Personal birth chart of a person. Destiny cards from Robert Camp

First, let's figure out who Robert Camp is. Astrologer, numerologist, psychologist. Known for his book “Maps of Love”. The book was written in the 90s in Russia. The book was unique at the time. Robert Camp made his own forecast using cards for fate, the method is not complicated, which can be understood by an ordinary beginner, but the method itself will be interesting to both fans and Tarot specialists. Camp most of all wanted a person to be able to better know himself by reading cards. He believed that he had studied the psychology of people so much that he could make certain predictions about people’s destinies, which is why he compiled his maps of fate, which became known throughout the world.

Camp believed that according to fate cards, a person will understand himself better, reveal his talents, and fate cards will help him in later life.
Robert Camp has a birth chart that can help you understand who you really are now. By date of birth, according to Camp, you can find out your fate.


Maps by Robert Camp

Kemp Destiny Map - Image

There are fifty-three cards in Robert Camp's deck of cards. Why 52? This is the number of weeks in a year, and the 53rd is the Joker. This is a special card called the Joker. Usually it is not taken into account; it falls on December 31st. She is special because in fate cards she carries the meaning of all cards, so each time she has a different meaning and vision. A fortuneteller can never know in advance what the joker in Camp's fate cards will mean.

The rest of the cards in the deck also have their own meaning; each of the cards of fate speaks of several days of the year. It is believed that we have already identified such days in past lives. 12 cards are 12 months of the year, 4 suits are like 4 seasons a year, like 4 elements. And 13 cards is the number of constellations.

Robert Lee Camp and his cards of fate

Robert Lee Camp - cards of fate

Let's look at a few cards from Robert Camp's entire deck of fate cards.

Also, for example, consider the Six card in Robert Camp's Destiny deck. One of the common symbols of Sixes is justice. Sixes believe in karma, fate, and symbolism. Before an important act, they always think what it can bring to them - whether they will commit a good or evil deed. This is very important for them. Therefore, sometimes Sixes, according to Camp’s fate cards, do nothing, waiting for the event to happen on its own. Their passivity sets them apart from the other fate cards in the deck. It is also worth noting here that the very fate and character of the Six depends on the suit. For example, the Six of Diamonds is by no means passive; it can even participate in the lottery! But any Six is ​​waiting for changes; they come, mostly unexpectedly for them. The six itself can only change when it is ready for events.

Six, in general, is a very symbolic number, and not only in Robert Camp’s fate cards. According to Camp, it was revealed that Sixes can be mediums, psychics. As if they have a special destiny, they can and should help other people.

Love Cards by Robert Camp

Robert Camp's cards of fate are called cards of love. Having known himself in love, a person knows his destiny. This is what the author of the book “Maps of Love” thought. The approach to love cards is a psychological approach.

The second goal of Robert Camp's book was to understand oneself in relationships. Using Camp's love cards, you can learn better about your chosen one, and also get to know yourself better. All this will be useful in relationships with the opposite sex.

Robert Camp's fate cards for compatibility

In Camp's fate cards, you can find out which card corresponds to you by date of birth. Which card will be with you throughout life? To do this, he compiled a table associated with the date of birth and the corresponding cards.

From the book by Robert Camp, you can find out your Personal Map, compatibility with the opposite sex, and better understand your relationship not only with your chosen one, but also with the people around you. Robert Camp's destiny cards will help you learn more about yourself.

So, in the cards of fate according to Robert Camp there are several card schemes. This is the Birth Card, Planetary level, Karmic cards, Personal cards. For example, if the Birth Chart is your destiny in life, it cannot be changed, then Personal Maps according to Camp - you can change it, it depends on the circumstances and situations. And in the cards of the Planetary level in the cards of Camp’s fate, it shows how a person can realize himself in a career, work, and endeavors.


Main numbers of name and date of birth

Full name numbers

Numerology allows you to “decipher” your last name and first name in order to understand how best to reveal and realize your talents and abilities, which you may not even know about;

Birth date numbers

Birth date numbers indicate fate or, in other words, opportunities that open up during life. It is important to consider their influence in everything from choosing a profession to finding a partner;

How do your top numbers affect
character and destiny?

Relationship between name and date of birth

The connection between the name and date of birth allows you to reveal the most important achievements in life, through the analysis of combinations of numbers responsible for opportunities with numbers indicating a person’s abilities. The influence of this connection becomes stronger with age, and reaches a maximum by 40-50 years.

Bridge numbers

How are your name and date of birth related?

