Draw a line of wealth on your palm. What is a money line? Inheritance or unexpected win in hand

In an effort to find out their future, many people ask not only how long they are destined to live and what significant events are destined for them.

Most people are interested in the material aspect of life no less than health, love relationships and friendship.

Palmistry allows you to give answers to all questions related to the fate of a person. The line of wealth on the hand, unlike the line of the heart, marriage and destiny, is not clearly visualized on the palm.

To read your future regarding the material component of life, you need to understand where the lines are located along which you can read material well-being.

There is no line of wealth, as such, in the palm of a person. A special triangle is responsible for the material component of life, which is formed by the line of life, the line of fate and the line of mind. The features of this triangle make it possible to understand what awaits a person in the future in terms of his financial situation.

The lines that form the money triangle are on both the right and left hands. But palmists are confident that the most reliable information about the future can only be obtained by looking at the symbols on the palm of the active hand. For example, if a person is right-handed, then you need to guess in the palm of your right hand and vice versa.

What does it mean and how to analyze it

If you look at the wealth triangle, you can see that it has an individual structure for all people. It is from these features of the material well-being triangle that one can read the prospects for the financial situation.

If the wealth triangle is clear, then this demonstrates that a person will be provided with material wealth throughout his life. E

If the figure is closed, then this indicates that the person will be able to retain his wealth and avoid unjustified material expenses. In addition, the owner will be able to provide a comfortable existence for his children.

However, a clear triangle of material well-being does not predict that a person will have significant cash reserves, luxury real estate and other attributes of a luxurious life.

For most people, the wealth triangle is not closed. What does this mean:

What do other signs say?

Famous palmists, analyzing the palms of famous billionaires, noted that all these celebrities had special marks on their palms, which reflected the situation that existed in reality. It can be called interesting that there is no wealth triangle on the hand of the famous billionaire Bill Gates, but there are special marks on the palm of this famous person, by which his financial condition could be predicted.

In palmistry, there are other signs that can be seen on a person’s hand, and it is they that will tell about his prospects of becoming rich:

In some people, in the palm of your hand you can see how the line of the mind is intersected by several thin lines. This feature should be taken as a kind of warning - a person will often be surrounded by petty and greedy people, cooperation with whom can lead to serious problems in life. Also, such a symbol warns that ill-wishers may intend to profit from a person and take possession of his property.

The career line, which tends upward, crossing the line of the mind and reaching the line of the heart, forms a figure reminiscent of the letter M. It is believed that this symbolizes wealth acquired at a young age. But for this a person will have to work hard.

To understand what future awaits a person in the material aspect of his life, you need to carefully examine the thumb of the active hand.

First of all, pay attention to the line dividing the phalanx into 2 parts.

If the line is not interrupted and no interrupted sections are visible on it, then a comfortable existence awaits the person. He himself fully realizes his life potential.

If the line forms a figure reminiscent of an eye, then this symbolizes the difficult childhood of a person who, in adulthood, can become successful and fulfilled as a professional.

A wide line indicates a dysfunctional life in which there will never be a place for wealth. A line interrupted in several places warns a person that periods of success and financial prosperity will be combined with periods of poverty. A bifurcated line warns a person of a comfortable old age, ensured by the efforts of his children.

To understand what kind of financial situation awaits a person, you need to look at his little finger, or more precisely, at its length in relation to the ring finger. A short little finger, the length of which is barely longer than the length of the ring finger, indicates that a person should not connect his life with the sphere of finance, because success will not await him there.

The little finger, the length of which is two-thirds the length of the ring finger, symbolizes that a person’s financial situation will depend entirely on his efforts. If the little finger is the same length as the ring finger, then this feature symbolizes a person for whom the material component of life is the most important. Such a person will do anything if it comes to obtaining material benefits.

Sudden money

In the lives of many people, situations occur in which surprises await a person in the form of large unforeseen expenses. This could be a big win in the lottery, an inheritance, or an accidental discovery of money or precious metals. Knowledge of the basics of palmistry will allow you to see these signs of wealth and prosperity on your hand.

A special science of signs on the hands, through which one can determine fate, is palmistry. People tend to have an optimistic vision of the future, so they strive for the best and look for signs of wealth and prosperity in their palms. One of these symbols is the money triangle.

Money Triangle Power

A triangle on the hand indicates great strength of a person. The bearer of such a sign often experiences almost mystical events in his life, as a result of which large sums come to him from various sources.

