cultural affairs, industry, and education. A member of the institution by his position ensures equal representation of each of the subjects of the federation in the supreme bodies of power. He is elected for a longer term than parliamentarians, and their total number is renewed more often. Senators have the same duties as members of the lower houses. When the Senate interacts with Parliament, this makes it possible to filter out decisions with a populist bias.

a member of the Senate, which is one of the highest legislative bodies of the state; senators receive their position as a result of elections, or are appointed by an authorized body for a period specified in the legislation of the country

Information about the senator, the etymology of the term “senator”, the position of senator and the method of obtaining the position of senator, the rights and responsibilities of a senator, in which countries the position of senator exists in the present tense and the history of the position of senator, the positions of senator for life and permanent senator, US senator, Canadian senator, Senator of France, Senator of Italy and Senator of Russia, famous and influential senators in the USA

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Senator is the definition

Senator is the position of an official in the highest legislative body of the country, which is the upper house of parliament in some states. The US senators are more famous than others, but in , and there are also positions of senators. The position of senator today is elective, but from the times of Ancient Rome until the 19th century, senators were appointed, and in ancient Rome, the position of senator was for life and was inherited.

Senator is member of the highest (one of the highest) legislative body of the country in a number of states:

Senator is in a number of countries - a member of the upper house of the legislative body, parliament.

Senator is in ancient Rome - a member of the Senate, one of the highest legislative bodies.

US Senate of Ancient Rome

Senator is member of the Senate. In Russia 1711-1917 honorary title and position. Appointed by the emperor from civil and military officials of I-III classes.

Members of the Senate

Senator is member of the governing Senate, created in 1711 as the highest state institution, and in the 19th - early 20th centuries. acting as the highest court and highest administrative supervisory authority. Senators were appointed personally by the emperor and had ranks of at least III class in the Table of Ranks.

Senator is member of the Senate. In the Russian Federation, since 1994, it has become common practice to call members of the Council senators (by analogy with other countries).

Senator is in Ancient Rome, a member of the Senate, and also from the end of the 1st century. BC BC (AD) representative of the upper class. The title of senator was for life, in imperial times it was inherited or could be granted by the emperor.

Members of the Rome House of Congress

Senator is in pre-revolutionary Russia and in modern bourgeois states, a member of the Senate. Senators usually fill their seats according to a less democratic procedure (indirect or multi-degree election, ex officio, appointment) than members of the lower houses. Passive suffrage for senatorial candidates is determined, as a rule, by more stringent qualifications (age, education, residence). Senators have the same rights as members of the lower houses.

Senators are officials in elected positions in the institution of the same name. However, in some modern democratic systems, this term is used to refer to the departments that are part of the highest courts.

Meeting of the House of the American Congress

Etymology of the term "senator"

To determine what the word "senator" means, it is necessary to turn to the Latin origins of this expression. In an ancient language, now not used in colloquial speech, there is a word “senatus”. It defines a group, a gathering of older people, and in turn comes from "senex", which means "old man".

The very origin of the term is closely connected with one of the forms of social structure, where it belonged to those tribal elders who were later called senators. This continued for about a thousand years during the existence of Ancient Rome.

First appearing in that ancient era, the idea of ​​the American House of Congress as a political institution was raised by many countries over a significant period of history until the present day.

The idea of ​​the American House of Congress

Duties of a Senator

A member of the Senate of any state is endowed with a number of powers and duties, the fulfillment of which is required by his voters.

Since the main work of the institution consists of meetings and discussions of documents, the official must personally take an active part in the meetings of the entities of which he is a member.

Meeting in the US Senate

Senators consider bills, determine internal and external societies, take part in the management of finances, state property, cultural affairs, and education.

A member of the institution by his position ensures equal representation of each of the subjects of the federation in the supreme bodies of power. He is elected for a longer term than parliamentarians, and their total number is renewed more often.

Election to the US Senate

Senators have the same duties as members of the lower houses. When the House of Congress interacts with Parliament, this makes it possible to filter out decisions with a populist bias.

Senators in the modern world

In the modern world, senatorial positions exist in many countries.

US Senator

The United States Chamber of the Congress of the USA is one of the two chambers of the United States, the so-called upper chamber.

