Ace of swords tarot meaning yes or no. Interpretation of the inverted position. The meaning of the Ace of Swords according to Hayo Banzhaf


Ace of Swords in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - the greatest wisdom, just like the greatest stupidity.
With the “Mage” card - take up the sword of victory.
With the “High Priestess” card - wisdom.
With the “Empress” card - conception.
The Emperor card is a great idea for business.
With the “Hierophant” card - discover true values.
With the “Lovers” card - bring clarity to relationships; fight for relationships.
With the Chariot card - sort out the confusion.
With the “Strength” card - defend the truth.
With the “Hermit” card - to understand yourself.
Be on the lookout with the Wheel of Fortune card.
With the “Justice” card - take someone under your protection.
There are contradictions with the Hanged Man card.
The Death card is an outdated idea.
With the "Moderation" card - an idea that requires comprehensive consideration.
With the “Devil” card - a dangerous plan.
With the “Tower” card - destroy false ideas.
The Star card is a brilliant idea.
There are misconceptions with the Moon card.
With the Sun card - achieve clarity.
With the “Court” card - help others.
With the "World" card - an idea that received approval.

The Ace of Wands card is a brilliant and inspiring idea.
With the “Two of Wands” card - a project that requires comprehension and assessment of prospects.
With the Three of Wands card - from concept to reality.
With the Four of Wands card - birth.
With the Five of Wands card - a controversial project.
With the Six of Wands card - successful promotion of your plans.
With the Seven of Wands card there are obstacles and obstacles.
With the Eight of Wands card - an Internet message.
With the Nine of Wands card, the idea is questionable.
With the Ten of Wands card - a non-life project; an idea that has not been tested.
With the “Page of Wands” card - successful study.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - an idea that leads us into the abyss of the unknown.
With the card “Queen of Wands” - a creative embodiment.
With the “King of Wands” card - mastery.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Ace of Swords upright with Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Vector power. The alignment will show where the vector is directed. In the worst case - blow, death
Priestess - Clairvoyance, success in magic
Empress - Extraordinary circumstances such as caesarean section
Emperor - Inviolability, misfortune, death of a high-ranking politician
Priest - Strength, trust. St. Peter's Basilica in Rome
Lovers - Getting off the ground, further progress
The Chariot - Getting to the Heart of the Problem
Justice - A fair solution to your issue
Hermit pr i per - Wise decisions
Wheel of Fortune - Successful solution to a problem
Strength - Earthquake, death from lightning, electric shock. Heart attack
Hanged Man - Brutal and unprecedented murder
Death - Violation of legality in business
Moderation - Intemperance, errors due to excess
Devil - Drug addiction + HIV infection
Tower - Sword of Damocles over the most expensive
Star - Light, improvement of the situation
Moon - Drowning, death from water, danger from water
Sun - Relief from the burden
Court - Deadly disease, hereditary
The world is God's punishment
World - Mental tossing, passions, fire
Jester - The Power of Stupidity

Ace of Swords upright with Minor Arcana

10 Swords + 9 Swords - Damage that can lead to death, serious damage, drying out of a person
Ace of Cups + Knight of Cups - Damage to infertility
3 of Cups - Perhaps it will be possible to get out of the dead end of fate
2 of Cups - Pregnancy

Energy of mind and action. Idea. A flash of sudden emotions, insight. Instantly finding a solution to a problem. New exciting things to do. Sharp tongue. Desire to talk. Clarify the relationship. Achieve clarity about something. The beginning of a serious conflict. Defending what is right. A clear goal. Bravery. Battle. Triumph. Winning an argument or debate. Conquest. Power. Birth of a child. Fertility.

Find out the relationship, get to the heart of the matter, make a decision.

Don’t find fault with little things and don’t try to “calculate” everything.

Card of the day
Today you will come up with a brilliant idea that will help you solve a boring problem or solve a mystery that has been bothering you for a long time. Be attentive and ready to “receive a signal.” This way you will not only get to the heart of the matter, but also get the opportunity to make the wisest decision or finally clarify a relationship that has long required clarification.