Each type of triangle has its own meaning. If there is a large, clear and deep symbol on the hand, then such a person is successful in life and will achieve any goals. If the sign is small, the person knows how to earn and save his money, but he cannot achieve prosperity without difficulty.

If the figure has breaks, then this indicates a tendency to accumulate one's wealth. It's worth paying attention to where the gap is - this will help explain where the money will go.

The money triangle symbol is a guarantee of future wealth and prosperity. A completely closed figure indicates a person with high material potential who knows how to earn and save money.

It is important to know that if the sign is on the left hand, then the person will be very rich in the future. If on the right, he is making all due efforts to achieve a comfortable life.

Where is the money triangle?

It is important to be able to find the money triangle in the palm of your hand. It is located in the center and is formed by the intersection of several main lines on the hand: the line of Life, the line of Reason and the line of Fate. It is important to know where the main features of the triangle are and their meaning:

  1. Life Line - separates the thumb from all the rest on the palm. Folk palmists say that it indicates how many years a person will live. But professionals know that it shows life potential. If it is clear and directed, it indicates longevity. She can also talk about well-being and prosperity.
  2. The Mind Line is located horizontally closer to the center of the palm and is often parallel to the Heart line. Palmistry says that with the help of the Mind trait you can understand how a person thinks. It is important to remember that it does not indicate intellectual development, but it can be used to determine the presence of abilities and talents.
  3. The Line of Fate is a rare feature that may not exist on the hand. Located vertically. It starts at the wrist and ends near the middle and ring fingers. She can tell you about the future.

Combination with other signs

It is necessary to study what is nearby: what lines and hills, so that the strength does not become a punishment for the owner. A triangle can be a symbol of talent, indicate a professional area and the most important moments of life.

If the figure is higher than the Mount of Venus, the person lives by the laws of family and everyday life. Not prone to adventures, he knows how to appreciate what he has. But he is not afraid to make decisions and risk money to increase it.

If the triangle is located below the Mount of Venus, the person does not have clear goals, does not want to invest money in his future, prefers to live one day at a time. The biggest danger of such an arrangement of signs is the risk of losing everything in 1 day by making the wrong investment.

Force Lines and Sign Correction

Palmistry says that the money triangle and signs of wealth on the palm do not necessarily have to be the correct shape. They can be adjusted.

Correction of the sign largely depends on how closely a person pays attention to the additional lines. Effort traits can tell you which direction you need to move in order to avoid financial problems.

Lines of Effort are branches from the arc of Life, which speak of the possibility of quick prosperity and the ways in which this can be done. They also indicate an age when people made very great efforts in life to achieve goals. The different directions of these stripes must always be taken into account:

  1. Directed towards the Mount of Jupiter (near the index finger) - this indicates good earnings thanks to determination. Climbing the career ladder and successful business transactions is possible.
  2. Goes to the Mount of Saturn (near the middle finger) - the person will be rich, but will achieve prosperity only through great effort and labor. It is very difficult for such people to earn money, but they go towards their goals.
  3. Turns towards the Mount of Apollo (near the ring finger) - this indicates a talented person who will gain wealth with the help of his abilities.
  4. Goes to the Mount of Mercury (near the little finger) - the owner of the trait will have a lot of money thanks to the ability to talk and make the right deals. But such a trait can mean money obtained through deception or theft.


Not everyone has a triangle of money in their palm, but with the help of work anyone can achieve prosperity.

It is very important to pay attention to different signs, but it is not always possible to correctly understand their meaning. Regardless of whether the signs are large or small, they can mean future prosperity.

People who want to learn about fate resort to a science such as palmistry, and this especially applies to the brightest moments of their life’s journey. Based on rich experience, first of all, when resorting to the services of palmists, a person asks questions about life expectancy, health, happiness in love, and, of course, the main question, will there be money? Let us examine in more detail what palmistry, the wealth line and other banknotes are.

No matter what anyone says, a happy life is partly related to financial well-being. Only wise men or people who have nothing to lose can live with the slogan about a happy life, without prosperity. A normal person dreams of living a full life, since we are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones.

With the help of such a simple science as palmistry, everyone can find out their financial situation. What is palmistry, the line of wealth on the hand, what banknotes should you pay attention to will be discussed below.

Note. There is no specific trait that is responsible for monetary well-being. Such symbolism is readable thanks to the individual lines that create it. There are certain signs that you need to pay special attention to.

Is the money line a myth or reality?

