How to calculate shares in an apartment in fractions. How to calculate a fraction from a number. Methods for determining the share

A share is a certain number of equal parts into which the total whole is divided. Since in most areas of activity of our civilization today the decimal system of calculation dominates, it is most often customary to divide the whole into the number of parts derived from ten. The most commonly used is one hundredth - a percentage.

Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic "How to find a share in a percentage" How to convert grams to percentages How to find the percentage of the difference between numbers How to find what percentage a number is


If the value of a fraction is expressed in the format of an ordinary fraction, then this means that the whole, undivided value contains the number of fractions that is indicated in the denominator of the fraction. Calculate exactly how many percent are in each fraction by dividing one hundred percent (the whole number) by the number in the denominator of the fraction (the total number of fractions). Multiply the resulting value by the number in the numerator of the common fraction - this will be the desired percentage value. For example, if a share is expressed as a fraction 4/15, then there are 15 shares in total and each of them accounts for 100% / 15? 6.67%, and the desired value corresponds to 4 * 6.67%? 26.67%. Sometimes the fraction is expressed as a decimal fraction. Most often this number is less than one, but there are exceptions when the share is more than one hundred percent. In any case, the total integer is assumed to be equal to one, and to calculate the value of the fraction as a percentage, it is enough to increase the decimal fraction by a hundred times. For example, if it is expressed as the number 0.42, then the corresponding percentage value will be equal to 0.42*100=42%. The share can also be given in absolute units - in rubles, square meters, kilograms, etc. In this case, to calculate percentages, you also need to know the number expressed in the same units, corresponding to one hundred percent. Divide this number by a hundred to find out how many absolute units there are for each percentage, and divide the value converted to percentage by the result obtained. For example, if the share is equal to 40 square meters of housing with a total area of ​​120 m², then each percentage corresponds to 120/100 = 1.2 m². This means that the forty-meter percentage will be equal to 40/1.2? 33.3%. How simple

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A percentage of a number is a hundredth of that number, denoted 1%. One hundred percent (100%) is equal to the number itself, and 10% of a number is equal to a tenth of that number. Subtracting a percentage means reducing a number by some fraction. You will need a calculator, a piece of paper, a pen, and mental arithmetic skills. Sponsor

A percentage is one hundredth of some original value. This is a proportion, that is, a relative indicator that has no dimension (rubles, pieces, liters, etc.). In addition to simple operations of finding percentages, sometimes it is necessary to perform more complex ones - for example, dividing percentages by

A number that consists of one or many parts of one whole is usually called a fraction in mathematics and related sciences. The parts of a unit are called shares. The total number of parts in a unit is the denominator of the fraction, and the number of parts taken is its numerator. You will need - a sheet of paper; - pen; -

The word "percent" means a hundredth of a number, and a fraction is, accordingly, a part of something. Therefore, to determine the percentage of a number, it is necessary to find the fraction of it, given that the original number is a whole hundred. To perform this action you need to be able to solve proportions. Sponsor

A percentage is a relative unit of measurement that expresses the value of a certain fraction of a total whole compared to the number 100. A value written in fraction format also shows the ratio of the fraction (numerator) to the whole (denominator). This allows you to convert any number into a percentage, amounting to

Sometimes when solving problems it becomes necessary to express a fraction as a percentage. You can convert a decimal fraction, an ordinary fraction, a regular fraction, or an irregular fraction into a percentage. Let's look at how to do this. Sponsored by P&G Articles on the topic "How to express a number" How to find a percentage of a number How

Example 2: Parts of the total amount are on multiple lines

Imagine a data table like the previous example, but here the product data is spread across multiple rows in the table. You need to calculate what portion of the total amount is made up of orders for a specific product.

In this case we use the function SUMIF(SUMIF). This function allows you to sum only those values ​​that meet a specific criterion, in our case a given product. We use the result obtained to calculate the percentage of the total amount.

=SUMMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)/total sum

In our example, column A contains the names of products (Product) - this is range. Column B contains quantity data (Ordered) - this is sum_range. In cell E1 we enter our criterion- the name of the product for which the percentage needs to be calculated. The total amount for all products is calculated in cell B10. The working formula will look like this:


By the way, the name of the product can be entered directly into the formula:


If you need to calculate how much of the total amount comes from several different products, you can add up the results for each of them and then divide by the total amount. For example, this is what the formula would look like if we wanted to calculate the result for cherries And apples:


How to Calculate Percentage Change in Excel

One of the most popular tasks that can be performed using Excel is calculating the percentage change in data.

Excel formula that calculates percentage change (increase/decrease)

(B-A)/A = Percentage change

When using this formula when working with real data, it is very important to correctly determine which value to put in place A, and which one - in place B.

Example: Yesterday you had 80 apples, and today you have 100 apples. This means that today you have 20 more apples than you had yesterday, that is, your result is an increase of 25%. If yesterday there were 100 apples, and today there are 80, then this is a decrease of 20%.

So, our formula in Excel will work as follows:

(New value - Old value) / Old value = Percentage change

Now let's see how this formula works in Excel in practice.

Example 1: Calculate percentage change between two columns

Let's assume that column B contains the prices of the last month (Last month), and column C contains the current prices for this month (This month). In column D, enter the following formula to calculate the change in price from last month to the current month as a percentage.

This formula calculates the percentage change (increase or decrease) in price this month (column C) compared to the previous month (column B).

After you write the formula in the first cell and copy it to all the necessary rows, by dragging the autofill marker, do not forget to set Percentage format for cells with a formula. As a result, you should get a table similar to the one shown in the figure below. In our example, positive data that shows an increase is displayed in standard black, and negative values ​​(percentage decrease) are highlighted in red. For details on how to set up this formatting, read this article.

Example 2: Calculate percentage change between rows

In the case where your data is located in one column, which reflects information about sales for a week or month, the percentage change can be calculated using the following formula:

Here C2 is the first value and C3 is the next value.

Comment: Please note that with this arrangement of data in the table, you must skip the first row of data and write the formula from the second row. In our example, this will be cell D3.

After you write down the formula and copy it to all the necessary rows in your table, you should end up with something similar to this:

For example, this is what the formula would look like to calculate the percentage change for each month compared to the indicator January(January):

When you copy your formula from one cell to all the others, the absolute reference will remain the same, while the relative reference (C3) will change to C4, C5, C6 and so on.

Calculation of value and total amount based on a known percentage

As you can see, calculating percentages in Excel is easy! It is also easy to calculate the value and total amount using a known percentage.

Example 1: Calculating a value based on a known percentage and total amount

Let's say you buy a new computer for $950, but you need to add VAT of 11% to this price. Question - how much do you need to pay extra? In other words, 11% of the indicated cost is how much in foreign currency?

The following formula will help us:

Total * Percentage = Amount
Total * Percentage = Value

Let's pretend that total amount(Total) is written in cell A2, and Interest(Percent) – in cell B2. In this case, our formula will look quite simple =A2*B2 and will give results $104.50 :

Important to remember: When you manually enter a numeric value into a table cell followed by a % sign, Excel understands this as hundredths of the entered number. That is, if you enter 11% from the keyboard, then the cell will actually store the value 0.11 - this is the value Excel will use when performing calculations.

In other words, the formula =A2*11% is equivalent to the formula =A2*0.11. Those. in formulas you can use either decimal values ​​or values ​​with a percent sign - whichever is more convenient for you.

Example 2: Calculating the total amount using a known percentage and value

Let's say your friend offered to buy his old computer for $400 and said that it was 30% cheaper than its full cost. Do you want to know how much this computer originally cost?