US House of Congress building

A US Senator is a member of the US Senate representing one of the. The Senate consists of 100 senators (two from each state). Senators are elected for a term of 6 years. According to Article 1, Section 3, all seats in the Senate are divided into three classes for the purpose of fixing the timing of elections: every two years, elections are held for senators belonging to one of the classes, each of which accounts for 33 or 34 seats, that is, a third of the total composition of the chamber .

Senators were originally elected by their respective state legislatures until the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted in 1913, which allowed senators to be elected directly by the people of the state.

A U.S. Senator may be a person who is at least 30 years of age, has been a U.S. citizen for at least 9 years prior to the election, and is a resident of the state he wishes to represent. In the early years of the American House of Congress, the age limit was violated several times (but there were no such cases after 1818). Joe Biden was elected senator in 1973 at the age of 29, but was 30 when he was sworn in.

Each senator has one vote; a decision is considered adopted if a majority votes for it. The Vice President of the United States is the chairman of the House of the American Congress, but can participate in voting only in cases where the votes are divided equally.

Only the US Senate has the exclusive right to consider all cases of impeachment. When meeting for this purpose, senators take an oath or make a solemn promise. When a US case is heard, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court presides; no person shall be convicted without the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the senators present.

The Senate uses standing and temporary committees (and their subcommittees) for a variety of purposes, including consideration of bills and oversight of the executive branch. Currently, the US Senate has 16 standing committees.

US House Committee

Congress meets at least once a year and its sessions begin at noon on January 3, unless Congress designates another day. The US Senate meets in the Washington Capitol building.

According to the US Constitution, the highest ranking person in the Senate is the Vice President of the United States, although he does not usually preside over it due to his other official duties. During the absence of the Vice President, the President pro tempore of the US House of Congress presides over the US Senate or appoints another senator for these proceedings.

Chairman of the US House of Congress

The Challenges and Rewards of Being a U.S. Senator

Becoming a US Senator is much more difficult than becoming a Congressman:

US senators are elected to 6-year terms (one third of senators are elected every 2 years);

Only 2 per state;

Elections to the US Senate, as a rule, take up a huge amount of financial (millions) and moral resources.

US Senate elections

As a rule, to actually qualify for the position of senator, you must:

Already hold a high position (be either a governor, or an experienced congressman, or the mayor of a large city, or have other achievements);

Be a very well-known person, both at the state and federal level;

Have great influence and financial capabilities.

In addition, in order to become an official candidate for the position of senator, it is necessary that this candidate (and only one) be nominated by the state party organization (either Republicans or Democrats). Without being a party candidate, it is almost impossible to win elections in the United States (for any major position, including senator).

As a rule, the campaign for elections to the US Senate is no less fierce than the United States - with the waste of millions of funds and scandals throughout the year. Two candidates are competing - from the Republican and Democratic parties. Victory and defeat in Senate elections have historical significance, both for the fate of the state and for the fate of the individual.

US Senate Election Campaign

Having become a senator, the candidate automatically joins the “elite” part of the American parliamentary corps, his status increases sharply:

It is from the position of senator that the real political level begins;

If congressmen (for the most part) are engaged in the legislative routine, then senators are engaged in developing the fundamentals of policy (the main “specialization” of the House of Representatives is the preparation of laws, the US House of Congress - personnel appointments, investigations, domestic and foreign policy);

Each senator (unlike a congressman), by virtue of his position, is a very visible and influential person in the United States, has direct access to the President of the United States and any official;

A senator (again, unlike a congressman) has many opportunities to “be visible” and strengthen his position;

The senator's position is very stable - having won once, the senator is free from elections for 6 years and can concentrate on his activities. A lot can be done in this period. Lyndon Johnson, former congressman, senator and president of the United States, noted that “the difference between the position of a senator and an ordinary congressman is the same as between chicken salad and chicken droppings.

As a rule, inertia during elections to the US Senate, the habit of voters towards “their” senator, especially if he is famous and popular, is even stronger than during elections of congressmen and even the US President. Having served his first term well, a senator, as a rule, becomes invincible. He turns into a symbol of the state, becomes part of the entire American political system and is re-elected for a second, third 6-year term or more. Typically, a well-performing senator holds his position for 20-30 years.