If there is no special thread responsible for finances, we will consider the location of other roads in order to understand and study our palm.

First of all, 4 main features are considered:

  1. Life's road.
  2. Fateful thread.
  3. Mental road.
  4. Heart line.

These main lines will determine the signs of wealth on the hand (palmistry).

How to determine wealth by life thread?

First, let's turn to the main line on the palm - life. If the line is long and deep, it indicates a person who has the potential to achieve success or has definitely achieved something. In any case, the owner knows exactly what he wants.

I can tell about a person’s numerous successes with small lines extending upward. If such symbolism is discovered at the initial stage of life, then you have an extremely confident person.

Note. If such symbolism is complemented by the fact that the life line runs independently of the mental line and has a distance of several millimeters, then you have a successful person. Such people know how to make money and 100% of their lives are prosperous.

What can you learn from the line of fate?

The fateful trait plays an important role in the vision of financial potential. But this trait is not predictable; throughout life it can disappear and appear again.

Many people do not have it at all, but if its presence is nevertheless detected, this may mean the following:

  1. Fateful events are happening in your life.
  2. If the line is clear and straight, then you are a purposeful person and are trying to achieve your goals. It is this quality that defines successful people who try to live comfortably.

Note. For successful people, this road is located at a certain distance from the life line and goes straight and clearly to the index or middle finger.

It is with such features that the line of wealth or success in the palm indicates the internal potential of a person and the achievement of financial results. Such people know what they want and have a fairly high level of social status.

Talented people can be identified by double or even triple fateful traits. If 2 or 3 traits disappear simultaneously with life, then all achievements and success will come to a person only thanks to his own efforts and life position. If the line ends with a fork, then a prosperous and well-fed old age awaits the fortuneteller.

Note. If at some point you discover the disappearance of a fateful trait, then the goal and cash flows will be lost.

Related material:

A few more signs of wealth on the thread of fate

Money is indicated by small processes and lines of wealth on the hand, from the line of success towards the little finger and index finger, as in the photo. The deeper and clearer these lines are, the more cash flows will come into your life.

If the branch goes to the middle finger, then money comes only through great hard work.

Wealth line, palmistry according to the signs of the mental road

The thread line also shows some signs of wealth, let's note them.

These three lines clearly reflect wealth and success. Even if one line is observed, this also portends the achievement of a set goal and financial success.

Note. If you see that the branch goes to the little finger, the person is practicing risky financial transactions, and this also indicates a commercial streak.

Additional material on the topic:

"Golden signs" on the soul line

A fork extending to the index sign indicates high social status. People with such symbolism, by definition, cannot have a poor life.

Also, if there are lines going up on the line, then they are an indicator that affects wealth.

Palmistry, line of success and wealth, how to find it on your hand?

Our brain acts as an artist who paints his canvas on his hands. The main lines, as a rule, are not corrected, but you have to take care of the secondary threads and signs. They are gradually adjusted throughout life, depending on circumstances. How can you determine success and wealth in your own hands?

  1. We look for all the lines and signs related to financial potential.
  2. We analyze their location to each other and to the main lines.
  3. Let's draw conclusions.

Note. It is impossible to know from the lines how much money you will have and at what exact moment a stable financial situation will be achieved. But it is quite possible to obtain information about the potential opportunity and what path can be taken to achieve such stability.

Fortune telling by hand, wealth by signs and lines

A line from the thumb to the index finger is discovered and a symbol in the form of a five-pointed star is obtained. The owner simply has a gift from God to make money out of thin air. For such people, nothing is impossible and simple ways for financial transactions always appear.

The combination in the photo with a continuous line up to the little finger portends unexpected wealth to the owner. Such happiness literally falls from the sky (an inheritance or winning the lottery).

A line running across the entire palm to the middle finger. The owner will become rich through his efforts and natural gifts. Success will come through creating your own business or career growth.

An additional feature that crosses the line of mind and fate. It is also a great signal of financial success. Monetary achievement will come through your own goals and ideas and their implementation. Such people do not rely on “Lady Luck”, but rely only on their ingenuity and brainstorming.

Note. All of the above signs indicate signs of wealth. Palmistry also provides other monetary signs.

Other monetary signs

If the hand is completely covered with deep short lines and dashes, then this is a rather favorable sign, indicating financial potential from birth.

Such people know how money is made, but help from other sources is not excluded.

The line of the sun or Apollo and its possibilities

If a direct and clear thread of Apollo is revealed, then fame and money will enter life at the same time.