Reversed card
Confused thinking. False vision. Lots of negative feelings. Obstacles and difficulties. Self-destruction. Tendency to violence. Problems with the law, with management. A dubious victory. Defeat. Loss of power. Quarrels and separations. Painful truth. Accidents. Wound with a sharp object. Sterility.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The sword is a symbol of separation, suffering, analytical thinking and discipline. He is held by a hand raised from the clouds. The sword is ready to crush any opposition. He is capable of this because he has no illusions. If you know what you want from life and understand what obstacles you will face, then the only limit is the sky.

Questions to Ask When Drawing the Ace of Swords
  • What changes do you want to make?
  • Are you going back to the basics, looking for the essence?
  • What is finally (or looks) possible?
  • Do you need to make any decisions?
  • What should you do? What do you think you owe?
Key ideas
To succeed, act with integrity, discipline and determination. Activate your ability to concentrate at full capacity. If you are afraid of someone or something, imagine this person or this object in a harmless form or in a funny situation, in a reduced size or as a cartoon drawing. Give your fear a name and a face. Talk to him. Tell him to leave your life. Watch it fade away.
Upright Card: You are honest and reliable, and so are your friends.

Reversed Card: You will have to watch your sharp tongue. You are unrestrained in your words, this alienates your friends.

Direct card: You are almost (or completely) first in academic performance. Keep working - you still have room to grow.

Reversed Card: If you spend more time looking out the window than at the teacher during class, don't be surprised at your pathetic "success."

Direct Card: Someone brings out in you a determination and passion that you have not shown before.

Reversed Card: Misunderstanding each other is the cause of confusion. Perhaps you and your partner use different words for the same thing. Now we need to find out what positions each of you occupies, and for this we need to find a common language.

Direct card: Everything is changing for the better.

Reversed: A time of anxiety and mental stress. Control your temper.

Direct Card: You are close to taking charge of the group and it will prosper under your leadership.

Reversed Card: You get involved in a business that you don't understand or that just isn't right for you. The most sensible thing to do now is to rethink what you are doing.

Direct Card: In the recent past you have had health or weight problems, but you have successfully resolved them.

Reversed card: Apathy is your main enemy. If you don't try to do anything for yourself, then why do you think that people should strain for you?

Direct card: Now nothing can block your path. You will earn as much as you want and as you see fit.
Fortune telling in half a minute
As long as Sonya can remember, she has always had health problems. Diabetes and asthma attacks greatly interfered with her studies. The Ace of Swords showed that Sonya has enough determination and willpower to cope with difficulties. Thanks to her courage and strength, Sonya will be able to achieve a lot in her later life.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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A sword pointing upward signifies commitment to truth.

The golden crown is a symbol of achievement.

A surge of mental energy. Controlled activity.

The Suit of Swords contains strong willful qualities associated with intellect, but the Ace of Swords is a double-edged sword, the blows of which can be directed in both positive and negative directions. Like all other Aces, he proclaims new beginnings and, in addition, serves as the embodiment of the struggle that all representatives of this suit wage. In many decks, this card features a golden crown with two branches flowing from it: the olive branch of peace and the palm branch of victory. In the Morgan Greer Tarot, red and white roses are attached to these branches, which symbolize the spiritual material world.