Since 30% is a reduction in price, the first thing we do is subtract this value from 100% to calculate what fraction of the original price you need to pay:

Now we need a formula that will calculate the initial price, that is, find the number 70% of which is equal to $400. The formula will look like this:

Amount/Percentage = Total
Value/Percentage = Total Amount

To solve our problem we will get the following form:

A2/B2 or =A2/0.7 or =A2/70%

How to increase/decrease a value by a percentage

With the onset of the holiday season, you notice certain changes in your usual weekly expenses. You may want to make some additional adjustments to the calculation of your spending limits.

To increase the value by a percentage, use this formula:


For example, the formula =A1*(1+20%) takes the value contained in cell A1 and increases it by 20%.

To decrease the value by a percentage, use this formula:


For example, the formula =A1*(1-20%) takes the value contained in cell A1 and decreases it by 20%.

In our example, if A2 is your current expenses, and B2 is the percentage by which you want to increase or decrease their value, then in cell C2 you need to write the following formula:

Increase by percentage: =A2*(1+B2)
Decrease by percentage: =A2*(1-B2)

How to increase/decrease all values ​​in a column by a percentage

Let's assume that you have an entire column filled with data that needs to be increased or decreased by some percentage. In this case, you do not want to create another column with a formula and new data, but change the values ​​in the same column.

In this article we will look at various operations with interest. A fairly simple task, but very useful for beginners. In addition, Excel allows you to find percentages, add, delete, and so on much more conveniently than with a calculator, and allows you to work with a large amount of data at once. In this article you will learn how to find percentages of a number or amount, as well as what percentage a number is of another amount.

Task. There are data on employee sales, it is necessary to calculate the bonus, which currently amounts to 5% of the sales amount. That is, we need to find 5% of the number (employee sales).

For convenience, we will put the 5% bonus amount in a separate table, so that when changing, the data changes automatically. To understand how to calculate a percentage of a number, we can create a proportion.

We solve the proportion by multiplying the values ​​diagonally from x and dividing by the opposite number diagonally from x. The formula for calculating the amount (percentage of a number) will look like this:

So, to find 5 percent of the sales amount, write the formula in cell C2

We have described in detail the principle of calculating the percentage of the amount and the algorithm of actions. In general, to calculate the percentage of a number, you can simply multiply that number by the percentage divided by 100.

That is, in our case, the formula for finding 5% of the amount could be like this:

Very short and fast. If you need to find 15%, then multiply the number by 0.15 and so on.

This is the inverse problem. We have a number and we need to calculate how much the number is as a percentage of the principal amount.

Task. We have a table with data on sales and returns by employee. We need to calculate the return percentage, that is, what percentage is the return from the total amount of sales.

Let's also create a proportion. 35,682 rubles is all of Petrov’s revenue, that is, 100% of the money. 2023 rubles is a return - x% of the sales amount

We solve the proportion by multiplying the values ​​diagonally from x and dividing by the opposite number diagonally from x:


Let's write this formula into cell D2 and drag the formula down.

You must apply the format to the cells of the resulting results "Percentage", since x is calculated as a percentage. To do this, select the cells, right-click on any of the selected cells and select "Format", then select the tab "Number", "Percentage". This format will automatically multiply the number by 100 and add a percent sign, which is what we need. There is no need to write the percent sign yourself - use a format specially designed for this.

As a result, we will get the following result. Let's find how much the number (return) of the amount (sale) is as a percentage.

In this case, you can also make everything shorter. The principle is the following, if the task is to find “What percentage is the number...”. Then this number is divided by the total amount and a percentage format is applied.

How to find 100% of a known percentage value

Let's say we have data on returns in rubles and as a percentage of sales. Knowing this data, we need to find the amount of sales for each employee, that is, 100%.

We compose and solve the proportion. We multiply the values ​​diagonally from x and divide by the opposite number diagonally from x:

We write the formula in cell D2 and extend it down to other employees:

Let's say we have sales data for 2014 and 2015. You need to find out the percentage change in sales.

To find out how much sales have changed, you need to subtract the data for 2015 from the data for 2014.


We find that sales decreased (minus sign) by 9996 rubles. Now you need to calculate how much it is as a percentage. Our starting point is 2014. It is with this year that we compare how much sales have changed, so 2014 is 100%

We make up a proportion and solve it: multiply the values ​​diagonally from x and divide by the opposite number diagonally from x


Thus, the amount of sales in 2015 decreased (minus sign) by 28.02% compared to 2014.

Calculating the share is quite simple.

First of all, what is a share?

A share is a portion of something or a number. The value of a fraction can be expressed as a fraction, but it is most convenient to express the value of a fraction as a percentage.

What is percentage?

The concept of interest is related to the Latin word per cent, which means one hundredth. That is, a percentage is one hundredth of any value or number. And when they say that the share is equal to thirty-five percent, it immediately becomes clear that this share is thirty-five hundredths of any number.

To calculate the share, you must first find what one percent of the original number is equal to, and then, the value of the fraction must be divided by the value of one percent, and as a result we get the value of the fraction in percent.

Let's, for example, calculate what fraction the number thirty is from the number two hundred and forty.

First, let's calculate what one percent of two hundred and forty is equal to. To do this, divide the number two hundred and forty by one hundred, the result is 2.4, this is the value of one percent.

Now, to find the share, we divide the number thirty by the value of one percent, that is, by 2.4. As a result we get 12.5. This means that the number thirty is 12.5 percent of the number two hundred and forty.

In a similar way, you can calculate the value of any fraction as a percentage, for which you only need to calculate the value of one percent of the number, and then divide the value of the fraction by the value of this percentage.

It's simple!

How to calculate the mass fraction of elements in a substance

What's the problem?? ?

That's right, Rosreestr requires that the state duty be divided by the number of parties to the transaction:

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As far as I understand, in the end the entire apartment should go to you. If this is so, both upper calculations are incorrect!

How to solve fractions. Solving fractions.

In this article we will show you how to solve fractions using simple, understandable examples. Let's understand what a fraction is and look at solving fractions!

The concept of a fraction is introduced into mathematics courses starting in the 6th grade of secondary school.

Fractions have the form: ±X/Y, where Y is the denominator, it tells how many parts the whole was divided into, and X is the numerator, it tells how many such parts were taken. For clarity, let's take an example with a cake:

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In the first case, the cake was cut equally and one half was taken, i.e. 1/2. In the second case, the cake was cut into 7 parts, of which 4 parts were taken, i.e. 4/7.

If the part of dividing one number by another is not a whole number, it is written as a fraction.

For example, the expression 4:2 = 2 gives an integer, but 4:7 is not divisible by a whole, so this expression is written as a fraction 4/7.

In other words, a fraction is an expression that denotes the division of two numbers or expressions, and which is written using a fractional line.

If the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is proper; if vice versa, it is an improper fraction. A fraction can contain a whole number.

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For example, 5 whole 3/4.

This entry means that in order to get the whole 6, one part of four is missing.

If you want to remember how to solve fractions in 6th grade, you need to understand that solving fractions mostly comes down to understanding a few simple things.

  • A fraction is essentially an expression of a fraction. That is, a numerical expression of what part a given value is of one whole. For example, the fraction 3/5 expresses that if we divided something whole into 5 parts and the number of shares or parts of this whole is three.
  • The fraction can be less than 1, for example 1/2 (or essentially half), then it is correct. If the fraction is greater than 1, for example 3/2 (three halves or one and a half), then it is incorrect and to simplify the solution, it is better for us to select the whole part 3/2 = 1 whole 1/2.
  • Fractions are the same numbers as 1, 3, 10, and even 100, only the numbers are not whole numbers but fractions. You can perform all the same operations with them as with numbers. Counting fractions is no more difficult, and we will show this further with specific examples.

How to solve fractions. Examples.

A wide variety of arithmetic operations are applicable to fractions.