The thread is uneven and winding, this indicates the fortuneteller’s instability (ups and downs). Holders of this symbol are not recommended to engage in business.

If a star is observed based on the trait, then this indicates not only a successful rise in business, but also the ability to withstand competitors. Such people maneuver well in critical situations and make the right decisions.

The line is absent, interrupted or very faintly visible on the hand, “alas”, financial luck is not on your side. But this does not mean that there will be no money at all. Owners of such a palm are simply hardworking; they will have to work hard, but you should not rely on luck and easy money.

Note. Remember that your destiny is in your hands, even if you do not have banknotes. It is important to make every effort and the path will not be as easy as for the lucky ones.

What does the famous money triangle tell us?

Surely, many people know or have heard what palmistry is, a triangle of wealth in the palm of your hand. This is the most powerful symbolism in determining financial well-being.

Note. The favorite place of the “golden sign” is in the very center of the palm. The formation of a banknote occurs due to the intersection of the main lines (mind and fate), and the 3rd additional line closes it.

Such a symbol should be clear, not blurry, and closed with a distinct line. The larger the size of this sign, the greater the welfare of its owner. If the symbolism can be seen on both hands, then this is 100% wealth. The fact of finding a triangle within a triangle indicates that the owner will become successful through investing.

Let’s not ignore a situation that most often occurs in everyday life. The triangle is not complete, i.e. consists of the line of mind and fate, and the third line is absent or barely visible. This means that your finances are always floating away from you.

Hands of successful people with transcript

As an example, let’s look at the hands of successful people and look at the lines in more detail to see how it all looks. You can join me in comparing your palm with the examples given.

In this example, notice how the main lines are directed and where they end. The picture shows the hand of a very rich person, the lines, like road signs, are directed exactly where you can achieve the highest monetary level:

  1. The thread of mind and life are significantly distant from each other, indicating independence and freedom.
  2. The fateful line is deep, clear and regular, moving towards the index finger.
  3. The correct branch departs from the line of fate and goes to the little finger.
  4. And on the thread of the sun there is a star, which is located on the line of life.
  5. Next, the correct genetic line is visible.

Note. All these lines of wealth on the hand (palmistry) are clearly and clearly expressed, which clearly indicates the client’s enormous potential and, first of all, his desire for financial success.

Another example with interesting signs

In this palm, wealth can be identified by the hills and points where the line of life, fate and the sun intersect.

The hand tells us something like this: is the person himself interested in material values?

The thumb will tell you about this:

  • Paying attention to the phalanges, we determine: if the first and second are the same, then the owner has logic and willpower in equal shares.
  • If the lower part is longer than the first, then the owner talks and talks more than acts.
  • Next, you need to pay attention to the line of the head, which is responsible for mental abilities.

Note. The last thing to pay attention to is how reliable the money triangle is. If it is closed on 3 sides, then the financial situation will be stable.

What prevents you from becoming successful and rich? What do poor people's signs look like?

After inspecting all the lines, analyze some of the signs that impede cash flow:

  • Crosses under the little or middle finger indicate difficult financial problems that a person will have to face.
  • Very flexible hands and fingers will tell about a person’s wastefulness and lack of ability to handle money.
  • A short thread of the head with dotted lines indicates a lack of business acumen and intuition, which is essential in business.
  • Hills that are poorly visible indicate a lack of energy and lack of business acumen.

Lucky lines on the hand of wealth, who is fortune's favorite?

In a nutshell, the billionaire’s Apollo thread on his right hand extends from the line of love and ends on the corresponding hill with a fork. This sign indicates that a person has had a great desire to be popular and rich all his life.

Guus Hiddink, famous Russian coach. A powerful shovel-shaped hand, stiff fingers, indicate a strong-willed personality. Such people are able to make any dream come true. The Mount of Jupiter speaks of clearly expressed ambitions.

The thread of the sun and Saturn begins from the vital line and passes through fate on the Mount of Apollo. Holders of such symbolism will achieve success in any field.

We secure the material, all banknotes on the palm

Studying palmistry on your own for free will allow you not only to get to know yourself, but also eliminate the need to seek the services of palmists. The minimum price for work is 2000 rubles. Professional services reach up to 50,000 rubles and it is not a fact that you will get a comprehensive result for yourself.

So, about monetary symbols:

  1. The long little finger (as in photo “a”) was not previously mentioned. If the little finger is higher than the bend of the ring finger, then in front of you is a person with excellent intellectual abilities and the ability to organize commercial activities.