Enter your full name and date of birth to read the description

The ratio of the main numbers of your numerological chart will give you an idea of ​​the “alignment of forces” in your character, the extent to which your abilities correspond to your capabilities and how you can use this. Or change it if the current state of things does not suit you.

The most important thing is that this information will give you an unshakable “fulcrum” - after all, we will be talking about your innate qualities, which are a given and cannot “disappear”.

Additional name numbers
and dates of birth

Full name numbers

Additional numbers of the name work on a small scale - at work, in the family. They determine the resources given to a person for use in life. These are talents and abilities that, if desired, can be developed to a good level.

Birth date numbers

Additional birth date numbers allow you to fully capture the picture of a person’s life, highlighting the most important turning points. Moreover, each such period will be associated with specific achievements and overcomings.

Stages of life's journey

Achievement numbers

Test numbers

Analysis of the near future

A numerological forecast is a complex algorithm for the interaction of many factors, the main one of which is individual personality characteristics. Even knowing in advance what to expect from the current year, a person can behave differently. And his successes and failures depend on how he uses the information received. In each specific case it will be his choice.

Current period of life

What awaits you in the near future?

Enter your full name and date of birth to read the description

The Personal Year Number contains information about the most likely development of events for a particular person in a certain period. This is invaluable information that will help you be “prepared” to make the most of any opportunity that comes your way. After all, favorable chances in the life of an active person arise quite often, and the only reason why they cannot be realized “100%” is the “unexpectedness” of their appearance.

And if this factor is eliminated or at least minimized, you will no longer need to “sleep on the fire tower.” You can calmly prepare to meet your luck.

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Are there any Karmic or governing numbers among your numbers?

Listed below are all the numbers in your numerology chart.
Karmic and Managers are highlighted with a dark background.

What do you need to know about your karma?

Enter your full name and date of birth to read the description

The influence of even one such number can completely neutralize several personal qualities that you are endowed with from birth. If there are many such numbers in your numerological chart, then they will determine the way of your life and guide your every step. All your ideas, intentions and aspirations will lose their original color and form and acquire a special, completely concrete meaning.

The manifestation of karmic and control numbers is not equivalent in all cases when they occur. Their influence depends on the number in which they are present - Life Path, Birthday, Expression, Soul, etc.

For example, as a Life Path Number, the karmic number narrows the scope of a person’s capabilities, and the controlling Birthday Number imposes serious restrictions on ways to solve specific problems.

The karmic number as a Number of Expression limits the scope of realization of a person’s abilities. The control number as the Number of the Soul regulates its motivation.

Find out more!

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(A detailed numerological study of your destiny,
vocation and hidden potential)

In the process of reading the numeroscope, you will gradually “discover” yourself, find out who you really are. And if you are not an “alien,” you will definitely experience some emotions as you assimilate and “try on” the information contained here. Usually this is surprise with a slight “admixture” of completely childish delight. However, often the main emotion of the reader is... regret. Regret about wasted time and missed opportunities.

So: don't be upset. The prospector should rejoice at the “gold mine”, regardless of his age and the number of past failures. And the acquired knowledge can become just such a “treasure” for you if you manage to use it correctly.

Here you will discover the secret of your own individuality, see from which segments this most complex “mechanism” - your personality - is made up, and find out what is the root cause of your desires. And having learned this, you will simultaneously understand how you can implement them and finally live the life that has been “waiting” for you all the time that has passed since your birth.

I express my deep gratitude to you for systematizing such knowledge. For my peace of mind and balance, which I learned to maintain within myself.

Tatiana, Nizhny Novgorod

One day, waking up early in the autumn morning, I realized that I was completely confused in my life, bogged down in my thoughts and for about 2 years now I’ve been rushing from one extreme to the other, I just can’t leave the past in the past, as if I was stuck in a certain period of time and I no longer see a way out. The whole world and everything that was happening was behind my glass... and I became more and more aggressive, depressed and irritable, which naturally affected my environment and my personal life.

I got to the Numeroscope website, unbeknownst to myself, I spent a couple of hours reading the calculations... Sometimes it was scary to realize all this... During these 1.5 months, such a struggle unfolded within me, my inner world was turned upside down, and these 20 hours - even not a day, they changed my life very dramatically.

I express my deep gratitude to you for systematizing such knowledge. For my peace of mind and balance, which I learned to maintain within myself. Thank you for all the changes that have happened and are happening now in my life. Thank you for the fact that I am now truly bright, open, friendly, smiling, happy and strong!


What can you find out?