Old-time senators in the United States

Among the senior senators of the present and recent past we can highlight:

Robert Dole - elected US senator for five terms, served as senator from Kansas for 27 years (1969-1996), nominated for vice president of the United States in 1976 and president of the United States in 1996;

John Moyniham - served as a senator from New York for four terms - 24 years (1977-2001); in 2000, at the age of 73, he decided not to run further and recommended Hillary Clinton in his place, who, with his support, defeated New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (withdrew his candidacy);

A senator's seat automatically becomes vacant if he neglects to attend meetings of the House of the American Congress for two parliamentary sessions in a row. In addition, a senator found guilty of treason, indictable offense, or any other “infamous crime” who is found incompetent also loses his seat. This also applies to a senator who no longer meets the qualification criteria.

Meeting of the US Senate of Canada

According to Art. 24 of the French Constitution, the US Senate is elected by universal indirect suffrage and must ensure representation in the parliament of local territorial communities of France.

The current composition of the US Senate includes 348 senators. Senators must be at least 24 years old and are elected for a term of 6 years (according to amendments made in 2003, the period was reduced from 9 years) at the departmental level (the territory of France is divided into 95 departments) by an electoral college, which includes local deputies, members of councils regions and departments, representatives of municipal councils, deputies of the National Assembly (approximately 150 thousand voters in total).

The system is designed in such a way that it gives preference to agricultural departments. This leads to the fact that since the formation of the House of Congress of the Fifth Republic, he has remained conservative. According to the established tradition since the French, right-wing parties occupy the right seats in the meeting room, and left-wing parties occupy the left seats.

Once every 3 years, the composition of the House of Congress is renewed by half, which ensures stability in the activities of this representative body. Stability is also ensured by the fact that the US Senate cannot be dissolved by the president.

Activities of the French US Senate

Senators actively participate in the development of legislative acts, in particular through the development of draft laws in committees, their subsequent discussion and approval at plenary sessions.

Senator of Russia

A Russian senator is a member of the upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

For the first time, the prototype of the US Senate in the Russian Federation of the Soviet era was realized through the example of the Federation Council (unofficial abbreviation - SovFed) in July 1990 as an advisory body to the President of the USSR in 1990-1991. It was headed directly by the head of the country and included senior officials in the apparatus.

It included 31 members from among the chairmen of the Councils of autonomous republics, regions and districts, as well as 31 chairmen of some regional and city bodies. Drawing an analogy with a number of foreign institutions, people call the Federation Council the US Senate, and its members - senators. The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (also unofficially the Federation Council, Federation Council, US Senate) is the upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - the parliament of the Russian Federation.

Nowadays, the Upper House of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has been established in Russia. It was created on the basis of a Soviet-era organ and operates on the principle of the classic US Senate. The Federation Council cannot be dissolved by the President. Its meetings are held separately from the meetings of deputies in the State Duma. It operates as a permanent body, the members of the Council perform their duties on an ongoing basis.

The Federation Council is formed and structured according to a non-partisan principle. Members of the Federation Council do not create factions and party associations.

The Federation Council is a permanent body. Unlike the State Duma, the Federation Council cannot be dissolved by the President. Its meetings are held as needed, but at least twice a month. Meetings of the Federation Council are the main form of work of the chamber. They are held separately from meetings of the State Duma.

The chambers may meet jointly to hear messages from the President of the Russian Federation, messages from the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and speeches by leaders of foreign states. Members of the Federation Council exercise their powers on a permanent basis.

Members of the Federation Council enjoy immunity throughout their entire term of office. They cannot be detained, arrested, searched, except in cases of detention on the spot, and also subjected to personal search, except in cases where this is provided for by federal law to ensure the safety of other people.

The Federation Council holds its meetings in the main building on the street. Bolshaya Dmitrovka in Moscow, as a rule, from January 25 to July 15 and from September 16 to December 31. Meetings are open. By decision of the Federation Council, the location of meetings may be changed, and a closed meeting may also be held.

Senators in history

History remembers several references to senators.

Senators in Ancient Rome, 5th century. BC-630 AD

The US Senate (Latin senatus, from senex - old man, council of elders) is one of the highest government bodies in Ancient Rome.

Created from the council of elders of patrician families at the beginning of the royal period by the first king of Rome - Romulus - it initially consisted of 100 people.

Ancient Roman US Senate

With the establishment of the republic, the Senate, along with magistrates and popular assemblies (comitia), became an essential element of public life. The US Senate included former magistrates for life - thus, the political forces and state experience of Rome were concentrated here.

Members of the Senate were divided into ranks in accordance with previously held positions. During discussions, senators received the floor in accordance with these ranks. At the head of the Senate was the most honored, the first of the senators - the princeps senatus. Also, the senator was always required to have diligent behavior, education, attention and responsibility.