Reducing a fraction to a common denominator

For example, you need to compare the fractions 3/4 and 4/5.

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To solve the problem, we first find the lowest common denominator, i.e. the smallest number that is divisible by each of the denominators of the fractions without leaving a remainder

Least common denominator(4.5) = 20

Then the denominator of both fractions is reduced to the lowest common denominator

Answer: 15/20 If the material was useful, you can benefit our site by making a donation.

I have to admit that solving fractions is my favorite math activity. This is a topic I understand without question. You could say, don’t feed me bread, just let me solve the fractions)))

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I love fractions too. Multiplying and dividing them is a nice thing to do. In general, it seems to me that few people may have problems solving fractions, because everything is quite simple. There are a huge number of much more difficult things in mathematics than solving fractions.

I don't know how to solve fractions at all, but I have a little idea. And so I try to learn how to solve fractions like two and two are four as soon as possible. It’s easier for me to solve complex examples with formulas than to solve fractions!

It can be useful to remember what was once taught at school and was partially forgotten. And I personally discovered several new things for myself and I’m very glad. True, another question arose about whether something has changed in this case or not? Because I don’t remember everything and there is a clear opinion that the equations have already changed.

I've always loved splitting numbers. But here it turns out that in general it’s easier than ever to do all this, having just one whole value, which is not so difficult to simply divide into parts that will be needed.

It seems that everything is simple, but in the example with subtracting 1/4 I was confused. It's these fraction conversions for subtraction that confuse me.

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So these are still too simple fractions presented here with examples. I almost died when I looked at the exam tasks; I will never solve this myself.

Have you watched the video?! I personally really liked it, accessible, detailed, but brief. This is how math video lessons should be.

I agree, the video is good, but in general solving fractions is not the most difficult thing in mathematics!

To be honest, if I didn’t know what fractions are and how to solve examples with them, after watching the video, I wouldn’t understand what’s what.

(I know what and how to decide, I just wanted to remember)

What exactly would you not understand, Alla?

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I can’t solve 1/2-1/4 please explain in more detail

1/2-1/4=1*4-1*2/2*4=4-2/8=2/8(reduced by 2)=1/4

For me, nothing can be worse than fractions powers of 1 2 and fractions are hell

please help me I can’t figure out how to solve it

Nothing is clear at all. An explanation for those who went to school. I went to school. That's the difference. If I didn't go to school, then I have no chance of understanding and being able to solve fractions. Maybe someone can send me a link that explains more clearly how to do this. I don't have a mathematical mind. So if anyone knows, please help.

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Shares of inheritance. Calculation. Calculator

The testator's share in the property

As a rule, certain pieces of property are inherited: an apartment, a summer house, a car, etc. In most cases, the testator's share is not 100% because the property is joint. For example, the father owned a dacha together with his mother in equal shares, respectively, his share in the ownership of the dacha is 50% or ½ part. By the way, shares in property are most often expressed in simple fractions: 2/3, ¼, etc.

Share size

Indicate the size of the testator's share in the property. If the share is 100%, then indicate 1/1

Number of heirs

Indicate the number of heirs, including you. All heirs can be identified using the diagram.

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How to count shares of something

Modern man is often faced with rather difficult tasks, and the level of development of the information society implies the ability to solve them. Every educated person should solve problems involving calculating shares of something. Knowledge of the skills of calculating shares is often required in practice. A similar problem may appear in a cookbook or physics textbook. Meanwhile, learning to calculate shares is quite simple.

Calculator, Excel spreadsheet editor

Sponsor of the placement P&G Articles on the topic “How to calculate shares of something” How to determine the mass fraction how to calculate the mass fraction How to find the mass fraction

First, analyze the problem statement. You need to understand what exactly is required of you - an answer in the form of a percentage or a fraction.

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If the problem statement says that you need to calculate what part of the whole something is, then you are required to provide the answer in the form of a proper fraction (with a numerator greater than the denominator). To do this, both numbers (part and whole) must be integers. If one of them (or both at once) is represented by decimal fractions, multiply both by ten (or by 100, 1000, in general, until they become whole). Next, write the part above the fractional line, and the whole below it. It is advisable, but not necessary, to reduce the fraction (that is, divide the numerator and denominator by a common factor.

If we are told to calculate a share or asked to visualize numerical data, then we must give an answer in percentage. To do this, we repeat the previous step, then divide the numerator by the denominator (you can use a calculator or spreadsheet processor). Multiply the resulting decimal fraction by 100%.

To make the solution even more visual, you can create a chart in Excel. To do this, you need to enter the numbers: (part) and (integer “minus” part) into the cells of an empty table, then select these fields and use the chart wizard on the toolbar. Practice shows that the most informative are pie charts and histograms.

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To solve a problem with fractions, you need to learn how to do arithmetic with them. They can be decimals, but most often natural fractions with a numerator and denominator are used. Only after this can you move on to solving mathematical problems with fractional quantities. You will need -

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A number that consists of one or many parts of one whole is usually called a fraction in mathematics and related sciences. The parts of a unit are called shares. The total number of parts in a unit is the denominator of the fraction, and the number of parts taken is its numerator. You will need - a sheet of paper; - pen; -

An ordinary fraction is an expression of the form a/b, where a and b are numbers or algebraic expressions, with a called the numerator and b the denominator (which cannot be equal to zero). What do you need to do to multiply ordinary fractions? Sponsor of P&G placement Articles on the topic “How

Ordinary fractions are usually used where precise mathematical calculations are needed; decimal fractions are used more in everyday life. You will need - Calculator Placement sponsor P&G Articles on the topic “How to convert to a decimal” How to turn a fraction into a decimal How

Dividing a fraction by a whole number has practical implications. Let there be a large cake that has been cut into 12 pieces. Part of the cake was eaten and 7 pieces remained on the plate. As a fraction it looks like 7/12. Divide the remaining cake equally among 8 people. To do this, the fraction 7/12 must be divided by a whole

Often you have to divide something into parts, and those parts into which the whole is divided are fractions. In mathematics, there are several types of fractions: decimal (0.1; 2.5 and so on) and ordinary (1/3; 5/9; 67/89 and so on). It is ordinary fractions that are proper and improper. Sponsor

Fractions are a mathematical form of writing a simple rational number. It is a number that consists of one or more fractions of a unit, and can be in either decimal or ordinary form. Today, fraction conversion operations are of great importance not only in mathematics, but

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In everyday life, non-natural numbers are most often encountered: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. (5 kg of potatoes), and fractional, non-integer numbers (5.4 kg of onions). Most of them are presented in the form of decimal fractions. But representing a decimal as a fraction is quite simple. Sponsor of P&G placement Articles on the topic “How

A decimal is a type of fraction that has a “round” number in the denominator: 10, 100, 1000, etc., for example, the fraction 5/10 has a decimal notation of 0.5. Based on this principle, a fraction can be represented as a decimal. Sponsored by P&G Articles on the topic “How to represent a fraction in

An algebraic fraction is an expression of the form A/B, where the letters A and B stand for any numerical or alphabetic expression. Often the numerator and denominator in algebraic fractions have a cumbersome form, but actions with such fractions should be performed according to the same rules as actions with ordinary ones, where

Help! I'm stupid!! ! how to calculate the shares (in fractions) of the owners in an apartment.

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I can’t figure out how to collect all the numbers now! I'm stupid, sir. .

My train of thought was something like this: mother’s share 1/4 + (3/8: 2) = . Father's: 3/8: 2 = . And I don’t really understand what my daughter’s share turns out to be in the end. 3/8 + shares of mother and father. 0

The amount of state duty is calculated not on the shares that become property, but on the number of participants in the gift agreement.

Take the gift deed and do the math. The first thousand (the state fee for registering the agreement) is divided equally among all participants in the transaction. If you formalize the entire donation in one agreement, then its participants are mother, father and daughter, that is, three. So we divide 1 thousand into three, that is, 334 rubles each (we need to round up)

The second thousand (for registration of property rights) is divided by the number of people to whom property rights will be issued as a result of this agreement. In your case, one daughter. That means all 1 thousand is for her.

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But NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. In connection with the entry into force of amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on March 1 (Federal Law No. 302 of December 30, 2012), according to which a new article 8.1 was introduced, the registration of contracts concluded after March 1, 2013 is canceled, and therefore the payment of state duty for this is canceled. All that remains is registration of ownership.

That is, regarding your case. If the gift agreement is signed by you on March 1 and later, then you will pay 1 thousand in only one receipt (in the name of your daughter)

If the contract was concluded earlier, then 4 receipts, as I wrote above. (3 times 334 and 1 time 1000) is it possible to unite mother and father - 334 each, and daughter - 1334.

If the contract has already been printed in the PPF and signed, reprint it with a new date and save 1 thousand.

initial position before the donation transaction: mother - 7/16, father - 3/16, daughter - 6/16. one thousand rubles (for the transfer of rights) is divided among all participants in the transaction, in proportion to their shares in the property right: mother - 437.5 rubles, father - 187.5, daughter - 375. Registration fee. My daughter pays for the license. Since the mother and father give her inherited shares, 3/16 each, the daughter receives 6/16 as a gift, i.e. 3/8 (in fact, the share that once belonged to the son). Registration fee amount ownership is 375 rubles.

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How to calculate the share in an apartment - formula and instructions

Division of apartment by shares

The division in this case involves the allocation of an isolated room for one or several owners with the right to a common living area, for example, in a multi-room apartment, one of the residents is allocated a room. But there is also common joint property: bathroom, kitchen, hallway.

You can divide the apartment by agreement between all owners, for example, assign a certain room to each, while the other area will remain in common ownership.

In this case, you should write an application to the registration authorities, indicate your consent to certain shares, and then a certificate will be issued confirming ownership of a certain room in the apartment.

But if an agreement has not been reached, and there is a desire to own a certain premises, but not a share in the right of common ownership, then this can only be resolved in court.

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The court will consider all the circumstances of the case, and if it is possible to allocate a separate premises, it is likely that it will make a decision on this.

It is impossible to divide a one-room apartment into separate rooms, and that is why it can only be divided according to shares in the right of common ownership, since it is impossible to allocate a room in it that will have a separate entrance.

If a separate room is allocated with a smaller area than other rooms, then the owner whose room has a larger area makes monetary compensation.

Section on shares of communal apartment

Such an apartment is not inhabited by relatives at all, but by people who are strangers to each other, and the allocation of shares is based on the available space. Each share is registered and has its own certificate of ownership for a specific citizen or citizens, if a family lives in it.

Articles of the law

It is worth noting that having a share in an apartment means that its owner has rights to it, according to the established part of the apartment, that is, the share. The separation of shares from common law takes place on the basis of Article 252 of the Civil Code.

The rights and obligations of the share owner are enshrined in column 13 of the Code, in Art. 209 definitions are given:

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  • The owner of a share can own, use and dispose of it without restrictions.
  • The owner has the right to dispose of shares at his own discretion, not contradicting current legislation.

In Art. 247 defines the procedure for using shares in common property rights, and Art. 246 – right of disposal.

Article 245 defines equal shares in specific cases if a specific area cannot be allocated separately.

Agreement on determining shares

The agreement of the parties is the legal basis for allocating a certain share in a shared apartment; it must reflect:

  1. Date of.
  2. Information about all parties to the agreement: full name, civil passport details, place of permanent registration.
  3. Subject of the agreement: how, and in what shares, the common property will be distributed.
  4. Description of the apartment, its cadastral characteristics.
  5. The final allocation of specific shares: as a percentage of the entire area of ​​the apartment, one side has so many percentages, the other has so many percentages, and so on in relation to all owners.
  6. A clause stating that the shares can be redefined by a separate agreement with the consent of the parties.
  7. Determination of improvements carried out by the parties both in the entire apartment and in the share: they can be the common property of the parties or a specific owner.
  8. The owner of the share, at whose expense significant improvements to the apartment were carried out, has the right to count on an increase in the right to common shared ownership.
  9. If income is received from commercial activities, they can be distributed in accordance with the shares of each owner.
  10. Limitations on the right of disposal: the second party can dispose of its share only if agreement is reached.
  11. Determination of the right of first refusal to acquire a share.
  12. Conditions for terminating the agreement, allocation of a share in kind to each party or compensation in accordance with the shares.

Signatures of the parties to the agreement with transcript. Please note that in order to become the owner of a share under an agreement, it must be registered in the register of individuals, and only from the moment of registration it comes into legal force. If an agreement on determining the shares has not been signed, then they are considered equal.

How to correctly calculate the share in an apartment

Let's look at the example of calculating shares in an apartment with a total area of ​​71 m2, in which the rooms have an area of ​​10, 15 and 20 m2, and the area of ​​common areas is 28 meters:

  • For a room of 10 meters, the calculation procedure is as follows: the total area is divided by the area of ​​the room = 0.14 / 100 of the total area.
  • For a room of 15 square meters – 21/100.
  • For the 3rd room – 0.28.
  • The share of the total area - according to the same scheme will be 0.36.

The certificate of ownership specifies both the residential share and the common use share in the common apartment.

If the apartment is in common ownership, for example, for three people, then each of them will own an equal share, that is, the area of ​​​​the apartment is for three.


The share of each family member can be calculated using the formula, where the area of ​​an individual room is divided by the total area of ​​the apartment:

The owner's share is the result of dividing the area of ​​his premises by the area of ​​all premises in the apartment.


The apartment can be divided into shares by agreement of the parties, but if it is not reached, then in court.

As follows from the Civil Code, Article 245, ownership of an apartment implies common shared ownership, that is, it belongs to everyone in equal parts. But again, the same article determines that the share can be increased if someone made a larger contribution in relation to others living in the apartment.

Or, using personal funds, the properties of the apartment were changed for the better, for example, it was renovated in European style. Such an action cannot be separated from the home, and therefore the participant in the renovation has the right to request an increase in his share in the common property right with the consent of all owners. But if it is not achieved, then the share can be established in court.

If, nevertheless, all the owners came to an agreement on the allocation of a share, then it must either be registered or certified in a notary office; a verbal agreement has no legal basis.

Otherwise, a citizen interested in allocating a share applies to the judicial authority with a request to allocate a specific share, and the courts meet the plaintiffs halfway and allocate the share in court.

How to calculate the share in an apartment online

There are also such calculators on the Internet, if it is impossible to do the calculations yourself, for example, a website offers a similar service. You can determine your share as a percentage online, and then convert it from a decimal to a simple fraction, which will be the actual share.

How to calculate tax on an apartment share

It is worth knowing that the tax base rate is calculated based on the cadastral value of the property; it is usually indicated in the passport; the value of the share in the common property in the apartment is indicated.

If the cadastral value does not exceed 300 thousand rubles, then the tax rate is 0.1% of the value.

  • Up to 500 thousand rubles – up to 03%.
  • Over 500 thousand – up to 2%.

Rates are set by local governments, they can be either increased or decreased according to their decision: it all depends on the size of the share, the type of residential building or the purpose of use.

To find out the tax rate for a share, its size should be multiplied by the total value according to the cadastre, then the tax will be calculated only on a certain share, and not on the entire residential premises.

To receive a benefit, you must contact the tax office at the location of the property and present documents confirming receipt of tax exemption.

For questions regarding cooperation, please contact us by E-mail: .

Before practical application of the information posted on the site, consultation with a professional lawyer is required.

  • total area of ​​housing;

Calculator for calculating house shares in fractions

  • Up to 500 thousand rubles – up to 03%.
  • Over 500 thousand


  • total area of ​​the facility;
  • Division of apartment by shares ↓
  • Articles of the law ↓
  • Formula ↓
  • Instructions ↓

Paid tax The official registration of the share of each owner assumes that the tax will be calculated separately for each share of the apartment. In this case, the tax base rate is determined based on the cadastral value of the object. This is usually indicated in the cadastral passport of the object. The value of a share is determined in proportion to its size. When the cadastral value does not exceed three hundred thousand rubles, the tax rate is 0.1% of the value. The cost of a share up to five hundred thousand rubles leads to the calculation of a tax of up to 0.3%. If the value of a share is more than half a million rubles, the tax will be up to 2%. Tax rates are set by local governments and can either decrease or increase. Some categories of the population are exempt from taxation. For example, WWII participants or disabled people.

For example, when one of the co-owners has made a significant contribution to the improvement of housing, he has the right to receive a larger area. The agreement takes legal force from the moment of its registration in Rosreestr. In the absence of an agreement and division in court, by default the shares are considered equal.

  • total area of ​​housing;
  • the size of living space per owner.

Initially, the ratio of the total area of ​​the room to the living area of ​​each individual participant is calculated. The separate living area of ​​each owner is determined. Next, the collective use area is equally distributed among all owners.
Adding the values ​​allows you to find the area of ​​one owner's part.

How to calculate the share in an apartment in fractions?

The separation of shares from common law takes place on the basis of Article 252 of the Civil Code. The rights and obligations of the share owner are enshrined in column 13 of the Code, in Art. 209 definitions are given:

  • The owner of a share can own, use and dispose of it without restrictions.
  • The owner has the right to dispose of shares at his own discretion, not contradicting current legislation.

In Art. 247 defines the procedure for using shares in common property rights, and Art. 246 – right of disposal. Article 245 defines equal shares in specific cases if a specific area cannot be allocated separately.

How to calculate the share in an apartment in fractions

The inheritance calculator allows you to calculate your share of the inheritance. To calculate, you need to fill in three parameters. As a rule, certain pieces of property are inherited: an apartment, a summer house, a car, etc. In most cases, the testator's share is not 100% because the property is joint.
For example, the father owned a dacha together with his mother in equal shares, respectively, his share in the ownership of the dacha is 50% or ½ part. By the way, shares in property are most often expressed in simple fractions: 2/3, ¼, etc. Share size Indicate the size of the testator's share in the property.

If the share is 100%, then indicate 1/1 / Number of heirs Indicate the number of heirs, including you. All heirs can be identified using the diagram.

Shares of inheritance. calculation. calculator

How to calculate the share in an apartment online There are also such calculators on the Internet, if it is impossible to do the calculations yourself, for example, a website offers a similar service. You can determine your share as a percentage online, and then convert it from a decimal to a simple fraction, which will be the actual share. How to calculate the tax on the share of an apartment It is worth knowing that the tax base rate is calculated based on the cadastral value of the property, usually it is indicated in the passport, indicating the value of the share in the common property in the apartment. If the cadastral value does not exceed 300 thousand rubles, then the tax rate is 0.1% of the value.

  • Up to 500 thousand rubles – up to 03%.
  • Over 500 thousand

How to calculate shares in an apartment calculator


It is impossible to divide a one-room apartment into separate rooms, and that is why it can only be divided according to shares in the right of common ownership, since it is impossible to allocate a room in it that will have a separate entrance. If a separate room is allocated with a smaller area than other rooms, then the owner whose room has a larger area makes monetary compensation. Division by shares of a communal apartment In such an apartment, it is not relatives who live, but people who are strangers to each other, and the allocation of shares is based on the available area.

Each share is registered and has its own certificate of ownership for a specific citizen or citizens, if a family lives in it. It is worth noting that having a share in an apartment means that its owner has rights to it, according to the established part of the apartment, that is, the share.

How to calculate the share in an apartment - an example in fractions using the formula

  • total area of ​​the facility;
  • living space per each co-owner.

To establish the size of the share, the ratio of the total area of ​​the property to the residential area of ​​each participant is initially calculated. Then there is an equal distribution of the common area for each of the owners.

For example, there is an apartment with a total area of ​​90 square meters. m and 3 owners. In this case, each person is entitled to 30 square meters. m, since 90/3=30. In the next section we will give an example of calculating shares in an apartment based on the basic indicators of the total and living areas.
Joint ownership allows you to allocate part of the housing for each of the co-owners, and the presence of shared ownership allows you to redistribute existing shares or allocate new ones. Division or separation of individual units from common law is permitted in the following ways:

  • by mutual agreement of each owner of the object;
  • as a result of judicial proceedings.

The legislation establishes a fundamental difference between the concepts of division and allocation of shares. In the first option, the common rights are divided into two or more independent legal units, while as a result of the division, the common ownership of the object remains in force along with the emergence of a new independent unit.

In order to allocate the share of each family member in the common right to a property, it is necessary to take into account the rule according to which all participants in joint property have equal rights.

The presence of shared ownership allows you to distribute existing shares or allocate new ones. The issue of establishing shares by law can be resolved in two ways - by drawing up a peace agreement or through court proceedings. When the participants can independently adopt a single resolution, then all they have to do is properly fix certain shares.

How to correctly calculate the share in an apartment yourself online in 2018

To do this, documents for the apartment and a document defining the share of each individual owner are submitted to the registration authority. When the parties argue and cannot resolve the issue calmly, the only solution is to go to court. If a claim is filed by a citizen who wishes to allocate his share in the common law, then the court makes a decision on the allocation of the share in kind or monetary compensation for the price of the share.

ConsultMill legal advice How to calculate the share in an apartment - formula and instructions Contents:

  • Division of apartment by shares ↓
  • Section by shares of communal apartment ↓
  • Articles of the law ↓
  • Agreement on determining shares ↓
  • How to correctly calculate the share in an apartment ↓
  • Formula ↓
  • Instructions ↓
  • How to calculate the share in an apartment online ↓
  • How to calculate the tax on the share of an apartment ↓
  • Ask a lawyer a question → free consultation ↓

Division of an apartment by shares Division in this case involves the allocation of an isolated room for one or several owners with the right to a common living area, for example, in a multi-room apartment, each of the residents is allocated a room. But there is also common joint property: bathroom, kitchen, hallway.
If agreement cannot be reached, the issue will be resolved in court. Return to content ○ What rights are transferred to the owner of a share in the apartment? After allocating the share, the owner receives the following rights:

  • Possession, use and disposal of your part of the apartment:

The owner has the right, at his own discretion, to take any actions in relation to his property that do not contradict the law and other legal acts and do not violate the rights and legally protected interests of other persons, including alienating his property into the ownership of other persons, transferring to them, while remaining the owner, the rights possession, use and disposal of property, pledge property and encumber it in other ways, dispose of it in another way (Clause 2 of Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Paid tax The official registration of the share of each owner assumes that the tax will be calculated separately for each share of the apartment. In this case, the tax base rate is determined based on the cadastral value of the object. This is usually indicated in the cadastral passport of the object. The value of a share is determined in proportion to its size. When the cadastral value does not exceed three hundred thousand rubles, the tax rate is 0.1% of the value. The cost of a share up to five hundred thousand rubles leads to the calculation of a tax of up to 0.3%. If the value of a share is more than half a million rubles, the tax will be up to 2%. Tax rates are set by local governments and can either decrease or increase. Some categories of the population are exempt from taxation. For example, WWII participants or disabled people.

How to calculate the share in an apartment formula and instructions

For example, when one of the co-owners has made a significant contribution to the improvement of housing, he has the right to receive a larger area. The agreement takes legal force from the moment of its registration in Rosreestr. In the absence of an agreement and division in court, by default the shares are considered equal.

  • total area of ​​housing;
  • the size of living space per owner.

Initially, the ratio of the total area of ​​the room to the living area of ​​each individual participant is calculated. The separate living area of ​​each owner is determined. Next, the collective use area is equally distributed among all owners.
Adding the values ​​allows you to find the area of ​​one owner's part.

How to calculate the share in an apartment in fractions?

The separation of shares from common law takes place on the basis of Article 252 of the Civil Code. The rights and obligations of the share owner are enshrined in column 13 of the Code, in Art. 209 definitions are given:

  • The owner of a share can own, use and dispose of it without restrictions.
  • The owner has the right to dispose of shares at his own discretion, not contradicting current legislation.

In Art. 247 defines the procedure for using shares in common property rights, and Art. 246 – right of disposal. Article 245 defines equal shares in specific cases if a specific area cannot be allocated separately.

How to calculate the share in an apartment in fractions

The inheritance calculator allows you to calculate your share of the inheritance. To calculate, you need to fill in three parameters. As a rule, certain pieces of property are inherited: an apartment, a summer house, a car, etc. In most cases, the testator's share is not 100% because the property is joint.
For example, the father owned a dacha together with his mother in equal shares, respectively, his share in the ownership of the dacha is 50% or ½ part. By the way, shares in property are most often expressed in simple fractions: 2/3, ¼, etc. Share size Indicate the size of the testator's share in the property.

If the share is 100%, then indicate 1/1 / Number of heirs Indicate the number of heirs, including you. All heirs can be identified using the diagram.

Shares of inheritance. calculation. calculator

How to calculate the share in an apartment online There are also such calculators on the Internet, if it is impossible to do the calculations yourself, for example, a website offers a similar service. You can determine your share as a percentage online, and then convert it from a decimal to a simple fraction, which will be the actual share. How to calculate the tax on the share of an apartment It is worth knowing that the tax base rate is calculated based on the cadastral value of the property, usually it is indicated in the passport, indicating the value of the share in the common property in the apartment.

How to count fractions

If the cadastral value does not exceed 300 thousand rubles, then the tax rate is 0.1% of the value.

  • Up to 500 thousand rubles – up to 03%.
  • Over 500 thousand

How to calculate shares in an apartment calculator


It is impossible to divide a one-room apartment into separate rooms, and that is why it can only be divided according to shares in the right of common ownership, since it is impossible to allocate a room in it that will have a separate entrance. If a separate room is allocated with a smaller area than other rooms, then the owner whose room has a larger area makes monetary compensation. Division by shares of a communal apartment In such an apartment, it is not relatives who live, but people who are strangers to each other, and the allocation of shares is based on the available area.

Each share is registered and has its own certificate of ownership for a specific citizen or citizens, if a family lives in it. It is worth noting that having a share in an apartment means that its owner has rights to it, according to the established part of the apartment, that is, the share.

How to calculate the share in an apartment - an example in fractions using the formula

  • total area of ​​the facility;
  • living space per each co-owner.

To establish the size of the share, the ratio of the total area of ​​the property to the residential area of ​​each participant is initially calculated. Then there is an equal distribution of the common area for each of the owners.

For example, there is an apartment with a total area of ​​90 square meters. m and 3 owners. In this case, each person is entitled to 30 square meters. m, since 90/3=30. In the next section we will give an example of calculating shares in an apartment based on the basic indicators of the total and living areas.
Joint ownership allows you to allocate part of the housing for each of the co-owners, and the presence of shared ownership allows you to redistribute existing shares or allocate new ones. Division or separation of individual units from common law is permitted in the following ways:

  • by mutual agreement of each owner of the object;
  • as a result of judicial proceedings.

The legislation establishes a fundamental difference between the concepts of division and allocation of shares. In the first option, the common rights are divided into two or more independent legal units, while as a result of the division, the common ownership of the object remains in force along with the emergence of a new independent unit.

In order to allocate the share of each family member in the common right to a property, it is necessary to take into account the rule according to which all participants in joint property have equal rights.

The presence of shared ownership allows you to distribute existing shares or allocate new ones. The issue of establishing shares by law can be resolved in two ways - by drawing up a peace agreement or through court proceedings. When the participants can independently adopt a single resolution, then all they have to do is properly fix certain shares.

To do this, documents for the apartment and a document defining the share of each individual owner are submitted to the registration authority. When the parties argue and cannot resolve the issue calmly, the only solution is to go to court. If a claim is filed by a citizen who wishes to allocate his share in the common law, then the court makes a decision on the allocation of the share in kind or monetary compensation for the price of the share.

ConsultMill legal advice How to calculate the share in an apartment - formula and instructions Contents:

  • Division of apartment by shares ↓
  • Section by shares of communal apartment ↓
  • Articles of the law ↓
  • Agreement on determining shares ↓
  • How to correctly calculate the share in an apartment ↓
  • Formula ↓
  • Instructions ↓
  • How to calculate the share in an apartment online ↓
  • How to calculate the tax on the share of an apartment ↓
  • Ask a lawyer a question → free consultation ↓

Division of an apartment by shares Division in this case involves the allocation of an isolated room for one or several owners with the right to a common living area, for example, in a multi-room apartment, each of the residents is allocated a room. But there is also common joint property: bathroom, kitchen, hallway.
If agreement cannot be reached, the issue will be resolved in court. Return to content ○ What rights are transferred to the owner of a share in the apartment? After allocating the share, the owner receives the following rights:

  • Possession, use and disposal of your part of the apartment:

The owner has the right, at his own discretion, to take any actions in relation to his property that do not contradict the law and other legal acts and do not violate the rights and legally protected interests of other persons, including alienating his property into the ownership of other persons, transferring to them, while remaining the owner, the rights possession, use and disposal of property, pledge property and encumber it in other ways, dispose of it in another way (Clause 2 of Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

How to calculate shares in an apartment online calculator

Dividing the land of the plot into 1/2, and the house into 2/3 and 1/3 - is this possible?

Lenova 13-08-2017 06:22

Good afternoon everyone, tell me, is it possible to divide a house into 2/3 and 1/3 on a plot divided by 1/2 in SNT? The plaintiff has grounds for deviating from the principle of equality of shares, the defendant objects by blaming the fact that earlier in another lawsuit the land of the plot was divided into 1/2 (according to the claim of the same plaintiff), therefore the house should also be divided. Can the plaintiff again file for a new division of land due to the fact that he was not aware of his rights to 2/3 of the property or can the plaintiff get 2/3 of the house on 1/2 of the land? Thank you

Cazador 14-08-2017 18:54

Everything is possible. It’s better to start by studying a textbook on legal theory, or whatever they give you at your law school, than registering on a weapons forum and waiting for ready-made solutions.

Lenova 14-08-2017 19:10quote:Originally posted by Cazador:

Lenova 14-08-2017 19:43quote:Originally posted by Cazador:
Everything is possible. It’s better to start by studying a textbook on legal theory, or whatever they give you at your law school, than registering on a weapons forum and waiting for ready-made solutions.

Thank you, but what does the law school have to do with it, I’m just a client of civil proceedings. But thank you. But I would like to go into more detail, I saw very detailed answers here at your Ganz legal consultation

Cazador 15-08-2017 12:53

First, you need to decide on the concepts of the words that you use to describe the situation.

on a plot divided by 1/2 in SNT

What do you mean by "divided area"? Is it divided by a fence, either with a certain court or agreement for the use of common property, or after the allocation of a share in kind?

quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

divide the house into 2/3 and 1/3?

Again, depending on what you mean by "divide"

quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

The plaintiff has grounds to deviate from the principle of equality of shares, the defendant

This principle applies if the shares in the common property right are not determined. If this is so, then we need to know the legal nature of this common property.

quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

can the plaintiff get 2/3 of the house on 1/2 of the land?

The size of shares in the ownership of a house does not necessarily correspond to the size of shares in the ownership of a land plot and vice versa is the same.

This is true, in general.

Lenova 15-08-2017 18:48

Thank you very much for the last answer. 1. The shares of the plot were determined by the court without allocating in kind, without determining the order of use (it is planned to file a claim based on the order of use, since the defendant is preventing) 2. Divide by court decision in shares, without allocating in kind (again - for now, then we will see)3 The question of different shares of land and plot arose because the defendant, with reference to a bunch of laws, is trying to prove that it is impossible to divide the house 2/3 for the plaintiff and 1/3 for the defendant, since the house must be divided in half as well as the land on which it is built.

Cazador 16-08-2017 10:11quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

2. Divide the court decision in shares, without separating in kind (again - for now, we’ll see later)

Either you are formulating it incorrectly, or it is impossible to “divide” the house in shares without allocating it in kind. The allocation of a share in kind is a division. However, parts of the house do not necessarily have to be physically separated from each other. The rest is the definition of the procedure for using common property.

quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

The question of different shares of land and plot arose because the defendant, with references to a bunch of laws, is trying to prove that it is impossible to divide the house 2/3 for the plaintiff and 1/3 for the defendant, since the house must be divided in half as well as the land on which it is built.

In principle, this is possible. There is no prohibition. Another thing is how a specific court will decide in your specific situation.

Lenova 16-08-2017 15:11

Now, dear adviser, I don’t understand you, the plaintiff filed a claim for the division of the house as joint property: he asks, respectively, 2/3 for the plaintiff, 1/3 for the defendant, with arguments from the SKRF when the court can deviate from the principle of equality of shares (about the right and not the obligation of the plaintiff I know). The defendant in his withdrawal of claims asks the court to divide in half as in most cases of division of joint property. according to SKRF. In principle, there are families where the plot is divided into 3 parts, and the house into two, but they are relatives, not ex-spouses, and they divided it not by a court decision, but peacefully by a notary. On the other hand, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation also applies to family law, right? Regarding the division of the house in shares: if the plaintiff does not declare the allocation of a share in kind, then the court will not fulfill it, it will simply divide it virtually either in half or into 2/3 and 1/3, isn’t it? Thank you.

Polymachus 16-08-2017 18:44

Not to divide the property, but to determine the shares of the owners in the general ownership of the property.

Cazador 17-08-2017 14:36quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

the plaintiff filed a claim for division of the house as joint property: requests accordingly

This is what should have been written about from the very beginning, that we are talking about the “Division of jointly acquired property of spouses.” Then it would be clear which “section” we are talking about.

In this case and in your particular case, the court may divide the property not necessarily in equal shares. Yes, according to the general principle, the property of the spouses is divided equally, but situations are different, the composition of the property is different, etc. and so on. Theoretically, both this disputed house and the disputed plot can be transferred into the ownership of one of the spouses, and other property or monetary compensation can be transferred to the other. There are a lot of options and it will be difficult for you to find an answer in an online consultation with such meager data.

If we are talking about the division of real estate as the common property of spouses (a house and a plot in your case), then its division will be

quote:Originally posted by Polymachus:

and determine the shares of owners in the general ownership of the property.

quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

Regarding the division of the house in shares: if the plaintiff does not declare the allocation of a share in kind, then the court will not fulfill it

The allocation of shares in kind is from another opera, which I gave as an example of what people mean by “dividing a house.”

quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

It will just virtually divide it either in half or into 2/3 and 1/3, won’t it?

Lenova 17-08-2017 19:47

Thank you very much for your patience; it seemed that if you write about a section, then it is clear to everyone that it is about the SKRF. Yes, of course, it WILL DETERMINE THE SHARE, and not divide it - sorry for the terminology, I’m an amateur! And the last question, it was, in principle, stated at the very beginning, the plaintiff can again file a claim for the division of the land not in half, but in 2/3 and 1/3, due to the fact that the defendant owns a bunch of real estate/engines and has moved into another region for permanent residence? Zenkuyu

Cazador 18-08-2017 11:20quote:Originally posted by Lenova:

And the last question, it was, in principle, stated at the very beginning, the plaintiff can again file a claim for dividing the land not in half, but into 2/3 and 1/3

If a court decision has already been made on this issue, that is, on the issue of determining shares in the right of common ownership and it (the decision) has entered into legal force, then no, it cannot. No, quite literally, he can file, but the court will have to refuse to accept this claim, since there is already a court decision on this issue that has entered into legal force.
But theoretically, of course, there may be nuances. For example, newly discovered circumstances.

Lenova 18-08-2017 18:02

thank you Mr. Cazador for the comprehensive answers

Polymachus 08/18/2017 20:20quote: And the last question, it was, in principle, stated at the very beginning, the plaintiff can again file a claim for division of the land not in half, but in 2/3 and 1/3, due to the fact that the defendant has a bunch of real estate/engines and moved to another region for permanent residence?
This circumstance is not a basis for changing shares in ownership. Lenova 19-08-2017 19:30

thanks again!

The share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building of the owner of the premises in this building is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​​​the specified premises (Part 1 of Article 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

This norm is borrowed from the Federal Law “On Homeowners' Associations” with some modifications.

How to calculate shares in an apartment in fractions

In accordance with Art. 9 of this law, the share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building of the owner of the premises in this building was established either by force of law or by agreement of the homeowners (proprietors) reached at a general meeting of premises owners.

The share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​the premises owned by right of ownership in an apartment building, if adopted before the entry into force of Federal Law No. 189-FZ of December 29, 2004 “On the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” the decision of the general meeting of premises owners or other agreement of all participants in shared ownership of common property in an apartment building does not establish otherwise. In other words, if the share of premises owners in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building was previously established by the general meeting of owners in accordance with the Federal Law “On Homeowners' Associations,” then it is preserved.

After March 1, 2005, the share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building is determined only in accordance with Art. 37 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The principle of establishing a share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building, set out in Part 1 of Art. 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is mandatory.

Establishing the share of the owner of the premises in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building is necessary to bear in proportion to his share of the mandatory expenses for maintaining the common property in an apartment building (Part 2 of Art.

39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), as well as for voting at a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

The share of the owner of the premises in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building is calculated using the following formula:

D = S (owner’s premises) / S (all premises in an apartment building),

Where, D is the share of the owner of the premises in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building;

S (owner’s premises) – the total area of ​​residential or non-residential premises belonging to a specific owner of the premises;

S (all premises in an apartment building) – the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building that are individual property (except for common property premises).

Information about the total area of ​​residential or non-residential premises belonging to a specific owner of the premises is contained in the owner’s title documents and in the passport for the building or premises. Also, this information can be obtained in the prescribed manner from an organization that carries out technical accounting of real estate (BTI) or an organization that carries out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

Information about the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building is contained in the technical passport for the building or the passport of the household.

Share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building of the owner of the premises:

– follows the fate of ownership of the specified premises (Part 2 of Article 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);

– when the ownership of premises in an apartment building is transferred from one owner to another, it does not change (Part 3, Article 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);

– cannot be isolated in kind (clause 1, part 4, article 37 of the RF Housing Code);

– cannot be alienated separately from the right of ownership of the premises (Clause 2, Part 4, Art.

37 Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that the legal regime of common ownership of common property in an apartment building differs markedly from the legal regime of property in shared ownership, regulated by civil legislation (Articles 246, 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The legal regime of common shared ownership of common property in an apartment building is not subject to the following provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

– paragraph 2 of Art. 246 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - a participant in shared ownership has the right, at his own discretion, to sell, donate, bequeath, pledge his share or otherwise dispose of it in compliance with the rules provided for in Art. 250 Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

– paragraph 2 of Art. 247 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - a participant in shared ownership has the right to be provided for his possession and use of a part of the common property commensurate with his share, and if this is not possible, he has the right to demand from other participants who own and use the property falling on his share - appropriate compensation;

– paragraph 1 of Art. 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - when selling a share in the right of common ownership to an outsider, the remaining participants in shared ownership have a preemptive right to purchase the sold share at the price for which it is sold, and on other equal conditions, except in the case of sale at public auction.

When transferring ownership of premises in an apartment building, the share in the right of common ownership follows the fate of the premises. The terms of the agreement by which the transfer of ownership of premises in an apartment building is not accompanied by the transfer of a share in the right of common ownership of the common property in such a house are void.

A transaction concluded in non-compliance with these requirements (Article 38 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) is invalid from the moment of its completion and does not entail legal consequences, except for those associated with its invalidity.

If the transaction is invalid, each party is obliged to return to the other everything received under the transaction, and if it is impossible to return what was received in kind (including when what was received is expressed in the use of property, work performed or service provided) - to reimburse its value in money, unless other consequences of the invalidity of the transaction are provided for by law (Article 167 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A claim to apply the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction can be brought within 3 years from the day on which its execution began (Article 181 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Previous article:Legal nature of common property in an apartment building Next article:Determination of the share of votes of the owner of premises in an apartment building

Interest— a convenient relative measure that allows you to operate with numbers in a format familiar to humans, regardless of the size of the numbers themselves. This is a kind of scale to which any number can be reduced. One percent is one hundredth. The word itself percent comes from the Latin "pro centum", meaning "hundredth part".

Interest is indispensable in insurance, finance, and economic calculations. Percentages express tax rates, return on investment, fees for borrowed funds (for example, bank loans), economic growth rates, and much more.

1. Formula for calculating the percentage share.

Let two numbers be given: A 1 and A 2. It is necessary to determine what percentage of the number A 1 is from A 2.

P = A 1 / A 2 * 100.

In financial calculations it is often written

P = A 1 / A 2 * 100%.

Example. What percentage is 10 of 200?

P = 10 / 200 * 100 = 5 (percent).

2. Formula for calculating the percentage of a number.

Let the number A 2 be given. It is necessary to calculate the number A 1, which is a given percentage P of A 2.

A 1 = A 2 * P / 100.

Example. Bank loan 10,000 rubles at 5 percent interest. The interest amount will be.

P = 10000 * 5 / 100 = 500.

3. Formula for increasing a number by a given percentage. Value with VAT.

Let the number A 1 be given. We need to calculate the number A 2, which is greater than the number A 1 by a given percentage P. Using the formula for calculating the percentage of a number, we get:

A 2 = A 1 + A 1 * P / 100.

A 2 = A 1 * (1 + P / 100).

Example 1. Bank loan 10,000 rubles at 5 percent interest. The total amount of debt will be.

A 2 = 10000 * (1 + 5 / 100) = 10000 * 1.05 = 10500.

Example 2. The amount excluding VAT is 1000 rubles, VAT 18 percent. The amount including VAT is:

A 2 = 1000 * (1 + 18 / 100) = 1000 * 1.18 = 1180.


4. Formula for reducing a number by a given percentage.

Let the number A 1 be given. We need to calculate the number A 2, which is less than the number A 1 by a given percentage P. Using the formula for calculating the percentage of a number, we get:

A 2 = A 1 - A 1 * P / 100.

A 2 = A 1 * (1 - P / 100).

Example. The amount of money to be issued minus income tax (13 percent). Let the salary be 10,000 rubles. Then the amount to be issued is:

A 2 = 10000 * (1 - 13 / 100) = 10000 * 0.87 = 8700.

5. Formula for calculating the initial amount. Price without VAT.

Let a number A 1 be given, equal to some original number A 2 with an added percentage P. We need to calculate the number A 2 . In other words: we know the monetary amount including VAT, we need to calculate the amount excluding VAT.

Let us denote p = P / 100, then:

A 1 = A 2 + p * A 2 .

A 1 = A 2 * (1 + p).


A 2 = A 1 / (1 + p).

Example. The amount including VAT is 1180 rubles, VAT 18 percent. Cost without VAT is:

A 2 = 1180 / (1 + 0.18) = 1000.


6. Calculation of interest on a bank deposit. Formula for calculating simple interest.

If interest on a deposit is accrued once at the end of the deposit term, then the amount of interest is calculated using the simple interest formula.

S = K + (K*P*d/D)/100
Sp = (K*P*d/D)/100

S is the amount of the bank deposit with interest,
Sp - amount of interest (income),
K - initial amount (capital),

d — number of days of accrual of interest on the attracted deposit,
D is the number of days in a calendar year (365 or 366).

Example 1. The bank accepted a deposit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles for a period of 1 year at a rate of 20 percent.

S = 100000 + 100000*20*365/365/100 = 120000
Sp = 100000 * 20*365/365/100 = 20000

Example 2. The bank accepted a deposit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles for a period of 30 days at a rate of 20 percent.

S = 100000 + 100000*20*30/365/100 = 101643.84
Sp = 100000 * 20*30/365/100 = 1643.84

7. Calculation of interest on a bank deposit when calculating interest on interest. Formula for calculating compound interest.

If interest on a deposit is accrued several times at equal intervals and is credited to the deposit, then the amount of the deposit with interest is calculated using the compound interest formula.

S = K * (1 + P*d/D/100) N


P—annual interest rate,

When calculating compound interest, it is easier to calculate the total amount with interest, and then calculate the amount of interest (income):

Sp = S - K = K * (1 + P*d/D/100) N - K

Sp = K * ((1 + P*d/D/100) N - 1)

Example 1. A deposit of 100 thousand rubles was accepted for a period of 90 days at a rate of 20 percent per annum with interest accrued every 30 days.

S = 100000 * (1 + 20*30/365/100) 3 = 105 013.02
Sp = 100000 * ((1 + 20*30/365/100) N - 1) = 5 013.02


Example 2. Let's check the formula for calculating compound interest for the case from the previous example.

Let's divide the deposit period into 3 periods and calculate the interest accrual for each period using the simple interest formula.

S 1 = 100000 + 100000*20*30/365/100 = 101643.84
Sp 1 = 100000 * 20*30/365/100 = 1643.84

S 2 = 101643.84 + 101643.84*20*30/365/100 = 103314.70
Sp 2 = 101643.84 * 20*30/365/100 = 1670.86

S 3 = 103314.70 + 103314.70*20*30/365/100 = 105013.02
Sp 3 = 103314.70 * 20*30/365/100 = 1698.32

The total amount of interest, taking into account the calculation of interest on interest (compound interest)

Sp = Sp 1 + Sp 2 + Sp 3 = 5013.02

Thus, the formula for calculating compound interest is correct.

8. Another compound interest formula.

If the interest rate is not given on an annual basis, but directly for the accrual period, then the compound interest formula looks like this.

S = K * (1 + P/100) N

S—deposit amount with interest,
K - deposit amount (capital),
P - interest rate,
N is the number of interest periods.

Example. A deposit of 100 thousand rubles was accepted for a period of 3 months with monthly interest accrual at a rate of 1.5 percent per month.

S = 100000 * (1 + 1.5/100) 3 = 104,567.84
Sp = 100000 * ((1 + 1.5/100) 3 - 1) = 4,567.84