Associated with this suit is the masculine element of air, which represents intelligence. The Ace of Swords characterizes our ability to think logically and act fairly and responsibly. It encourages reasonable responses to conflict situations or differences of opinion. He points out the need for courage in the face of adversity and danger, and assures us that although we may find ourselves in situations that seem absolutely hopeless, justice and truth will still prevail. Conflict may be necessary to force us to find new solutions to old problems, but we will be filled with a sense of our own power, especially if we have to fight for what we believe in. We are committed to the truth and are willing to face difficulties because we are confident that we can overcome them. Choosing this card means that we are aware of our situation and are able to find a way out of the current situation.
Choosing this card indicates that you are capable of effective action in a given situation. Your mental energy is awakened, and although this may initially be a source of conflict, this process will contribute to your further development. You may be visited by a revelation that will give the right direction to your thoughts. This card indicates your ability to pre-plan your activities. If circumstances require you to act, you will be able to show decisiveness, although deep down you can remain quite impartial. You feel the need to be in a situation where you can exercise your intelligence, such as in highly demanding work or certain forms of training.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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A hand emerging from a cloud holds a huge sword, on which is a crown of power. On both sides of the sword there are branches with buds, symbolizing progress and movement forward. This card represents the force of justice, and the double-edged sword represents balance.
Meaning in fortune telling
Great determination. Force. Activity. Redundancy. Triumph. Power. Success. Fertility. Prosperity. Deep feelings. Love and passion. Competition. Conquest.
Reversed meaning
Fiasco. Tyranny. Catastrophe. Self-destruction. Hot temper. Confusion. Let. Infertility. Interference.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Ace of Swords symbolizes the triumph of strength.

In most decks, the card shows a hand gripping the hilt of a raised sword, with a crown at the tip of the sword. Either the sword or the crown, or both, is decorated with vines or branches, sometimes with only leaves, sometimes with fruit.
Inner meaning
Triumph card. It emphasizes the idea of ​​the triumph of strength: physical strength, willpower, strength acquired by position or circumstance. You begin this cycle as the king of the hill: you have won a stunning victory or achieved a high position and are now (or will soon be) feeling the euphoria of your victory. It is also a card of prosperity and fertility. Triumph can apply to any aspect of your life: work, love, money matters, any activity that interests you. In fact, in this suit you started where others finish: all your goals seem or actually have been achieved.
Value in the layout
Direct or positive: triumph, prosperity, conquest, fertility. Birth (of a child, an idea, a new hobby). Enormous power has been used and/or can now be used in any field you choose. Extreme feelings associated with both this situation and the people around you; excess of everything connected with it. You are on the crest of a wave.

Inverted, or negative: everything is the same, but with catastrophic consequences for the Questioner. You have won a great victory, but very soon there will be, if not already, reasons to regret it. The beginning of tense relationships and emotional conflicts with others and even with oneself.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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This ace signifies a new expression and application of will. You can apply a new way of thinking, solve problems, understand someone's vague reasoning. By raising the sword, you focus your energy, determine a new direction of movement and priority actions. Associated with the element of Air and through it with mental acuity and brilliance of the intellect, this card signifies fresh plans and strategies, and the use of criticism and analysis as tools. Like a double-edged sword, you may be ambivalent about something or, looking at an issue from two different perspectives, consider the pros and cons and evaluate the truth or falsity of a statement. When something is tied or blocked, you can cut the ties and release the energy necessary for further development. In a literal sense, the card may be associated with surgery, carving, or other uses of sharp objects. Since the sword is similar in appearance to a fountain pen, which since ancient times has served as a symbol of air and reason, therefore, communication can be of particular importance now. The crown and laurels symbolize achievement. The Ace of Swords is ambitious, but also stands for fair play, law and order. You are confident in your wit, intelligence, awareness, and problem-solving skills. This card warns that you must be prepared to move forward and protect your rights. Your judgments and decisions will be based on reason, logic and scientific methods.

Traditional meanings: difficulties. Accidents. Discord, battles, aggression. Bravery. Strength, justice, power. Excessiveness, immoderation. A triumph achieved through strength. Authority. Conquest. Glory. Competition. Power. Temperament, passion. Comprehension, understanding, comprehension.

Reversed Ace of Swords
Like the reversed Ace of Wands, this card also advises, “Don’t do this.” There may be delays in projects, futile efforts, or even legal proceedings against you. The instinctive biological mechanism of “fight or save” now clearly says: “Save!” If neither logic nor aggression can help in the current situation, beat the swords into plowshares (that is, into coins or pentacles). Also, this inverted card can speak of humility of the ego: “Not my will be done, but Yours.”

Things can go wrong due to pessimism and lack of confidence. This, in turn, can lead to stress and neuroses, so characteristic of the element of Air (or, if you prefer, Fire). You may experience mental or physical pain - on the level of migraines and stomach ulcers - or deny thoughts that are bothering you. You may not be thinking clearly right now, and the result will be writer's block or a series of insoluble problems.

Sometimes this card speaks of a cessation of hostilities - but only because you see the battle as already lost. One of the most common tendencies is the projection of aggressiveness onto others. You may reject someone for reasons of objectivity and impartial truth, or you may feel rejected. Words and logic can also be used to deceive. Clashes with the authorities are possible. You may be afraid of condemnation and punishment, and feel like you are “under the sword of Damocles,” especially if you have shown disobedience.

You can impose restrictions on work on a project, define spheres of influence, or place something in a safe vault (for example, a sword in a stone). You can give up ridiculing and fighting someone, or take back rude and unflattering words spoken about someone. Although this reversed card might be expected to indicate impotence, it traditionally signifies conception!

From a shamanic point of view, this could be a journey to the lower world, where there is no earthly air. This can be spiritual healing, "amputation" of real or symbolic objects that cause imbalance and disease, as well as a spiritual "arsenal" to combat lies and deception. A sword from another world is kept in a lake, stone or cave until a hero comes for it, destined to bring justice back to the world.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: slander, troubles, punishment. Tyranny, injustice. Loss of power. Destruction. Obstacles, obstacles. Prejudice. Seed. Sperm. Conception. Impotence.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
I am a strong, strong-willed, self-confident person, I am the King of the Mountains. No one and nothing can stop me from doing what I want.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
In most decks, the card shows a hand holding an upraised sword. The Ace of Swords emphasizes the idea of ​​the triumph of strength, as well as all forms of its manifestation: physical strength, willpower, the power of authority and power. The questioner will soon feel intoxicated by his victories and conquests. In this case, success can concern anything - a successful marriage, career advancement, the birth of a long-awaited child, new ideas that can be easily brought to life. At this stage of life, almost all of the Questioner’s goals will be achieved. Sometimes the meaning of this Arcana is force majeure, which cannot be influenced.
Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - A, number - 1,
Ruled by the planet - the Sun, zodiac sign - Libra,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 1 hexagram ("Creativity"),
Weather conditions - clear and sunny,
The corresponding color is white,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the sephira Kether.
Card meaning
Straight position
In this case, the Ace of Swords will describe a situation of prosperity, fertility, success, victory, a new hobby, strength and power over other people, control of circumstances. This card may also indicate the birth of a child or a new idea that will subsequently radically change a person's life. The Ace of Swords card is associated with karmic influences, so if it appears in a reading, you need to be prepared for any surprises. In addition, it is identified with the release of a huge amount of emotions associated with any situation or with the people around us. The Ace of Swords can also symbolize contacts and matters related to papers, business correspondence and phone calls.
Inverted position
In this case, the Ace of Swords still predicts victory, only it will be accompanied by powerlessness and disappointment, the release of a large amount of emotions, and conflicts (including with oneself). It turns out that the Questioner will achieve success, but very soon reasons will appear that will make him regret it. Card advice - don’t fight for something you don’t fully believe in.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Ace of Swords speaks of power and might, radiating indomitable strength and passion. You will be victorious, but only through the triumph of mind over matter and severe discipline. The emotions that the card protects can ignite you with such a fire that will destroy all obstacles to achieving goals and success. This, at first glance, is not bad, but do not resort to violent measures, take it with prudence and sincerity of motives.

Inverted - represents a piercing sword, which brings not victory, but a threat. You are under pressure, burdened with insoluble problems.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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ACE. Ace - a hand emerging from a cloud clutches a sword, the tip of which is surrounded by a crown.

Straight position:
triumph, excess in everything, conquest, triumph of power. This card speaks of great power, both in love and in hate.

Reverse position:
the same thing, but the results are disastrous; another interpretation says: conception, childbirth, increase, multiplicity.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Mercury/Mars as a symbol of mental acuity and determination, or Mercury/Jupiter as an increase in knowledge and higher Intelligence.
Each of the Aces represents a certain chance. The Ace of Swords corresponds to the higher Intelligence, that power of knowledge that leads to clarity, consistency and the ability to make decisions. In contrast to the next card (Two of Swords), which symbolizes the destructive power of doubt, here the work of the mind is carried out in its purest, brightest and liberating form. All the mental acuity we have must be directed toward getting to the heart of the problem, without losing sight of the big picture, without drowning the problem in a dispute over words, and without dismissing it “as insignificant,” this card says.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series “Secrets of Predictions”. Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological equivalents: Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Mars and Pluto, Mars conjunct other planets. First, Fourth, Eighth and Tenth Houses.
The Ace of Swords symbolizes Strength, the Seed of Strength. Something is born and begins to mature. It is difficult to indicate a clear difference between the upright and inverted position of the Ace of Swords. We can only say that the upright position has a stronger effect than the inverted one.
The Ace of Swords is considered both as the embryo of Power and as the environment that perceived this embryo. With this approach, you need to have a clear concept of the boundary between the seed and the environment. The seed is separated from the environment as much as possible. It hasn't sprouted into her yet. The environment can destroy the seed, or the seed can actively influence the environment.
The Suit of Swords also symbolizes direction. The whole question is where the action of the Force will be directed, outward or inward.
At the level of the body, the Ace of Swords can indicate the beginning of passion, illness, or any undertaking. We can say that the Ace of Swords symbolizes a new action or a new act of will. Initiation can also occur through the Ace of Swords, that is, connection to something new. In general, the Ace of Swords is the most “energetic” card of the Minor Arcana.
Trap - A sword in the service of base interests. Violence as a way to solve all problems.

Straight position:
When upright, the Ace of Swords symbolizes determination, courage, initiative, strength, power, activity, fertility, prosperity, intense emotions, passionate love, conquest, challenge. This is clarity, breakthrough, separation (cutting with a sword), penetration (blades into flesh). The inextricable link between victory and suffering. The victory of the Sword is always the elimination of convenient half-heartedness, laziness, and self-pity.
When dealing with the Ace of Swords, we interact with factors that would be represented in the horoscope by planets such as Mars and Pluto. The Ace of Swords most expresses the rhythm and vibration of the sign of Scorpio. Aries is also partly consonant with the Ace of Swords.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the Ace of Swords card turns its energy towards itself, thereby symbolizing destruction. Diseases, destruction in all kinds of manifestations. In the worst case, the Ace of Swords can mean an undermining of vitality, in principle, a fatal outcome. However, this is a very rare occurrence. Showing one card in a spread is usually not enough.
The inverted position of the card may mean an attempt at initiation, an attempt to move under conditions that have not yet been fully formed. That is, Wednesday seems to crush the initiative, but, in any case, the Ace of Swords always means some kind of test of strength.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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A hand emerging from the clouds clutches a sword topped with a crown. The crown is decorated with palm and olive branches. In the background is a mountainous landscape.
The sword is an important magical symbol (magic sword, dagger). As a symbol of protection, it is depicted with the tip down. Sometimes, if the tip is directed upward, then it is crowned with a crown: this is a symbol of the “sword of God.” It’s just that the sword is not depicted with the point up, because for ordinary people this can mean misfortune. However, in some decks such an erroneous image occurs (the artist did not know this rule). Therefore, for those who have the Ace of Swords depicted with an error, it is better to consider it “straight”, that is, the correct position is its tip down.
For other cards of this suit, this rule does not apply.
The Ace of Swords is the element of air in its purest form. It represents thought and the ability to judge. The sword destroys all illusions, helping to see things in their true light.
In a reading, it can mean acquiring clarity in something, be it solving a complex problem, clarifying relationships with a partner, or overcoming doubts. It is not for nothing that in Russian (and Latin) the word “cut” (secare) also means “to understand”, “to solve” (a problem), remember the Gordian knot.
The correct Ace of Swords means a solution, the resolution of some problem, a generally sharp mind, or “relief from a burden,” that is, the birth of a child or a plan.

This means that the problem is not being solved, “relief from the burden” is not happening. Perhaps the problem has no solution at all. Sometimes, on a purely everyday level, it can mean parting with someone or a blow from Fate.

Like all Tarot Aces, the Ace of Swords can indicate the beginning of something new and unknown in life. Sometimes this stage begins with getting rid of everything old and outdated. Remember that it is darkest before dawn, so the black streak can be the launching pad that will ensure a meteoric rise.

In the article:

Combinations of the Ace of Swords with other cards

Depending on the presence of other cards nearby, the meaning of the Ace of Swords may change or indicate a specific event. Some cards may not have a specific meaning next to it, and they should be interpreted separately. So, interpretations of card combinations with the Ace of Swords:

  • + - lack of support. Loss of income.
  • + Two of Pentacles - your literary talent will open.
  • + - intellectual work ahead soon.
  • + - your financial situation will improve.
  • + Five of Pentacles - difficulties with concentration.
  • + Seven of Pentacles - problems with work. Dissatisfaction with life.
  • + Eight of Pentacles - new leadership at work, new rules.
  • + Ace of Cups - you will fall in love with a person with high intelligence
  • + Two of Cups - romantic relationships.
  • + Three of Cups - increased social status. Meet the right people.
  • + Five of Cups - loss of a friend.
  • + Six of Cups - increasing self-discipline.
  • + Nine of Cups - you will achieve success.
  • + Ten of Cups - you are too demanding of yourself.
  • + Knight of Cups - increasing persuasion or seduction skills.
  • + Ace of Cups - passion. This may also apply to new jobs.
  • + Two of Wands - a serious attitude to business will bring victory.
  • + Three of Wands - learning a new language or meeting a foreigner.
  • + Eight of Wands - learning to play a musical instrument.
  • + Nine of Wands - victory no matter what.
  • + Ten of Wands - hard mental work.
  • + Page of Wands is a strong, talented personality.
  • + The Queen of Wands is a demanding person.
  • + The King of Wands is a self-confident leader.
  • + Two of Swords - the world of logic and rationality. Problems not related to the sphere of feelings.
  • + Three of Swords - differences of opinion, confrontation.
  • + Four of Swords - rest and meditation.
  • + Ten of Swords - the decision to put an end to something.
  • + Page of Swords - mental stress.
  • + King of Swords - intellectual victory.
  • + Fool: learning a new technique. Obtaining higher education.
  • + High Priestess - investigation. Studying. Study.
  • + Hierophant - matters related to accounting.
  • + Justice is politics. Solving an intellectual problem.
  • + The world is an intellectual problem.

Ace of Swords upright

Thus, this card suggests that sometimes you need to take risks if it is in your interests. Now is the time for action. Be brave and persistent. You already have a good idea or plan to put into action. But don’t expect an easy path, you will have to put in the maximum amount of effort. Take the first step today!

If you're guessing to work, then this card may mean that you will soon be transferred to another place or offered another position. It may also be that you quit your current job and get another, more profitable and interesting one. If you want to stay in your current job, you may come up with good ideas for new policies that could improve the work environment or increase production. Don't be shy and express them. This is also a good time to take out a loan or mortgage. But still be careful and prudent.

As for the love sphere, the presence of this card predicts that you are ready to let go of the person and begin a new stage. So, if you are currently dating someone, then it is likely that the relationship has run its course and will soon come to an end. If you no longer feel love for your partner, it is more honest to tell him right away. If something in a relationship doesn't suit you, and you realize that you don't want to be around this person anymore, don't be afraid to say it to his face. Your real one is waiting somewhere around the corner.

When it comes to finance, then this card hints that you need to know when to stop. Now is not the right time to risk money. Don't invest money you can't afford to lose. This may negatively affect your relationships with some people, but it is still better not to borrow money during this period of time, since it is likely that this person will not be able to repay the loan, and the relationship with him will be overshadowed or even completely severed. However, it's up to you to decide. Only provide them if you are willing to take the risk.

Concerning health, then you can finally give up old bad habits that are bad for your health. The opposite is also possible: you will take care of yourself and take care of your health, for example, start jogging. It won't be easy or simple, and you'll have to work hard if you really want to. Exercising will help in this matter, but do not try to overdo it.

You can finally get rid of the old belief system that has actually only gotten in the way lately. Don't blame yourself if your beliefs hurt you or another person. Everyone makes mistakes or is too stubborn from time to time. You will learn some spiritual truths that will open your eyes to the world and allow you to find harmony with yourself.

Ace of Swords Reversed

This card in an inverted position warns that you should monitor what is happening around you. It may seem like everything is fine and going as usual, but in reality, clouds are gathering over you.
In general, an inverted card indicates that you should take a closer look at the people around you, and especially at new acquaintances. After all, it is very easy to trust unreliable people or to believe that a financial pyramid or something similar can truly make a profit.

Regarding fortune telling for a career, then the appearance of this card may indicate that problems at work will soon begin. The main thing is not to get carried away and not take rash steps. It may seem like you're not valued or recognized in your workplace, but is that really true? Calm down and try to answer this question honestly and unbiasedly. If the answer is still “yes,” then don’t hesitate to start looking for a new job.

Concerning love sphere, then this card in an inverted position can portend a stormy and passionate romance. Unfortunately, it is likely that the chosen one will turn out to be unworthy, which will cause suffering some time later. Of course, we all need to do something crazy from time to time, it is also true that opposites attract, but still maintain a grain of common sense even in such a situation.

On the financial side, you should check your investments. It is possible that the bank in which you keep your money will soon fail, so now you should especially carefully monitor the situation in the financial market.

The appearance of the Ace of Swords suggests that it is worth checking your endocrine system. Do not blindly trust representatives of alternative medicine if you have really serious health problems. All this should go in conjunction with full-fledged treatment.


Short description

As far as we know, Pamela Smith began her work with aces. And there is an opinion that they were originally drawn for the authentic Golden Dawn Tarot. At least that’s what Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin write in their book “Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot.”

For some reason, when analyzing the images, most researchers talk only about the Golden Dawn Tarot; at most they mention the illustrations of Eliphas Levi, who described his idea of ​​​​what a magic sword should look like. In my opinion, everything is much simpler. In fact, Smith's drawings are not much different from those in the Tarot of Marseilles. The same crown, the same two branches, the same strange curls on both sides of the sword.

The symbolism of the branches is curious. The picture shows olive and palm branches. In the meanings of the Tarot card Ace of Swords, which is given in the text of the Golden Dawn, exclusively Christian interpretations of these symbols are used. The olive branch was brought by a dove after Noah released it from the Ark. And it served as a sign of reconciliation between God and humanity.

The palm branch in Christianity is indeed associated with suffering. But besides this, it also has many other meanings. And one of the main ones? This is the martyr's victory over death.

But there are many similarities between a palm branch and an olive branch. The idea of ​​decorating winners with palm and olive wreaths dates back to antiquity. The Marseille Tarot developed its images in Italy during the Renaissance. Revival of what? Just these very ancient images, traditions, gods and so on. It is possible that the presence of a palm and olive branch on the Marseille Tarot indicates a winner, and not peace or suffering. And if the idea of ​​suffering can at least conditionally be associated with a sword, then the idea of ​​peace in the image seems more than strange.

Video: Ace of Swords - Tarot card meaning

This is how the Map is described in the Golden Dawn texts

A large hand from the cloud holds the hilt of a sword, which supports a white shining celestial crown. On the right is the olive branch of peace, on the left is the palm branch of suffering. Six drops fall from the upper tip of the sword. The symbolism of this card hints at the opposition between summoned force and natural force. Raised aloft, it summons radiant divine power. But inverted, it symbolizes the challenge of demonic forces and becomes a terrible symbol of evil.