During the period of the republic, during the class struggle of the plebeians with the patricians (V-III centuries BC), the power of the US House of Congress was somewhat limited in favor of the comitia (popular assemblies).

In the III-I centuries BC. e. The US Senate preliminary considered bills proposed for voting in the comitia; it had senior management of military affairs, foreign policy, finance and state property, supervision of religious cults, the right to declare a state of emergency, etc. The Senate approved laws and election results, controlled the activities magistrates. Thus, the Senate actually governed the state.

The resolutions of the US Senate (s. c., senatus consulta) had the force of law, as well as the resolutions of the popular assembly and the assembly of plebeians - the plebiscite.

US Senate Resolution

According to Polybius (that is, from the Roman point of view), decisions in Carthage were made by the people (plebs), and in Rome - by the best people, that is, the House of the American Congress. And this despite the fact that, according to many historians, Carthage was ruled by an oligarchy.

During the period of empire, the power of the US House of Congress was increasingly limited, concentrating in the hands of the emperor, although formally the US Senate continued to be considered one of the highest government institutions.

In fact, the US Senate has become a collection of representatives of noble families with little political influence. The resolutions of the US Senate retained the force of laws, but were usually adopted at the initiative of the emperor. Beginning with Octavian Augustus, the actual emperor of Rome bore the title “princeps” - that is, “first of the senators.”

Even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Senate continued to function under barbarian rule, maintaining influence at the city level. For example, there is an episode when “Theoderic sent the legate Festus, the head of the House of Congress of the United States, to Emperor Zeno, hoping to receive royal vestments for himself.”

Influence of the House of Congress

However, in the mid-6th century, the number of Roman noble families decreased as a result of wars between the Ostrogoths and Byzantium, as the city changed hands and the barbarians carried off members of the nobility as hostages.

The last mention of the Roman House of the American Congress dates back to 603: the Gregorian Register mentions that in that year the US Senate welcomed the unveiling of statues of Emperor Phocas and his wife Leontia. It is assumed that the Senate disappeared as an institution around 630, when, with the permission of the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius I, the Basilica of St. Hadrian was built in the Roman Curia.

The number of senators has changed several times:

Initially - 100;

During the early republic (before 88 BC) - 300;

Since the time of Sulla - 600;

Under Caesar - 900;

Since the time of Augustus - again 600;

In the period of late antiquity (dominant) - 2000.

Initially, the US Senate included only members of native Roman families, but from the 1st century BC. e. Italics also received this right, and during the empire, even noble provincials.

Seat of the US Senate in the Roman Republic

From 313 BC. e. The censor was accepted as a member of the Senate - he compiled a list of persons who held or are holding a magistracy, with a certain property qualification (for example, under Augustus (1st century AD) - 1 million sesterces). During the empire, this became the prerogative of the emperor.

Members of the Senate in Rome

Senator of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 1569 to 1795.

The Senate of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is the upper house of the Sejm of the Kingdom of Poland, and after that of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The US Senate was one of the three estates (along with the ambassadorial hut and the king) that made up the Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In 1569, the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were united into a confederate state - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Since the king did not rule in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the US Senate, the head of which, however, was the monarch, claimed this role.

US Senate of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

The House of Congress of the United States included court dignitaries, Catholic bishops, and senior zemstvo officials - governors and castellans. Members of the Senate were appointed for life and were actually responsible only to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The Senate was assigned primarily advisory functions. To ensure that the king did not surround himself with his own, much less foreign, advisers, the senators were entrusted with the task of controlling the monarch. Resident senators, representing the permanent body of the Sejm, performed the function of permanent royal advisers and reported directly to the Sejm.

Meeting of the US House of Congress of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

But the US Senate never became an institution of government: the role of the monarch decreased, and the tycoons who were gaining power found ways to influence the embassy hut.

After the adoption of the Constitution on May 3, 1791, the powers of the House of Congress were significantly reduced. The House of Senators consisted of bishops, governors, castellans and ministers (132 people in total), and was presided over by the king.

The US Senate lost the right of legislative initiative and adoption of laws in the Sejm and had only the right of suspensive veto. If the Senate vetoed a law adopted by the deputies, then after the law was re-adopted by the ambassadorial hut of the next cadence (term), the Senate automatically approved it.

At the same time, resolutions of the Sejm (on temporary contributions, coin valuation, nobilitation, war, peace, etc.) were adopted by a majority vote at a joint meeting of both chambers.