  1. No gaps were found between the fingers. People know how to manage finances wisely, which has a good effect on well-being.

  1. The development and depth of the main lines foreshadows success and wealth in palmistry. The developed threads will tell you in which direction you can realize yourself:
  • Mercury thread, realize yourself in the area of ​​your own knowledge.
  • The line of the sun will tell you that you can realize yourself thanks to your talents and creative approach to work.

  • The dominant fate line will indicate that you need to use your life purpose and the reward will be ensured.
  • The lines of fate and mind will tell you about the owner’s potential, which can be used for well-being.
  1. Branches from the life line. Before interpreting vertical lines, pay attention to the very structure of the life thread. If it is deep and clear, then the time range of events can be determined from the branches, and the directions to the hills will indicate these events.

Note. That the strength of success in this case depends on the line of fate, which during the implementation of the plan should be directed towards the index finger.

  1. The line of fate or luck can tell a lot. If the thread goes up to the center of the middle finger, then the person really wants to achieve financial heights. A slight shift towards the index finger only intensifies the desire. Outgoing branches will indicate which direction will help you achieve financial well-being. A fork or trident at the end will tell its owner that financial well-being will be achieved only in adulthood.

  1. A clear and deep line of the mind without interruption, even if it is short, is still a good sign. These are people with excellent creative potential and quite practical, they know how to manage finances.

  1. "Golden" or money triangle. As mentioned above, this indicates prosperity. Only if all sides of the triangle are present.

  1. Interesting symbolism, which is called “money wind” by palmists (pictured at number 8). These are many small vertical lines located under the middle finger. Such people make money out of thin air, but do not earn much money.

  1. Sister lines for the life line. A clear vital line indicates excellent physical and psychological condition. Additional roads seem to protect the owner of the symbol from negative influences from the outside. If such a line of wealth is on the left hand, then this is generally wonderful.

  1. A pronounced mount of Jupiter with a star. An excellent combination and indicates a powerful, ambitious person.

  1. Triangle symbol on life line. A sign of easy money, but if the triangle is placed with its sharp side towards the thumb, and one side is located on the very thread of life. This could be an inheritance or marriage to a wealthy person. What exactly will be told by other signs and symbols.

  1. Vertical lines on the hill under the little finger. Indicates a constant small cash flow. It may also indicate the owner’s predisposition to science.

  1. A clear line was found between the ring finger and little finger, foreshadowing an inheritance.
  2. There is a trident on the line of the sun. Indicates the realization of talent, mainly in the field of art. The symbol is great, but it doesn’t always work like wealth.

  1. Rice line between the phalanges of the thumb. The deeper and longer it is, the more practical the life of a fortuneteller.

Well, in general, that’s all I would like to tell you about banknotes. I hope that this article, “Palmistry line of wealth in the palm of your hand,” will help you find your banknotes in your hands, and the video will clearly help you strengthen the material.

Will you be lucky in business or career, are you born for power and money - the lines on your palms will tell you about it

Chairman of the Russian Scientific Chirological Society, Candidate of Medical Sciences Boris AKIMOV.

In previous episodes, we, concerned about the onset of a new autumn wave of the financial crisis, turned to astrologer Alexei Penzensky for help. He helped us create a wealth horoscope for each zodiac sign. But if the stars only advise what to do to get rich, then the lines on your hands accurately indicate whether you are the favorite of fortune. The Chairman of the Russian Scientific Chirological Society, Candidate of Medical Sciences Boris AKIMOV told us about magical signs on the hands indicating wealth.

Palmistry - the science of interpreting skin patterns - has long ceased to be treated as quackery. Research by scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology at the University of Manchester (UK), who collected data on 30 thousand people of both sexes for 20 years, showed that there is a connection between a person’s fate and skin patterns. Moreover, health, intelligence and even a person’s character are encrypted in the lines on the palms from birth.

Some scientists believe that the reason information about a person is reflected on the hand is a direct connection between the hand and the brain.

“The hand is a reflection of the program that is written in our heads and is almost 90 percent inherited,” says Richard Lee, MD.

So, what figures on the palms mean a sign of wealth?

"Money Triangle"

“The main sign of material well-being is the so-called “money triangle,” chirologist Boris Akimov assured us. — It is formed by the lines of Fate, Head and Mercury (Health). The larger and clearer it is, the better. If the angles at the “tops” of the Fate and Head lines are unclear, then this person is not using his full potential. He clearly can earn more, but he is lazy. If there is a “weak angle” between the Head and Mercury lines, then this person does not know how to save money. They quickly disappear over little things.