  • You will find out why until now you had no idea about your most promising abilities (section on exploring your basic 4 numbers);
  • You will understand how your mind “works” and what needs to be done to increase the effectiveness of this work and thus completely change your current reality;
  • You will know what your big and small talents are, what your strengths and abilities are based on, and what you need to get the most out of them - success and joy (see the section on the Expression Number, Karmic Lessons and the Inclusion Card);
  • You will understand how making just one wish come true can give you insight into exactly how you should choose your goals and in what direction to move forward in life. This means - do not waste time and energy on what is not of paramount importance to you (see the section on the Number of Maturity);
  • And you will also know what your friends and even strangers think about you! Most people project into the world around them something completely different from what they really are. Find out what exactly others see in you, how they perceive you, and what features you need to change in order to achieve a projection that matches the original (see Number of appearance);
  • You will learn to see and appreciate in detail your physical, mental, emotional and intuitive abilities and learn how to best put them into practice (see the section on Your Planes of Expression)
  • Finally, you will understand how to cope with the most difficult and threatening situations in life without loss: after assessing your current reaction to stress, you will be able to use my recommendations for eliminating these types of problems using the “hidden weapon” of your personality (see the section on the Balance Number ).


You should not miss the opportunity to realize yourself. But knowing in advance when such an opportunity will present itself and what exactly should be done, you can reduce the number of missed chances to a minimum.

From the section on Difficulties and Highs, you will learn about the four main problems that exist in your life - what they are, and how you can cope with them - as well as about peaks of activity, called Highs, during which the most important decisions should be made .

  • if there is any aspect of your life that doesn’t go as you would like...
  • if you have any questions, fears and hopes in matters of money, career, love, relationships or health...
  • if you're curious what will happen to you in 3,4 or 5 years...
  • how to destroy the bad, increase the good and take control of your destiny...
  • The answers to these questions are already waiting for you!

Perhaps there is some complicating factor in your life that you cannot identify, but you constantly feel. And if you have accumulated questions related to the most basic components of your life, know that the answers to them already exist.

Are you going the right way?

You have to make sure that you have chosen the only right path in life. This is necessary at least in order not to waste time on unnecessary hesitation and thinking about other people’s advice. Moreover, knowing exactly where to go, you can develop an optimal “traffic schedule”. This saves a lot of effort and nerves.

Here is a small list of practical knowledge, which you will receive as you read. So, you will learn:

  • what twists of fate await you - so as not to “pass by”;
  • what do you really want - so as not to waste time and energy on “war” with your own motivation;
  • what method is best for you to use to earn money;
  • what abilities and to what extent you have, and what stage of your life plan each of them corresponds to;
  • what career opportunities should you pay attention to first of all - so as not to lose the love of loved ones and the respect of employees;
  • which of the many options for personal relationships suits you best;
  • how to learn to enjoy life, getting from it exactly what your soul strives for;
  • how to curb your emotions and make your impulsiveness “work” for good and not for harm;
  • which of the strengths of your personality should you rely on in order to balance your life, “pulling up” the weak ones;
  • how to learn to immediately “recognize” your luck in order to have time to provide it with the best “working conditions”;
  • how can you internally prepare yourself for the arrival of a genuine and strong feeling, so as not to lose the opportunity to become a very happy person;
  • how to correctly assess the difficulties and obstacles that arise on your way - so as not to “break your neck” overcoming them;
  • how best to arrange the “skeletons in the closet” (personal secrets) so that one “fine” day they do not become a weapon directed against you;
  • at what time exactly should you think about changing your matrimonial status, changing jobs, moving;
  • what you should expect from the future in a specific period of time and how to adjust your plans based on this knowledge;
  • how to find a common language with those around you in order to maintain your status without losing their good attitude;
  • how to protect yourself from stress by finding new sources of inner peace and balance.

You can bet that in the process of studying the materials you will do everything that a person usually does when communicating with a wise and knowledgeable interlocutor: nod your head, assent, sigh and perhaps even scratch your head...

Well, good morning!

Why do I believe this myself?

Everything that you have just read is nothing more than an external, visible part of the huge mass of knowledge that Numerology includes; knowledge that can truly change a person’s life.

Before I took up Numerology and devoted more than 10 years of my life to it, I was a mathematician and a programmer - specialties, as you can see, that require accuracy, and not at all gullibility. But precisely as a mathematician, I had no right to ignore the fact that the statistical data underlying Numerology is more than 4000 years old, and as a programmer, I could not help but appreciate the impeccability of this calculation system.

And one more thing (but this is a “secret”): I really believe that a good numerologist, armed with all the achievements of modern science, is much more useful than a mathematician or even a highly qualified programmer. That's why I believe in Numerology and continue to practice it.

Your personal numeroscope

(electronic version with printing option)

Get a personal numeroscope

What are Robert Camp cards and what information do they contain? This is not fortune telling for money and success, this is not fortune telling for the future and love. This system is far from mysticism and mysterious manipulations.

On the contrary, it is composed very clearly and in detail, and is written in the language of cards, just as we are accustomed to writing words in letters and putting them into sentences.

What is unique about this system? It contains a virtually complete description life of any person! Regardless of where we want to look: into the past or the future.

All relationships between people and events that occur in a certain month of any year have already been selected and written down in the language of ordinary playing cards. This allows us to make a specific forecast for the coming months and years. You just need to be able to search for the necessary information and interpret these symbols.


The author of the technique is considered to be Robert Camp; however, he only systematized much more ancient knowledge, proven over centuries. First, in 1893, the American researcher and fortune teller Olney Richman published the book “Sacred Symbols of the Ancients.”

Later, in 1997, Robert Lee Camp, who still practices today, wrote: “This system is the most accurate of all that I have encountered,” and called it “The Book of Destiny.” In his other book, Maps of Love, he reveals how birth dates affect people's compatibility.

The language of the cards, like letters, clearly and in detail records your life!

Date of birth - everything about us and our life

Contrary to popular belief, our life is not a chain of coincidences. All meetings, events, successes and failures in it are predetermined by the day of our birth. The entire Robert Camp card system is based on this statement, which proves its exceptional effectiveness year after year.

You can’t even imagine how much it can tell about you - the matrix of destinies contains all the information about your past, present and future, answers to any questions, solutions to various problems.

A date of birth is not just a number; it is the quintessence of our character, as well as the starting point of our destiny.

Each date of birth corresponds to . Maybe you are the Queen of Clubs or the Jack of Hearts; in each of these cases, your own, special future awaits you.


Drawing up a Destiny Map by date of birth is strictly individual. Your date of birth able to answer any questions. She will warn you about upcoming troubles or trials, and tell you when and where success awaits you.

  • What Life Cycle are you experiencing today?
  • For which endeavors is this or next year more suitable?
  • Why do such events happen in your life?
  • Why did this or that person appear on your path?

This system allows you to find out everything about a person by date of birth and create a Map of your Life for the next month, year or several years.

There is no doubt: date of birth and fate are inextricably linked. And those who managed to understand and feel this connection always achieve great success in life.

I want to get a personal life card

All people born under the rule of one particular card have a number of similar character traits, and similar events will occur in their lives. However, all this will be expressed in different ways.

Eg, people born on July 29(according to Robert Camp's card system: Queen of Hearts birth card) have the most impressive start to life. Already in childhood, hidden potential and exclusivity are revealed in them. Many of them immediately start their career successfully and achieve success in any field.

And here people with date of birth May 27(birth card Five of Clubs), they begin their lives with changes. Losses and difficulties arise already at the age of 5 and 6 years, which leaves a strong imprint on the character of these people. Losses in childhood lead to attempts to avoid attachments and obligations in adulthood.

I want to know the life path of my birth chart

Love or career? Prioritization

Human life consists of cycles. One is replaced by another, so Some years seem more successful, while others seem completely unsuccessful. It would be nice to know in advance what to expect in the coming twelve months, right?

In fact, this knowledge is available to every person and to obtain it, you do not need to go to a fortune teller or astrologer. Based on the Camp map matrix, you receive an absolutely accurate and verified forecast.

This system allows you to find out everything about a person by date of birth and from leave Map of Your Life for the next month, year or several years.

Everything you need is already written on this Map: ups and downs, successes and failures, career and love. We know exactly which year is prosperous for love and building strong family ties, and which promises career ups and incredible financial success.

All we have to do is adapt to the current life cycle and use all its opportunities to the fullest: build a personal life in a favorable year, and take up a career in the year when business success accompanies us.

Are you busy this year?

Find out your destiny by date of birth and the exact years of your success! By checking your personal life map, you will quickly achieve your goals and realize all your plans!

I want to get my personal forecast for the year!

Fulfill your wishes in your favorable years of life

Black streaks and failures appear along the way only because we are engaged in something that doesn't fit our current cycle. We are building a career when we need to take care of our personal lives. We start a family when fate favors professional achievements.

But in fact, the life cycles of a woman or a man have already been distributed, we only have to find out which of them we will experience in the near future. The starting point in finding this information is our date of birth.

Each year of our life has its own characteristics. Years favorable for love unions; years favorable to career and business; a time of life cycles, ups, downs, happy and tragic moments.

Each of us has our own, which is a “springboard” for the rest of our lives; Also, each of us has our own “peak” year, when we reach our peak, realizing to the maximum all the possibilities given by fate.

Camp cards make it possible to determine at a glance when a favorable year will begin and what events will occur during it.

Knowing that FAVORABLE years are approaching we get the opportunity Use all the gifts of fate in time and make almost all your desires come true. In such years, you can easily and effortlessly create or expand a business, arrange your personal life, climb the career ladder, and purchase real estate.

Knowing that PROBLEM years are approaching allows us to avoid many losses and tragedies that can be mitigated or eliminated by taking the right steps. Destiny cards will tell you what kind of difficulties we will face, and what area of ​​life will require serious changes.

Having at hand a ready-made Map of events that await us in the near future, we can prepare for changes or radically change our lives.

You just need to find out your current year and use all its possibilities.

This is the “magic of success”!

I want to know my “favorable” years

Camp's maps are an indispensable guide to life!

When it comes to looking into the future, a person immediately thinks about fortune tellers or astrology. But in fact, the question of fate is incredibly serious and does not tolerate a superficial attitude. Camp's destiny cards allow you to make a specific forecast for the coming months and years without touch, fire or other magical attributes and are based on numbers, a card system and logic. All you need to know is yours.

This card system is unique, and predictions made with its help always come true. In my practice, there has not been a single case when something went against the compiled guidebook. But there were cases when this guide allowed not only to accept the coming changes, but also to change them, directing them in the right direction.

Imagine that somewhere there is a Map of Your Life. A map on which all the cycles of a person’s life have already been plotted - both past and future turns of fate. All the ups, downs, successes and problems are arranged in a bizarre order that you have no idea about. Therefore, each new round of life becomes a surprise - pleasant or not so pleasant.

Now imagine that this Card has fallen into your hands. By your date of birth, you will be able to find out the fate of the relationship you doubt; the future of the career you want to build; possible victories and troubles awaiting you in the coming months.

Now you know what to expect and understand what to prepare for in the near future.

Create your own travel guide! It will help you understand:

  • Is it worth continuing the relationship with the chosen person;
  • What year lies ahead: successful for new beginnings or full of difficulties and trials;
  • What actions to take to achieve your goal and be in harmony with yourself.

Using Camp maps means driving at night with your headlights on! We see everything in front of us in advance and, if necessary, change course to get to our destination faster and safer.

Get your personal guide, your Map, and take action!

P.S. Your personal guide, Papeta Elena.

Fate cards by date of birth are drawn up in order to trace a person’s life path and get a forecast for the future. By analyzing, you will understand how to behave in certain periods of life in order to achieve goals with maximum efficiency.

A graph, map or matrix of fate and will is a concept that was formed at the junction of and. Therefore, the calculation uses information from each of the disciplines.

The method of calculation that we will tell you about is quite rare and not widespread, which is surprising, because thanks to it you can quickly calculate the future of any person.

What opportunities does the fate chart provide:

  1. Allows you to understand how you should behave on a given day of life. The graph does not predict fatal, inevitable events, but indicates what needs to be taken into account and what to listen to
  2. Answers questions about what to do in this or that case: continue to move on or give in to an obstacle, taking it as a sign of a turn
  3. Gives you an understanding of when you need to pay attention to the signs of fate, and when the events happening in your life are only the result of your own actions, and you need to rely not on intuition, but on reason
  4. Shows critical points - periods of life when your energy drops to its minimum level. And it also shows the time when the peak of vital activity will occur

Most importantly, the chart divides your life into two types of stages. The first is fate. During these periods, you can rely on life-changing opportunities, work with the subconscious, practice techniques for fulfilling desires, grow spiritually, engage in meditation, and more.

The second is will. At this time, your life will depend only on your actions. Decisions must be made only with the mind, rationally and logically. Intuition is silent during these stages, so all the “signs of fate” you see will be false.

Calculation and decryption

The calculation of the Fate card is very simple. First, you make a table and enter the values ​​​​corresponding to the date of birth into it. And then build a graph based on the resulting parameters.

What the table will look like:

Calculation order:

  1. Draw a table with eight columns and six rows
  2. On the first line, write down the day and month of your birth. In our example it is 1704. Write the year in the second line: 1954
  3. Next, you need to multiply these two numbers: 1704*1954, we get 3329616. Write it in the third line. If the number is six digits, write zero at the beginning
  4. Next, we change the zeros to ones and repeat the calculation: 1714 * 1954, we get 3349615. Write it in the fourth line
  5. Our calculations are ready. The last line in them is the years of a person’s life in increments of 12. The third line corresponds to the graph of fate, and the fourth is will.

The first row of numbers under the line (the first product of the numbers of the date of birth) are indicators of fate. What you were born with.

The second product, obtained by replacing zero with one, means the manifestation of the personality “I am.” There is already a certain forecast, a version of how a person can, through an effort of will, change his line of fate.

Plotting a graph

Now we begin to build a life schedule: according to fate and by will. To do this you will need: a sheet of checkered paper, a ruler and two felt-tip pens or bright colored pens. We all made graphs at school, remember or ask for help from schoolchildren or students you know.

On the Y (vertical) axis we will plot indicators of fate and will, numbers from 0 to 9. On the X (horizontal) axis we will plot age, years from 0 to 72 years.

What does the chart look like for the date of birth, which we looked at as an example:

First, we build a fate line by points:

  • At 0 years old, at birth the indicator was 3, put a dot there on the Y axis
  • At 12 years old, the indicator is also 3, we put a dot on the sheet at the intersection of X - 12 and Y - 3
  • At 24 years old the indicator is 2, at the intersection of X - 24 and Y - 2 we put another dot
  • At 36 years old, the indicator is 9, we look for the intersection of X - 36 and Y - 9 and put a dot
  • At 48 years old, the fate indicator is 6, we look for the intersection of X - 48 and Y - 6, put a dot
  • At 60 years old, the indicator is 1, we look at the intersection of X - 60 and Y - 1, put a dot
  • And at 72 years old the indicator is 6, we look for the intersection of X - 72 and Y - 6, put a dot

We connect all the resulting points one by one with one line and outline them with a bright color. We sign in the line that these colors indicate the line of fate.

Similarly, build a line of will, taking as indicators the bottom row of numbers under the line with your date of birth. Circle the will line with a different bright color and sign it too.

Watch the video

“I want to know my destiny”- this is usually said in moments of doubt, mental discord, or on the verge of serious changes. In difficult periods of life, the desire to know your future is absolutely organic and natural.

But don't let yourself get further confused by fortune-telling or predictions when there is a real, experience-based and fact-based way to look into the next chapter of your life.

This is not online fortune telling using cards - such things do not work, especially over the Internet. Here you will find an absolutely accurate and verified forecast developed using the system.

This system allows you to find out everything about a person by date of birth and create a Map of your Life for the next month, year or several years.


To create a complete guide, you need to know your date of birth. It is she who contains the answers to all the questions that interest us. – it’s not just a number; it is the quintessence of our character, temperament, and also the starting point in our destiny.

Determine your birth chart

Each date of birth has its own card. You can’t even imagine how much it can tell about us - the matrix of destinies contains all the information about us and our future, answers to any questions, solutions to various problems...

I want to know the future for the year!

Each day of the year corresponds to a specific map. For example, the Five of Diamonds or the King of Spades. A person born on this day receives the qualities and life path of his card. Each of us has our own destiny and our own special future.

The birth chart is the most powerful symbol of who we are in this current life, it contains information about our character, tells about all our strengths and weaknesses.

Select your MONTH and your DAY.

Change your destiny in your “favorable” year

Each of us at least once in our lives was interested in how to find out and change our destiny. In fact, this knowledge is available to every person and to obtain it, you do not need to go to a fortune teller or astrologer. The fact is that the past, present and future of any of us are already mapped on the map of our lives.

On it we always see clearly all the years of success, victories and financial well-being, as well as years full of difficulties and trials. Now we will definitely use our year of "ascension", which is a springboard for our whole life, and, of course, we will never miss our "peak" year when we realize to the maximum all the possibilities given by fate.

Using this knowledge, this kind of map, we canalways be in the right place at the right time. We just need to adapt to the current year: engage in financial and material accumulation in the year when we are lucky and successful, or build a personal life if our year is favorable for this.

No magic! Only accurate knowledge of all your successful years, and all our efforts will give one hundred percent results!

Get the list! This guide will tell you in what year to realize your grandiose dreams and bold plans.

I want to know my fateful years!

Don't leave chance to chance! Write!

Table of birth charts by dates in.