At the Constitutional Diet, which was to be held every 25 years to revise the constitution, the Senate acted as a "council of elders", whose opinion was not binding on the Chamber of Deputies.

Senator of the Russian Empire, 1711-1917.

A senator of the Russian Empire is a member of the country's US Government Senate.

In Rus', the first Senate was founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1711 as the highest body of state power and legislative activity. From the beginning of the 19th century, the institution began to exercise supervisory functions over the work of public entities. And, according to a high decree, starting in 1864, he was entrusted with another important task - to perform the function of the highest cassation authority.

However, having existed until 1917, the Senate and its members were dissolved as a result of the events of the October Revolution at the request of the “Decree on the Court”.

US Government Senate

Tsar Peter the Great was often absent from the country, which prevented him from devoting himself entirely to governing the state. In order to delegate power, he repeatedly entrusted affairs to selected persons. At first, these powers looked like a temporary personal assignment.

But since 1711, such responsibilities were assigned to a new institution called the Governing Senate. It was not like the foreign institutions of that time (Poland), but was designed to meet the unique conditions of Russian life. The amount of power granted to officials was determined by a decree of the king, which specified influence on an equal basis with the person of His Majesty. This to a certain extent influenced the meaning of the word “senator” in the Russian interpretation.

Meeting of the Russian House of Congress

In a decree of March 2, 1711, Peter says: “we have determined the governing Senate of the United States, to which everyone and their decrees will be obedient, as we ourselves, under severe punishment, or death, depending on the guilt.”

In the absence at that time of the division of cases into judicial, administrative and legislative, and due to the fact that even the most insignificant matters of current administration were constantly subject to the permission of the monarch, who was replaced by the US Senate, the circle of the Senate’s department could not receive any definite outlines.

US Senate Building

In a decree issued a few days after the establishment of the US Senate (Complete Laws No. 2330), Peter determines what the US Senate should do after his departure: “the court has an unfeigned, vain dismissal; collect as much as possible; nobles to gather young; to correct; and try to farm out the salt; multiply Chinese and Persian bargaining; caress the Armenians; make fiscals."

Duties of the House of Congress

This is obviously not an exhaustive list of departmental items, but instructions on what to pay particular attention to. “Now everything is in your hands,” Peter wrote to the US Senate. The US Senate was not a political institution that in any way limited or constrained the power of Peter; he acted only on instructions from the king and was responsible to him for everything; the decree of March 2, 1711 says: “And if this Senate, through its promise now made before God, is unrighteous, what to do... and then it will be judged by us, and the culprit will be severely punished.”

The practical, business significance of the US Senate was determined not only by the degree and breadth of powers granted to it, but also by the system of those institutions that were grouped around it and formed one whole with it.

These were, first of all, the commissars, two from each province, “for the adoption of decrees.” Through these commissioners, appointed by governors, direct relations between the House of Congress and the provinces were created, where Peter in 1710, in the interests of the economic structure of his army, transferred a significant part of the affairs that had previously been carried out in orders.

Decree of the Governing House of Congress

The commissioners not only adopted decrees, but also monitored their implementation, delivered the necessary information to the US Senate, and carried out its instructions locally. Subsequently, with the establishment of collegiums, the importance of commissioners decreases: collegiums become an intermediary link between the House of the American Congress and the provinces.

Execution of orders of the House of Congress

Simultaneously with the establishment of the US House of Congress, Peter ordered “instead of an order of discharge, there should be a table of discharge under the Senate.” Thus, “writing to ranks” was assigned to the US Senate, that is, appointment to all military and civilian positions, management of the entire service class, maintaining lists for them, conducting reviews and monitoring non-concealment from service.

In 1721-1722 The discharge table was first transformed into a collapsible office, also located under the Senate, and on February 5, 1722, a king of arms was appointed under the US Senate, who was in charge of the service class through the king's office.

A few days after the establishment of the House of the American Congress, on March 5, 1711, the position of fiscals was created, their duty was to “secretly supervise all matters,” examining and exposing in court “all sorts of crimes, bribes, theft of the treasury, etc., as well as other mute cases that do not have a petitioner about themselves.”

Under the Senate there was an ober-fiscal (later the general-fiscal) with four assistants, in each province there was a provincial-fiscal with three assistants, in each city there were one or two city fiscals.

Decree to the Governing Senate of the United States

Despite the abuses with which the existence of such secret spies and informers is inextricably linked (until 1714, they were not punished even for false denunciations), fiscals undoubtedly brought a certain amount of benefit, being an instrument of supervision over local institutions.

About the US Government Senate

When Peter's regular absences ceased, the question of dissolving the senators did not arise. With orders increasingly losing their meaning, the US Senate becomes the place where all the most important matters of government, court and current affairs are carried out.

The importance of the US Senate was not undermined by the establishment (1718-1720) of the collegiums, despite the fact that their regulations, borrowed from Sweden, where the collegiums were the highest institutions in the state, did not determine the relationship of the collegiums to the Senate, which the foreign leaders of the reform - Fick and others - apparently intended to be abolished. On the contrary, with the establishment of collegiums, where a lot of current small cases were transferred, the importance of the House of the American Congress only increased.

The building of the Russian Chamber of Congress

According to the decree of 1718 “on the position of the Senate,” all presidents of the colleges were made senators by rank. This order did not last long; the slowness of Senate office work forced Peter to admit (in a decree of January 12, 1722) that the presidents of the colleges did not have enough time to carry out, in addition, the “incessant” work of the senator.

In addition, Peter found that the Senate, as the highest authority over the collegiums, could not consist of persons who sit on the collegiums.

Constant infighting between senators again forced Peter to entrust someone with monitoring the progress of Senate meetings. The person he chose (February 13, 1720), Anisim Shchukin, turned out to be unsuitable for these duties; being at the same time chief secretary of the US House of Congress, Shchukin himself was subordinate to him. A few days after the death of Shchukin (January 28, 1721), Peter entrusted supervision of the deanery of the Senate meetings to guard headquarters officers who changed monthly.

Meeting of the US Government Senate

Founded in 1726, the Supreme Privy Council began to actually exercise power, as a result of which the position of the US House of Congress radically changed, and many of its members moved to positions in the Council.

Over the next almost two hundred years, the organization established by Peter the Great underwent many changes: it was divided into departments, remade into a cabinet, a committee of ministers, and divided powers, responsibilities and rights both within and together with other state institutions. The advent of the revolution at the beginning of the 20th century made its further existence impossible. The institution and its members were relieved of their duties.

Supervisory functions

The Senate is composed of persons of the first three classes; Senators are determined by the direct election of the Imperial Majesty, both from civil and military ranks, and senators, without losing their rank, can hold other positions.

Positions in the US Senate

The exception is the senators of the cassation departments, who can be appointed only from persons who have served for at least three years in the positions of chief prosecutor, his comrade or chairman, member or prosecutor of the judicial chamber, and appointment to these latter positions is also subject to a certain service and educational qualification.

Senators of the cassation departments cannot hold any other position in the state or public service. Of the senators, some are appointed to attend departments, some are present only at general meetings, and some are completely exempt from any activities in the US Senate.

Case of the Governing House of Congress

The latter usually include high dignitaries, members of the State Council, ministers, etc.

The main work is carried out by the senators present in the departments. Since the state and political position of an institution is determined by the social position of its members, the position of the House of Congress depends precisely on these senators present in the departments.

These are almost always persons who held positions of III, sometimes IV class, and their appointment to the US Senate is the crown of their career. This disadvantageous position of the House of the American Congress among the other highest institutions of the empire greatly paralyzes the power vested in the Senate as the supreme seat of the empire.

Senator of the French Republic, 1799-1804.

Senator of the French Republic, French Empire - member of the US Protective Senate of France, which existed in 1799 -1804.

The Protective Senate (French le Sénat conservateur) is a parliamentary body in France during the First Republic and the First Empire, established in accordance with the Constitution of the VIII year (November 1799) of the Consulate. Together with the Tribunate and the Legislative Corps, it formed one of the three legislative assemblies of the Consulate.

US Senate

The Constitution of the Year X (1802) and the Constitution of the Year XII (May 1804) strengthened the importance of this meeting. The Protective Senate could not be considered an upper house, since it was not given participation in the normal functions of the legislative branch.

Constitution of the French Republic 22 Frimaire VIII (December 13, 1799), chapter II. About the Protective Senate:

The U.S. Senate is composed of twenty-five members, appointed for life and at least forty years of age. To create a house of the American Congress, it is first necessary to appoint sixty members: this number will increase to sixty-two during the VIII year, to sixty-four in the IX year, and in the same sequence will increase to eighty, by adding two members annually during the first ten years ;

The building of the Protective Chamber of the American Congress

The appointment of a senator is carried out by the House of the United States Congress, which chooses from three candidates, the first of whom is nominated by the Legislative Corps, the second by the Tribunal, and the third by the first. Of the two candidates, the one nominated by two of the three existing authorities is appointed: if a candidate is nominated by three authorities, then he must be appointed;

The First Consul, leaving his seat either upon the expiration of his functions, or in connection with his resignation, necessarily and with full right becomes a senator. Two other consuls, during the month following the end of their functions, may take a seat in the Senate, but are not obliged to exercise this right. They do not exercise this right at all if their consular functions are terminated due to resignation;

Permanent Senator

The subsequent constitutional law of December 10, 1884 abolished lifelong election, however, allowing already elected permanent senators to hold office until death. The last of them, Emile de Marcer, died in 1918. There were a total of 116 permanent senators.

Sources and links

Sources of texts, pictures and videos - free electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia - online electronic information Wiktionary - dictionaries and encyclopedias on the Akademik portal - online electronic library Librarian - video hosting with videos on various topics - video hosting with various videos - online encyclopedia for students Studopedia - online electronic encyclopedia Wikiknowledge - online electronic library Bibliofond - electronic economic encyclopedia Grandars - online dictionary of economic terms - online collection of explanatory dictionaries - encyclopedic site about the meanings of words - information site about the USA - website of the Continent Publishing House - information and news portal Open Russia - electronic newspaper Arguments and facts - electronic collection of online dictionaries - collection of Russian language dictionaries - website of the RIA news agency - the largest collection of online dictionaries - legal information website - dictionaries on economics and jurisprudence - forum about the Russian language Gramota Ru - collection of electronic dictionaries of the Russian language - online electronic newspaper Newslab Ru - dictionary of terms, concepts and definitions - collection of Russian language dictionaries - electronic collection of online dictionaries - information and news site about politics - online community InfoNarod of the Russian Federation - site with educational materials for students - collection of Russian language dictionaries - explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Textology - online definitions of words and meanings of terms - information site with articles from FB Ru - information site about America

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Article creator

Com/profile.php?id=1849770813 - profile of the author of the article on Facebook - profile of the author of this article in Odnoklassniki - profile of the author of the material on Google+

    - (Latin senator, from senex, nis old man). Member of the Senate. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SENATOR lat. senator, from senex, nis, old man. Member of the Senate. Explanation 250... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    July 29 (16) – martyr Senator. Day Angel. Guide to names and birthdays. 2010… Dictionary of personal names

    senator- a, M. senateur, German. Senator, lat. senator Senator: Senator. Demyanov Adaptation 99. But: My old dog! You ended your century as a dog! I knew you as a caresser and a thief. If you were not a dog, but a man, You would have been killed, perhaps, by a senator. Baratynsky... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (lat. senator) member of the Senate. In the Russian Federation, since 1994, it has become common practice to call members of the Federation Council S. (by analogy with other countries) ... Legal dictionary

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    SENATOR, huh, husband. Member of the Senate. | adj. senatorial, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (lat. senator) member of the Senate. Political science: Dictionary reference book. comp. Prof. Science Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 ... Political science. Dictionary.

    senator- senator, plural senators, b. senators (wrong senator, senators) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    SENATOR- (lat. senator) member of the Senate... Legal encyclopedia

    Wiktionary has an article for “senator.” A senator (lat. senator) in a number of states is a member of the highest (one of the highest) legislative bodies of the country. in ancient Rome, a member of one of the highest legislative bodies (See Senate in ancient Rome) ... Wikipedia


  • Admiral, Senator Semyon Afanasyevich Pustoshkin, Savvaitov. Admiral, Senator Semyon Afanasyevich Pustoshkin: Biography comp. P. Savvaitov F 26/81 S 124/321 ? 358/299 ? 358/351 ? 398/202: St. Petersburg: typ. J. Treya, 1853: Reproduced in...

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word senator

senator in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


senator, m. (historical, downloaded). Member of the Senate.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Ah, m. Member of the Senate.

adj. senatorial, -aya, -oh.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Rank of a member of the Senate.

    A person holding such a title.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


SENATOR (lat. senator) member of the Senate.

Large legal dictionary


(lat. senator) - member of the Senate. In the Russian Federation, since 1994, it has become common practice to call members of the Federation Council S. (by analogy with other countries).


(lat. senator),

    in Ancient Rome, a member of the Senate, and also from the end of the 1st century. BC e. representative of the upper class. The title of S. was for life, in imperial times it was inherited or could be granted by the emperor.

    In pre-revolutionary Russia and in modern bourgeois states, a member of the Senate. S. usually fill their seats in accordance with a less democratic procedure (indirect or multi-degree elections, ex officio, appointment) than deputies of the lower houses. Passive suffrage for socialist candidates is, as a rule, conditioned by more stringent qualifications (age, education, residence). S. have the same rights as deputies of the lower houses (see Parliament).




  • A senator is a member of the highest legislative body of the country in a number of states:
    • A US Senator is a member of the US Senate representing one of the states.
      • A state senator is a senator representing one of the states in the United States Senate.
    • An Italian senator is a member of the upper house of the Italian parliament.
    • A Canadian senator is a representative of the Canadian Senate, one of the three components of the Canadian Parliament.
    • A French senator is a member of the upper house of the French parliament.
    • A Russian senator is a member of the upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
In the judicial system
  • Senator of the College of Justice is a member of the highest court in Scotland.
In history
  • Senator in Ancient Rome - a member of the assembly of clan elders in Ancient Rome; in European countries that historically arose later, the Ancient Roman Senate was a model for the organization of the highest bodies of legislative and/or judicial power, giving many of them its name.
  • A senator of the Russian Empire is a member of the country's Governing Senate.
  • Senator of the French Republic, French Empire - member of the Protective Senate of France, which existed in 1799-1804.
  • Senator of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - member of the upper house of the Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Examples of the use of the word senator in literature.

On its inlaid surface, squares are highlighted in gold, and in each the artist depicted a figurine: a soldier, an augur, a pontiff, a matron, senator in a marble chair, an actor in a laughing mask, a noble patrician on a horse, a gladiator and a number of other figures.

Cicero studied law with great diligence under the guidance of both Scaevoli brothers, senators and Learned Lawyers: the elder was an augur, the younger was a high priest.

Firstly, of course, former supporters of Pompey, such as Cassius and Brutus or the miraculously recovered Ligarius, like the tribune Pontius Aquila, like senators Caecilius Bucilian and his brother Sextius Naso, Marcus Spurius and others.

I, Hernand de Chateaufière, Count of Capsier, in the face of the Lord God almighty and all-seeing and in the presence of noble nobles and venerable senators, I recognize you, Sovereign Philip, as the sole and legitimate heir of the Duchy of Aquitaine, the Principality of Béarn and the Balearic Islands and the counties of the Spanish March, whereby I take the oath to you as my future overlord.

Therefore, due to the need to overcome electrical resistance, such energy accumulation until recently, gentlemen senators, had no practical significance.

And at the entrance to Aksai there were even two carts drawn by donkeys - something pre-war or post-war breathed on Senator not only at the capital's station, but also in the outback.

No matter how well it holds up Senator No matter how brave he was, the trip to Aksai still caused anxiety.

For example, on February 27, 1959, Fidel received his first major foreign guest - a Chilean senator Salvador Allende, who arrived at the invitation of the revolutionary government to get acquainted with the progress of transformations in Cuba.

I met with the Secretary of the Senate, Sinister Perot, the Speaker of the Althing, Drury Fine, and a dozen senators.

Kroon appeared to laugh in the face of this entire dressed-up crowd of Caesareans and Caesareans, princes and princesses, courtiers, ministers, here, in a huge and majestic palace, which the Amorites shamelessly called the Hall of Divine Majesty, senators, curators, plebeian delegates and other scoundrels feasting on the blood and sweat of enslaved peoples!

The presence of TV has such an impact that the former prime minister and senator Italy Andreotti agreed to stand trial if the trial was broadcast live.

I hope everything will work out, and at the next meeting, dear senator will inform us that we will become worthy successors to the annexationists of the highest class - Jackson, Polk, McKinley.

They met in Houston, where Johnny Baker, who worked on the astronautics committee, was assigned to accompany the senator Jellison and his retinue.

She heard Bass's words and saw Jenny leave the room, but, remembering the clashes with her husband over senator, was afraid to reveal her feelings.

The sisters and brothers, except Bass, were too young to really understand what had happened and believed when they were told that Jenny had married senator Brander, who died suddenly shortly afterwards.