If inside this large triangle there are additional lines and small triangles, it means that a person will always have different and numerous sources of income in life. And sometimes, as a rule, their money comes from, as they say, no one knows where.

With a very well-defined Head line going to the Mount of the Moon, and the absence of a Mercury line, the owner can quickly get rich solely thanks to his mind. If, at the same time, all the main lines on the hand are well expressed, but there are no small signs, then this is another pointer to a successful person.

Sometimes branches extend from the Head line towards the Mount of Mercury - these are the so-called “scoops of money”. Their owner knows how and what to do to make a good profit.

On the Life line there are small triangles directed at an acute angle to the thumb - this is a sign of easy money.

If you find a line between the little finger and ring finger directed towards the middle of the palm, rejoice! This is a sign of a great inheritance.

Hiddink's hand

Who holds the hands of fortune's favorites?

Guus Hiddink, Honored Coach of Russia

— Gus has a powerful spade-shaped palm with straight and hard fingers, which characterizes him as a strong, energetic personality, capable of making any of his dreams come true. The Mount of Jupiter is very convex - this is a sure sign of power and ambition. Also, the lines of Saturn and Apollo start from the line of Life and touch the lines of Luck on the Mount of Apollo. The owner of such an extraordinary pattern achieves success and wealth in any field.

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

— Abramovich’s line of the Sun on his right hand starts from the line of the Heart and ends with a fork on the hill. This means that the greatest desire of this person all his life was fame and money.

Two lines of Fate come from the hill of the Moon - this is a sign of a correctly chosen field of activity that brings him maximum income. And the very straight line of the Heart reveals him as a cold and selfish person who does not spare anyone in business.

And finally, completing the series of materials about signs of wealth, in the next issue of the weekly we will ask famous psychics: how to make fortune turn to face you even if you were not born under the happiest star and there is no “triangle of money” on your palms ?

Abramovich's hand.

All money passes through hands. Hands know about our financial condition in the past and future.

Dmitry Sharov

hereditary palmist

Take a closer look at their signs to understand why wealth is avoiding you. You may or may not believe in palmistry, but these signs still work!

No gaps between fingers

Money flows into the gaps in the closed palm like sand. You can avoid this: deal with spontaneous purchases - this scourge depletes your wallet more than any sign. Before the checkout, repeat the spell: If a purchase eats up at least a quarter of your salary, take a few days to think about it.

Welfare Triangle

The lines of fate, head and Mercury form a triangle of wealth. An even figure with deep lines promises the owner prosperity. Here's what it looks like:

Angle A is directed towards the Mount of Jupiter. He is in charge of his career. A break in the lines at this point indicates that money is coming in slowly. What to do. To attract the favor of the universe, value your work. Don't expect your boss to raise your salary himself. Talk to him about it. Don’t demand or blackmail them to leave—calmly explain how you benefit the company.

Angle B is directed towards the Mount of Mercury. A break in the lines in this place is a sign of a spender. You make good money, but the money goes to no one knows where.

What to do. Set a monthly spending limit. Write down all your expenses, save 10% of your earnings - you will be happy.

Angle C is directed towards the Mount of Venus. If the lines are interrupted on it, it means that all the money is spent on supporting loved ones. What to do. Make a family budget and arrange planned purchases in order of priority.

Triangle on the life line

A triangle with a base on the life line pointing to the thumb means the ability to make easy money. It is important to dispose of them carefully so as not to jinx the favor of fate. Here's what it looks like:

First line or heila

If the first line of the thumb follows a chain, there will be financial stability in life. Direct heila speaks of need:

Phala rekha

The name of the favorite sign of Indian palmists is translated as “rice line”. It speaks about the quality of a person’s life. A pronounced phala rekha speaks of the ability to find money in difficult times:

Star on the Mount of Jupiter

It is formed by at least five intersecting lines. The sign speaks of big money in the hands of a person:

Second bracelet

The lines on the wrist are called bracelets. The second one is responsible for financial stability. If the line is interrupted, you are having difficulty finding a new job:

What to do. To attract money, expand your professional skills. Explore related areas. A designer costs more if he knows the basics of website layout. A lawyer becomes a pro when he looks beyond his own area. A copywriter will find a job faster if he learns how to set up mailing lists.

Letter M

M means mani. And also the desire for development: