6 swords health. Inverted lasso in a business layout. Significance in matters of health

Upright Six of Swords Meaning

Have a nice trip, move. Escape from danger, help, help, a sigh of relief. Changing the situation for the better, difficulties will remain in the past.

  • good news, travel (on water, over water), errand, flight
  • finding a new, positive outlook on the world, moving, a better future

The Six of Tarot Swords predicts the coming of better times for the Client. Urgent problems and difficulties will be left behind as a result of mental rather than physical work. But we must take into account the weakening of the positive qualities of the card, typical for Swords. Troubles are still ahead for the Client, and the transition to a new stage in life will not be easy. However, the worst has already passed. The six swords tarot card also speaks of a long journey, probably across the sea.

The six swords tarot card signifies a journey in an uncertain direction. Changes with unknown results. Message received. Escape, reprieve. A change that may allow you to repay your enemy. Sometimes this card brings good luck, despite previous defeats.

Reversed Six of Swords Meaning

Some kind of declaration, declaration of love, revelation of a secret. To move forward, you need to deal with old problems. Otherwise, you'll be tripping over them all the time.

  • discovery of truth - disclosure, someone's confession, declaration of love
  • confession, confession; possibly a love proposal, a surprise
  • immobility, procrastination, temporary relief

In the wrong orientation, the Tarot Six of Swords can also show that the Client refuses to face the challenges facing them. Temporary half-hearted measures will lead to a short-term improvement in the situation, but the source of difficulties will remain. The root problem must be recognized and resolved before moving forward.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

Now everything is beginning to change, but it is not yet clear whether for the better or for the worse. Perhaps you will go on a trip, receive a guest, or receive a message. Whatever happens, you are slowly coming out of the bad situation you recently found yourself in. Note that the meaning of the six swords tarot card also includes a "declaration of love" - ​​either in a romantic sense, or in the sense that someone will offer you their sincere devotion. If you really have to travel from one place to another (as opposed to a change of mental or emotional orientation), then most interpreters agree that it will probably be on water (or, given modern possibilities, over water).

The 6 of Swords Tarot card has an extremely ambiguous meaning. Even a qualified tarot reader may have difficulty interpreting the layouts with the mysterious six. Therefore, it is always worth carefully analyzing the decryption in order to come to the right decision.

card board in this case: remember that even after a colossally huge black bar, you need to keep moving forward. There comes a period of rehabilitation, during which you will fully restore strength and be filled with vital energy.

Reversed card meaning

The meaning of the card changes if it falls to the fortuneteller upside down. Of course, the interpretation will almost always have a negative connotation.

For example, the planned business will be associated with serious costs for you - both financial and emotional. You will lose a lot of time and energy, and the result will be useless.

That's why board card: do not strain and do not throw all your strength into the matter. Abstract, observe events as if from the outside, but do not take an active part in them. Sooner or later, everything will work out and return to normal, to the usual track.

6 of Swords Tarot: Meaning in Relationships

The Six of Swords Tarot card has the following meanings in relationship layouts:

  • Changes are coming that will affect both your inner world and external circumstances. It can be like a negative outcome of events: divorce, separation, loneliness. So positive: you will restore relations with your loved one, improve relations with your current partner, meet love.
  • For a lonely person, the Six of Swords promises the birth of a strong, happy and long-term relationship with a future. Where this perspective will be directed is up to you. You can enjoy the feelings that have appeared and leave fears in the past - everything will turn out well
  • It is also likely that you will become dizzyingly attractive to the opposite sex, even if you were not before.

card board: Do not perceive any situation as negative. The situation is always neutral - only your attitude gives it an emotional color. So, for example, breaking up with your current partner can be a way out of a relationship that is destroying you, thanks to which you will make room for your real other half.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Tarot card 6 of Swords:

Card Combinations

In combination with other Tarot cards, the Six can manifest its following meanings:

  • Arcana Jester. There's a long road ahead. Perhaps you will radically change your place of residence or go on a long journey. Get ready to pack. Uncertainty and a lot of new experiences await you
  • Arcanum of the Empress. The personification of the birth of a new life. Probably the appearance of a baby, a pregnancy that will be difficult and painful
  • Page of Wands. To a fateful acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. It won't necessarily lead to a relationship, but it will definitely change your life.
  • Emperor. Happy changes are coming in personal and business relationships. It will be possible to overcome difficulties, cope with chronic problems, life will enter a new, happy stage
  • Death. The combination with this card promises pleasant changes. It is important to accept them and not resist. Then you can count on tremendous success

To summarize: The Six of Swords Tarot is a card of change. Moreover, they will touch on that sphere of life, which is especially significant for a fortuneteller in a given period of time. And what will be - favorable or not very, depends only on your attitude to the situation. Do the right things and try to make the right decisions, guided by reason.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

A person will be visited by inspiration and creative insight.


Temporary separation, which will lead to the transition of relations to the next stage.


The card promises getting rid of the disease.


Job change.

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✚ For the future

The card does not carry any negativity, so you should not be afraid of it at all. In most cases, it is generally neutral, and the value depends only on the Tarot cards that are located next to it. But for health, there is great news that predicts a speedy recovery from a disease that has been tormenting you for a long time. However, there is a possibility that you will be tormented by various remorse, which will lead to a psychological breakdown.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

This card promises a rather unexpected development of events, but in any case, serious changes await the fortuneteller. If a person is now in a relationship, then development options can be very different - from entering a new life, living together or marriage, to parting. A couple should listen to each other in order to understand whether people are truly suitable for each other or together just because it is convenient. And for single people, the card is very successful: either a person will be able to enter into a new relationship, or he will begin to receive attention from the opposite sex in unprecedented volumes.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Rejection of old connections and habits, inspiration, travel or change of residence, various changes. Feeling some fear and insecurity caused by working on a new project; resolving various kinds of conflicts and disputes at work; incomprehensible and unreasonable decline in the monetary condition. Improving well-being and restoring inner strength. The distance between lovers, a possible break in relations and parting with a partner, new acquaintances. You are a timid person, unsure of your future. Try to leave the burden of the past behind and start living a new life!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of unjustified risks, revealed deceptions, reasonable suspicions. But it also speaks of insights, a clear understanding of the situation. Something unpleasant will be revealed, but it will benefit the questioner. It can also mean bad omens that you have to believe.

Tomorrow will bring clarification in difficult and unpleasant matters, the questioner will finally understand how to deal with troubles, how to get out of a stalemate.

It can also mean a turn to recovery after a long illness.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

If you are in a serious relationship, then small changes will come soon. Perhaps you will change your place of residence or go on a long-awaited joint adventure that will give you many positive impressions and memories that will warm your soul. If you do not have a permanent partner, you will soon meet an interesting person. Maybe it will be a foreigner. You will notice that he can give you a lot of new and unknown things. You will be very interested with him, because before that you did not feel such feelings for any person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Fortune is not on your side now. But she will not interfere, everything will go on as usual. However, this situation can change at any moment. You have enough strength to overcome obstacles, so start moving towards your desire according to a well-thought-out scenario. Do not lose optimism, and soon the Higher Forces will become your allies.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

There was an unexpected resolution of cases that seemed impossible. You feel indecisive. Obscure events are taking place, going beyond the boundaries of the familiar world, global changes. There was an opportunity to cope with major problems, to implement bold and extraordinary solutions.

Luck is on your side, but there may not be enough resources and determination to get the job done. But most likely, success in business awaits you, even if the chances were negligible. Complete failure will occur only with indecision.

Get rid of old habits and get out of your comfort zone so that everything ends well!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The meaning of the Six of Swords is perfectly described by the phrase kindred spirits. In a relationship, everything promises to be smooth and without quarrels. The main thing for partners is mutual understanding, and it will make up this connection. Such a union will not be passionate and sharp, but it will exude home comfort. The wedding, of course, will take place, the partners will be happy together, and family life will bring only positive emotions.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

A person has lost his peace due to irretrievable losses, he does not know that they are incomparable with those acquisitions and gifts that await him.

Now the circumstances are unfavorable, but the Guardian Angel gives a feeling of confidence in future successes. The deprivation will not last long. Give up the old way of life without fear - a new path to great victories awaits you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

The arrival of relatives or friends will help defuse the tense situation that has developed with your chosen one. There will come a time of respite and rest, which will benefit everyone. Your man will become calmer and draw the right conclusions. Wait for an interesting offer, for example, a weekend trip to nature. You will feel that it is time to readjust and be more tolerant of your loved one. Reconciliation will definitely take place.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Cheating

Secret connections on the side have a periodic course. The possibility of such meetings depends on external circumstances (business trips, delays at work, etc.). However, serious changes are coming in your relationship.

They can be both positive and destructive. Your connection can get stronger, relationships will be fully restored, and lies and betrayals will remain in the past. Or vice versa, parting awaits you ahead. But this card is not negative. Even a breakup can be the start of a new happy relationship.

A full description of the map is available at

There are no completely positive and negative cards in the Tarot deck. Even the Tower, which is scary for many, has a moderately optimistic potential. 6 swords (Tarot) meaning is more mundane. This is a map of small, mostly constructive changes. However, she is not always able to cancel the destructive meaning of the major arcana, generally foreshadowing the presence of a way out of a problem situation. Difficult? Let's take a look at what 6 swords (Tarot) brings to the alignment in a given situation, how it works in various combinations and combinations.

general characteristics

The Six of Swords is a simple card. She talks about upcoming changes. After nervousness and worries comes the time for calm analysis. Many interpreters associate the lasso of 6 swords (Tarot) with a logical approach. Its value, of course, depends on the situation, is determined by neighboring cards. He can talk about the road ahead. In principle, this is how the card is interpreted, considering everyday issues. In a deeper sense, this lasso portends changes in life. Man in the recent past has gone through a rather difficult period. It was a certain lesson that was learned one way or another. It's time to analyze your position, harvest and move on. This lasso speaks specifically about movement in physical or mental space. The situation will no longer be the same. By the way, it is often compared to the course of a river. In the same water, as the classic said, they do not enter twice. It is this life situation that our lasso symbolizes. Either in the inner world or in the outer world, irreversible changes have taken place. They can be both evil and beautiful. But you will have to adapt to them, look for your place in new circumstances. This lasso is considered generally positive. A person develops constantly, passing through various periods. He needs to overcome obstacles, withstand pressure or give a fight. But there are also calm periods filled with harmony. This is what the six of swords hints at.

The meaning of the inverted lasso

The changes are not understood by the client. He does not want to accept them and follow the predestined path. The reversed card speaks of this. Another option - a person does not have the strength to cope with a difficult situation. He was in an impossible situation. This does not mean that there are no solutions. They exist, but the client does not see them or rejects them. In the ordinary sense, our lasso in an inverted form speaks of an unsuccessful road. Possible problems with transport, natural disasters associated with water. You may have to face flooding, an exacerbation of the disease that will cause suffocation. The meaning of the lasso is the inability to continue the intended journey. The obstacle was not overcome. We'll have to learn this lesson all over again. A person will remain in a dead end for some time until he analyzes the current situation anew. It is necessary to calm down and develop a different approach to the problem. In certain situations, the lasso indicates a lack of information or narrow-mindedness. Changes in life at the moment are unlikely. You need to return to the starting point in order to re-develop a position, choose a different tactic and strategy. Sometimes the lasso of six swords speaks of undesirable disclosure of secrets for the client.

Tarot Card 6 of Swords Relationship Spread (Upright)

When questions related to love are of interest, our lasso should be classified as positive. It guarantees the normal development of relations if there are no destructive cards nearby, such as Towers or Three of Swords. People trust each other so much that they are ready for closer contact. If you are dating, you can start planning your honeymoon. When married - the appearance of offspring is likely. Something subtly changes for the better. People are satisfied with the current state of affairs, they want more. But they do not expect a gift from fate, but they themselves actively create a favorable environment for the development of the union. In some cases, one can assume some pleasant surprise prepared by a partner. This is evidenced by the lasso of 6 swords (Tarot). Relations will be strengthened, become closer, more harmonious. Sometimes the lasso portends a real journey together. It will also help to get to know your partner more deeply, to feel his affection in a different way. In general, the lasso is good for love. It is especially positive for someone who is just planning to enter into a relationship. The six of this suit confirms that the choice was made correctly. There are many wonderful days ahead. Details should be determined by neighboring arcana. For example, a combination of 6 swords - Strength (Tarot) encourages a more active manifestation of feelings. But one should act gently, enveloping the probable panther with tenderness and affection. And if the World stands with our six, a quick marriage will follow. He will be very happy. If the Devil follows our lasso, the partner of the fortuneteller is an economic person, but devoid of romance. Don't think it's stupid. The husband will turn out to be excellent, although he will sometimes criticize his wife for excessive spending. When the Tower follows the Six of Swords, get ready for a break in relations. It will be fast and furious. The pain will be followed by a new spring in the soul, but with another person.

The meaning of the inverted lasso in the love layout

The appearance of our six in such a position is undesirable. Partner selected incorrectly. The fortuneteller feels betrayed. His soul is torn between the desire to maintain the current state of affairs and the need to follow his beloved. Falling out in the "past" position, the six of swords speaks of an unresolved problem. Certain circumstances interfere with the development of relationships. It could be resentment or betrayal. The partners could not correctly assess what happened, which prevents them from achieving harmony. The chance for luck is lost or moved to the future. It is necessary to analyze the neighboring arcana. If a three and a six of swords fall between the blanks, a stormy showdown is ahead, which in no case should be abandoned. Partners have accumulated so much negativity that it should be thrown out so as not to get sick. With the right approach, the problem can be solved without a break. A favorable outcome in this scenario is indicated by the World, the Star, the Lovers, the Popess. If the partner's card is the Emperor, caution is advised. This person is not inclined to forgive insults. He considers it quite normal to take out his failures, failures, even far-fetched problems on his beloved. The combination says that the fortuneteller connected life with an ordinary vampire.

The influence of the lasso in a direct position on the business alignment

The fortuneteller enters a rather positive career period. This has a 6 of swords (Tarot) meaning. Work seemed to be going well. Now the man has to do something new. Neighboring arcana will determine the prospects for moving to another position (service station). If all of them are positive, then the fortuneteller will receive a long-awaited offer. His activity, decisiveness, and initiative were liked by superiors. They decided that the person deserves more, which will be announced soon. In this case, our six portends a chance for good luck. In a negative environment, she also speaks of excellent prospects. However, a person is afraid of change, not sure of his abilities. The described lasso appears to support the fortuneteller, to relieve him of fear. Changes were ripe, he himself strove for them. It's time to step onto the bigger stage. Failure in this case means degradation. If there is a new job nearby, it will be more profitable. The appeared Magician portends the acquisition of certain knowledge and experience related to modern technologies. If the six is ​​followed by the Moon, a clash with mystery lies ahead. Most likely, the fortuneteller will receive exclusive information, the correct use of which will significantly improve his financial situation. In general, the lasso speaks of movement in the right direction. Fears should be discarded and agree to participate in a new project. Everything will surely work out. In addition, our six guarantee the support of colleagues and management at first, which will greatly facilitate the fate of the fortuneteller.

Inverted lasso in a business layout

The question was asked prematurely. The person is not yet ready for change. It is necessary to work on the completion of projects that have been started earlier. Somewhere a mistake was made that slows down development. The desired promotion is postponed indefinitely. Arkan speaks of an unfulfilled task that ruined the fortuneteller's reputation. The authorities or partners look askance at him, having ceased to trust. The situation should be corrected by re-doing the work for which he took responsibility. In addition, the inverted six portends failure on business trips. If she got into alignment, negotiations should be postponed or canceled. Success is currently impossible. In the Tarot deck, swords speak of the emotional component of the process. If they are turned upside down, negative forces dominate the fortuneteller. He plunges into an abyss of despair, not ready to face reality. The advice of our lasso: you should calm down. Nothing irreparable happened. If possible, take a vacation. But don't leave home. An inverted six does not guarantee a calm and successful road. She demonstrates fatigue from problems, lack of energy to solve them. If the Moon is near, the fortuneteller is deceived. The tower portends the loss of the current duty station (or partner). This will be an extremely unpleasant event, but it will provide invaluable experience. When our inverted six is ​​followed by the Devil in the same position, it is necessary to moderate your appetite. The fortuneteller shows stinginess in communicating with partners, which repels people from him.

Question about the situation (direct position)

Sometimes it is not necessary to consider a combination of cards so deeply. Let's take a look at what 6 swords (Tarot) brings to the situation. In an upright position, he says that a person has a chance for good luck. Whatever the question concerns, no obstacles are foreseen. We need to stop doubting the future. The fortuneteller acts correctly, has chosen the right position, is surrounded by true friends. Usually the lasso portends a certain trip associated with the situation. For example, you need to visit relatives, communicate with partners from another region. You need to get on the road. He will be successful and useful. The card also indicates that you will meet new people who will later become friends or partners. If the question was about a specific case, then it looks promising. Be sure to do what you planned. In general, the lasso speaks of the end of a period of excessive experiences. Experience gained, lessons learned, now you can relax. This does not mean a vacation, but a calm course of life, when everything turns out, as if by itself. In fact, this is the result of the work already done, many efforts and worries.

Layout for the situation (inverted position)

The fortuneteller feels like a swimmer struggling with a powerful current. Unpleasant situation. Most likely, a person has a negative experience that does not allow him to correctly assess the state of affairs. There is not enough information for this. If the inverted six appears in the layout, find someone who will help you. You can't deal with the situation on your own. Fighting "windmills" that exist only in your imagination will weaken, exhaust your strength. It is necessary to stop and think whether the direction is chosen. The moon standing nearby portends deceit. If the final card of the spread is the Emperor, there will be a clash with the authorities. The situation can turn out to be critical if you don't change your behavior. Also, don't go on the road. After this scenario, it is not recommended to drive a car. Accidents and catastrophes are possible. The fortuneteller needs rest, his nervous system is overstrained. But there is hope for the future. To see it will allow a more detailed analysis of the current situation. It should be carried out after you cope with the stress. Arcane recommendation - talk to people who love you. It is necessary to formulate fears in words in order to see them from the outside. So, you can find out that doubts and worries are far-fetched, have no real reason. It is good when the final card of the layout is the Four of Wands or the Sun. This is a sign of the end of the troubled period. Depression will be replaced by inspiration and joy.

6 Tarot swords: combination with other arcana

Not all combinations make sense to consider. Most of them are so individual that the meaning is determined depending on the situation. But there are stable combinations, the meaning of which does not vary too much. The Six of Swords in the upright position is strengthened by the following arcana:

  • the ace of cups is a perspective that takes life to a new level;
  • four of wands - inspiration, inspiration;
  • ace of pentacles - blessed fate;
  • Strength - determination, perseverance, intuition;
  • three of cups - joy that overwhelms the soul.

If our card falls out in a combination in an inverted position, then the positive meaning does not change, only the realization of hopes moves away. Weaken the lasso, give it a negative meaning:

  • nine of bowls - depression;
  • eight of the same suit - a change with an unpredictable result, fatigue;
  • four - apathy, indifference (bad for personal alignments);
  • ten of wands - struggle without support, inability to use chances, even the inability to notice them.

The given interpretations should be entered into the situation in order to correctly interpret the layout. For example, if they are guessing for love and see a four of bowls next to our six, it’s not worth talking about reciprocity. The partner is not interested in communication. He is indifferent to the fortuneteller. If instead of a four there is an eight of the same suit, then people are fed up with each other, they are drawn to other lands, away from their former beloved.

Card of the year

As a rule, minor arcana do not participate in divination for a long period. But sometimes they are used to clarify perspectives. If our six fell as the card of the year in a straight position, breathe a sigh of relief. Ahead is a positive period full of events and changes. You can take risks, but wisely. It is good to change jobs, start novels, go on business trips and travel. What they thought about will definitely come true, probably not in the way they thought. However, the results will please. But sometimes you will be overcome by doubts about the correctness of the decisions made. Arkan recommends extinguishing them in the bud. Bad events are not expected during this period. Even what is initially perceived as a nuisance will lead to success. Another thing is an inverted lasso. It portends a rather unstable situation, many questions that cannot be answered. There will also be no one to rely on in the fight. That is, the year will be problematic. Couples are advised to be more attentive to each other. Any disagreement can lead to a grandiose scandal up to a divorce. In the service, you should not rush forward. Perform duties calmly and scrupulously. It's too early to think about career growth yet. Use this time for spiritual growth. It won't work otherwise. All year you will have to overcome fears, solve problems, cultivate willpower and wisdom in yourself.


There are seventy-eight arcana in the Tarot deck. Each has its own meaning, having a positive and negative side. The investigated six is ​​no exception. However, it is considered a good card. The Six of Swords shows the possibility of moving forward. And it depends on the person what to do with it. There is always a chance for well-being and success, it is necessary, firstly, to see, secondly, to realize, and thirdly, to use it correctly. Maps won't help. They only give advice, warn of trouble. The rest is in the hands of the fortuneteller. Good luck!

Other names for the Six of Swords tarot card: Spades, Leaves, Shields, Spears, Guilt, Vini

The Six of Swords indicates changes through which we can reach new shores. As a "breakthrough" card, it is sort of in the middle between the joyful performance of the hero (the Chariot) and the sad farewell (Eight of Cups). Its specific meaning to a large extent depends on ourselves - on whether we rejoice at the upcoming changes, whether we are waiting for them, or, conversely, we are afraid. In any case, it symbolizes the path to the new shore, for which, however, you have to leave the old one. What awaits us ahead is unknown. Therefore, it also means the bitterness of parting, uncertainty, fears and worries, but also a certain curiosity and interest in what will be. It must be taken into account, however, that this "new shore" that awaits us ahead does not necessarily mean a physical movement from somewhere to somewhere; it can be the discovery of something new in oneself, the assimilation of new rules of the game, new norms of life, or acquaintance with other cultures and religions. In the Yijing and in mythology, crossing water always means a step from plurality to singularity.


"Celina". This can be both dismissal and transfer to another job, or the emergence of new tasks in the same place. In any case, the card shows that we will have to say goodbye to familiar activities and get acquainted with a new one, which usually inspires uncertainty, and even fear. If it were our will, we would prefer to keep at least one foot on the old shore until we get comfortable on the new one. However, the map shows us that parting with the old is an indispensable condition, without which the new coast will not open to us. This transition is always felt as a kind of "suspended" state, jitters, fear of failing the exam. However, as a rule, we can always count on the help of others, at least at first.


A gradual, cautious approach to new, previously rather alien to us ideas and ideas, usually under someone's wise guidance. The rejection of old ideas and views, the "transitional period", the uncertainty of the first steps of acquaintance with the new - this is the main meaning of this card.

Personal relationships and love

Changes, both external and, perhaps, purely internal. And the changes can be any. For example, parting with a former partner and the path to a new shore. Or, on the contrary, parting with previous ideas (for example, about the inevitability of one's own loneliness) and establishing a truly strong relationship with a partner. In any case, we will have to part with the old, familiar norms of life in order to move on to new ones that are not yet familiar to us.

inner meaning

Now everything is beginning to change, but it is not yet clear whether for the better or for the worse. Perhaps you will go on a trip, receive a guest, or receive a message. Whatever happens, you are slowly coming out of the bad situation you recently found yourself in. Note that the meaning of the six swords tarot card also includes a "declaration of love" - ​​either in a romantic sense, or in the sense that someone will offer you their sincere devotion. If you really have to travel from one place to another (as opposed to a change of mental or emotional orientation), then most interpreters agree that it will probably be on water (or, given modern possibilities, over water).

Combinations in other cards


4 of Wands: inspiration, celebration

Sun: vitality, enthusiasm

Strength: to judge with the heart, to be distinguished by the steadfastness of decisions

3 of Cups: spirituality, overflowing joy


9 of Cups: depression, sadness

8 bowls: movement, walk

4 of Cups: feeling of apathy, depression, indifference

10 of wands: pass by, fight alone



The science

Mercury in Aquarius

10°-20° Aquarius

Original Title: Lord of Deserved Success Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: two hands are extended from the clouds to the right and left, each of which holds three swords, similar to the daggers of Air - the tools of the Zealot Adept Minor. The swords converge in the center of the map. At their intersection, a red rose with five petals blooms, emitting white rays.

Color of Tiphereth on the Prince scale: the color of juicy salmon
Colors of Mercury on four scales: yellow; purple; grey; indigo with purple veins
Colors of Aquarius on four scales: violet; sky blue; bluish-lilac; white with a slight tinge of purple
Formula: Six (Tipheret) + Swords (Yetzira) + Mercury in Aquarius = SCIENCE.
In one of the chapters, we met with the small Rose and Cross, located in the center of the hermetic symbol of the Rose and Cross. I confidently named them the Rose and Cross of Genesis. It is they who are placed in the center of the Six of Swords, where six identical and symmetrical blades converge, focusing their analytical and recognizing power on the mysteries of being. This is Science. The austere beauty of this card hints that the radiant balance of Tiphereth endows the suit of Swords with a bit of nobility and sobriety that they need so much.

The formula that determines the nature of the card is as favorable as possible for the suit of Swords. The analogue of the world of Yetzirah in the human soul is the Ruach, that is, the mind. On the Tree of Life, the center of the Ruach is Tipheret.

Finally, Mercury, the airy planet, finds itself here in the fixed Air sign, Aquarius. From an astrological point of view, the owners of Mercury in Aquarius are distinguished by a sharp analytical mind and extraordinary ability to concentrate. In addition, they are extremely inquisitive and tend to consider each issue from different angles. In a word, these are real scientists.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

When we carry the burden of what we should and shouldn't do, imposed on us by others, we become like this ragged struggling man who is trying to climb a mountain. "Go faster, be harder, get to the top!" - shouts the stupid tyrant, whom he carries on his shoulders.

Direct position

If right now it seems to you that life is a struggle from the cradle to the grave, maybe it's time to straighten your shoulders and see if it's better without this type on your shoulders. You have your peaks to conquer, your dreams to make them come true, but you will never have enough energy for this until you free yourself from all the expectations that you have collected from others and now consider yours. Maybe they exist in your mind, but that doesn't mean they can't weigh you down. It is time to let go of the burden and invite them to go their own way.

The meaning of the card

The true life of a person is the path in which he is freed from the lies imposed on him by others. Disarmed, naked, natural, he is what he is. It is a matter of being, not of becoming. A lie cannot become the truth, a person cannot become your soul. You can't make the insignificant essential. The non-essential remains non-essential, and the essential remains essential, they are irreversible. The pursuit of truth is nothing more than creating even more confusion. There is no need to reach the truth. It cannot be reached, it is already there. You just need to drop the lies. All goals, ideals, ideologies, religions, corrections, improvements are lies. Beware of them. Become aware of the fact that in your current state you are a lie manipulated and cultivated by others. Chasing the truth means being distracted and procrastinating. This is how you hide lies. See it, see the lies of your personality. To see a lie is to stop lying. Stopping lies means no longer looking for the truth. The moment the lie disappears, the truth will emerge in all its beauty and radiance. When you see a lie, it disappears and what remains is the truth. (Osho)

The 6 of Swords card depicts a boatman carrying a woman with a child from one bank to the other. The sky above them is blue, which symbolizes calmness, peace and security. The appearance of this lasso in divination is a favorable sign. Consider the meaning of Tarot 6 in layouts and in combination with other arcana.



In the upright position, it indicates the changes that a person can come to through the manifestation of prudence and sanity. It is a symbol of dynamics, progress, progress, openness to new opportunities.

At the ordinary level, the six of swords symbolizes a way out of a difficult situation, the end of a difficult period in life, finding the right solution. If this card appeared in the layout, it often means the onset of calm, harmony and peace.

In the Thoth deck, the card symbolizes progress, science, change, thanks to which you will achieve what you want.

The new stage of life that predicts 6 swords is unknown and is still shrouded in mystery. However, the first step has already been taken, which means that no matter what new obstacles stand in the way of a person, he will be able to overcome them, since his decision to change something was conscious. He was ready to say goodbye to the past and start from scratch.

If the card describes a person, then it speaks of a self-confident person who is able to objectively assess himself and the current situation. Also, 6 swords in a direct position can indicate changes in a person’s character, a change in his priorities, plans and values.

upside down

If the card lay upside down, then this indicates a deadlock in which the questioner got into. In this case, 6 swords predicts failures, mistakes, the destruction of plans and the inability to achieve your goals. All attempts to fix something will be in vain.

The card suggests that the difficult situation in which the person fell was the result of his earlier mistakes. Also, the card can indicate problems that have arisen due to the habit of constantly postponing things for later and running away from problems. Reversed 6 of Swords - these are delays, delays, aggravation of the situation, lack of help and disruption of plans.

You should not take this card as something negative, since in addition to prediction, it also gives practical advice. The Six of Swords recommends returning to the starting position so as not to aggravate the problem even more.. You should not take any active actions in the matter of interest, otherwise everything will not go as planned.

If the lasso characterizes a person, then it speaks of such qualities as irresponsibility, inability to think clearly, selfishness, self-interest, wandering in the clouds, closeness.

Value in layouts

The interpretation of the lasso depends on the question of the fortuneteller and the purpose of the alignment. What is the meaning of 6 swords in divination for love, health, work and situation?


The Six of Swords is the path to recovery, healing, recovery from injury. If a person is concerned about health, then the card advises a change of scenery or even a move, as a change of place can have a positive effect on well-being.

However, if you recall the image on the map, it becomes clear that this symbol can not always promise a good outcome. A person crossing a boat from one coast to another can be the personification of the transition from the world of the living to the world of the dead. The interpretation of the map requires the connection of intuition and knowledge of the context of the situation.

Reversed 6 swords speaks of fear of open space, fear of moving and a problem with the respiratory system.

Love and relationships

Equality of partners, mutual respect, warm feelings and sincerity - this is what 6 swords speak of in divination. The map shows that everything is harmonious and calm in a couple, nothing portends troubles and major quarrels. Partners trust each other and are open to intimate conversations.

Also map may indicate the completion of a difficult stage in personal life and the beginning of a new path. It is best to interpret the lasso in the context of the situation, since it can speak of both reconciliation and a break in relations and the beginning of a new love.

If the question of the fortuneteller is connected with a new relationship, then 6 swords indicates the kinship of souls and the right choice. The person who appeared in the life of a fortuneteller will be able to give happiness and love.

For example, in the Casanova Tarot deck, the lasso indicates solitude, a common joint road.

In an inverted position, the lasso indicates disagreements between partners, as a result of which quarrels and even divorce are possible. Most likely, one of the partners does not want to put up with the decision of the second half. He puts obstacles to the realization of the plan. Also, the inverted 6 swords symbolizes fatigue from relationships, the desire to get rid of routine and routine.


The Six of Swords describes a situation in which everything that happens directly depends on the previous decisions of the questioner. Probably, at the moment, everything is not as good as we would like, but a person has the necessary resources to remove obstacles. Everything is now in the hands of the questioner.

The card gives advice not to close yourself off from the help of loved ones and use every opportunity to achieve a successful outcome of the situation. The main problem, most likely, lies within a person: it is difficult for him to say goodbye to the past and realize the need for change.


In the upright position, the lasso symbolizes career prospects, well-coordinated work, new ideas and opportunities. The Six of Swords describes a person who is able to think globally and take risks in order to achieve his goal. Success will come if the questioner begins to apply his knowledge and experience in practice and is not afraid to retreat from old strategies and principles of work in favor of new ones.

Another meaning of the card is the desire to work for yourself., open a business, the ability to take responsibility for their decisions.

Inverted 6 of swords speaks of the impossibility of making a career. A person limits himself, not noticing new opportunities and being afraid to lose what he has. He is too cautious, so he marks time in one place for a long time.

Combination with other Tarot

When divining, it is important to take into account the manifestation of the lasso of interest with other Tarot cards. Consider a combination of 6 swords with major and minor arcana.

With Major Arcana:

  • Jester- moving, the need to change the place of residence.
  • Mage- New acquaintances.
  • Priestess- change of priorities, discovery of secrets.
  • empress- Deterioration of health, difficult pregnancy.
  • Emperor– change of work, willingness to correct mistakes.
  • Hierophant- search for oneself, manifestation of compassion.
  • lovers- the need to make an important decision.
  • Chariot- search for your life path.
  • Force- accumulation.
  • Hermit- manifestation of abilities.
  • Wheel of Fortune– willingness to take risks, openness, new opportunities.
  • Justice- a tricky business.
  • Hanged- self-sacrifice.
  • Death- readiness for change.
  • Moderation- recovery, the desire for harmony and tranquility.
  • Devil- temptation, the desire to indulge one's whims.
  • Tower- the wrong choice, which will lead to failures and losses.
  • Star- the need to listen to advice.
  • Moon- hidden dangers.
  • Sun- the right decision.
  • Court- payback for what you have done.
  • World- finding harmony.

With wands:

  • Ace- striving for truth.
  • 2 wands- changing of the living place.
  • 3 of wands- burn all bridges.
  • 4 of wands- inner peace.
  • 5 of wands is a risky decision.
  • 6 of wands- good changes.
  • 7 of wands- shattered hope.
  • 8 of wands- parting.
  • 9 of wands- indifference.
  • 10 wands- exacerbation of problems.
  • Page- relocation.
  • Knight is the wrong path.
  • Queen- helper, adviser
  • King- benefactor

With swords:

  • Ace- the desire to fight for their interests.
  • 2 swords- waiting for help.
  • 3 swords- error.
  • 4 swords- Lack of help.
  • 5 swords- failures.
  • 7 swords- the need for sanity.
  • 8 swords- tests.
  • 9 swords- burdened by relationships and problems.
  • 10 swords- loss, parting.
  • Page- Uncertainty about the future.
  • Knight- internal forces, the discovery of abilities.
  • Queen- the need for intuition.
  • King- calmness, reconciliation, self-confidence.

With pentacles:

  • Ace- harmony, insight.
  • 2 of pentacles- anxiety for
  • 3 of Pentacles- outside help.
  • 4 of Pentacles- material problems, quarrels over the division of property.
  • 5 of Pentacles- missed opportunity.
  • 6 of Pentacles- balance, a reward for the work done.
  • 7 of Pentacles- karmic debt.
  • 8 of Pentacles the need for sound decisions.
  • 9 of Pentacles- choosing the right path, an important decision.
  • 10 of pentacles- stability, prosperity.
  • Page– application of knowledge and experience.
  • Knight- help in business.
  • Queen- meritorious award.
  • King- satisfaction.

With cups:

  • Ace- reciprocity of feelings, idyll.
  • 2 cups- respect, fruitful cooperation, like-minded person.
  • 3 cups- joy, achievement of goals.
  • 4 cubes- lack of interest.
  • 5 cups- disappointment.
  • 6 cups- openness to new opportunities.
  • 7 cups- making plans, choosing a path.
  • 8 cups- search for yourself.
  • 9 cups- implementation of the plan.
  • 10 cups- harmony.
  • Page- the need to act, not dream.
  • Knight- Compassion, expression of feelings.
  • Queen- inner peace.
  • King- reliability, help.

The Six of Swords encourages you to understand yourself and draw the right conclusions about your past actions and decisions. This will help get rid of the burden of past grievances, mistakes and bad luck. Don't worry about what didn't work out. New opportunities lie ahead.

Arkan recommends setting new priorities and trusting your inner feelings in choosing a life path. The day can be the beginning of something great if you deal with your inner feelings and fears.

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