  • Insight
  • Initiative
  • Determination
  • Conquest
  • Controlled actions
  • Control over emotions

Key ideas

  • Use Occam's razor principle
  • Ruthlessly cut off everything unnecessary
  • Act without hesitation
  • Rely not on emotions, but on logic

Basic meaning

Waite gives negative meanings for the Ace of Swords exclusively in an inverted position. Triumph, conquest, victory of will.

Today it is no longer perceived as solely an indication of victory. Rather, she talks about the need to make decisions, including tough and unpopular ones. And after making a decision? Act without fear, doubt and hesitation. This is not even a call to act, but a direct order.

The meaning of the Ace of Swords in relationships

There are such instant relationships, a moment in which eternity is compressed. A clash of views that lives life. Critical event. Phrase, action, deed. Not a relationship as such, not extended in time. This is a situation of crisis, which can be anything and be caused by any reasons; a crisis can have both positive and negative consequences.

Open - hole card

All Aces are open. But the Ace of Swords Tarot card shows its uniqueness in relationships. It can be in a sheath, and then it is closed. The person is not relationship oriented.

Outside the sheath? - very open. He's ready to fight. He fights with others, hurts them, maybe even kills them. Or perhaps he operates and saves.

Relationship intensity

This is a peak load map. Instant irreversible events, concentrated crisis.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

There are situations when a huge life is compressed into a short moment. Faced with each other, people live from wedding to death. Tarot card Ace of Swords in love is a critical event. It is not a relationship as such. This is an action, an act, an instant event.

All relationship scenarios are less about the relationship and more about something happening right now. He speaks of a crisis, an ongoing fact, and not of its causes or consequences. One of the meanings of the card is an irreversible event. This is precisely illustrated by the proverb “The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.” The word got out and it instantly affected our relationship. This is not necessarily a breakup or some other negative thing. But this is most often perceived precisely as an indication of negative consequences. It seems to me that this is not true.

Psychological condition

If the Ace of Cups is the maximum concentration of emotions, then the Ace of Swords is their maximum absence. The decision is made by the mind. It is important to note that we are not talking about a minus, that is, about anger or hatred, but about an emotionless state.

However, there is one emotional state that matches the Ace of Swords very well. This is amok (Stefan Zweig), a state of passion when a person performs actions without thinking at all about the consequences.

The meaning of the Ace of Swords Tarot card in combination with the Major Arcana

  • In combination with the card: The Emperor's Sword must not rust in its sheath.
  • In combination with the card: There is a high probability of a stab or cut wound, surgery, or a series of injections.
  • In combination with the card: Life takes a sharp turn and begins to change.

Ace of Swords combined with the suit of Wands

  • In combination with: The most favorable combination of cards for starting new things.
  • In combination with: Get ready for a decisive battle.
  • In combination with: A period of war will be replaced by a period of peace.

Health issues

The meaning and interpretation of the Ace of Swords Tarot card is not the most favorable for health. Cuts, injections, operations, stab and incised wounds, amputations. Short, sharp impact. Dangerous health conditions. It is urgent to take action; we cannot wait or hesitate.

Card combined with the suit of Cups

  • In combination with: Tears will be shed due to the action taken.
  • In combination with: Your actions and your decisions are wrong.
  • In combination with: Get rid of unnecessary things and you will be happy.

Finance, career and business issues

We are talking about intensification, about the search and implementation of new methods of work. Everything unnecessary, old, obsolete is mercilessly cut off. Decluttering, transferring part of the load to subcontracting, outsourcing. Search for new non-standard solutions and technical techniques.

Stability, controllability, controllability

The Ace of Swords is a situation of ordered chaos, ideal for irrationals, catastrophic for rationals. The meaning of the card depends greatly on our attitude towards chaos. How to optimally adapt to the situation, when we do as it suits us, like water flowing through rocks. Then there is some paradoxical systematicity in this. Or chaos for us is destruction for the sake of destruction, the absence of structure and even the appearance of meaning. The world itself is chaotic, and if you see this as a problem, then yes, the situation of the Ace of Swords is a problem.

The process will have to be reformatted, and this can be very painful.

Everything is further complicated by the fact that no one knows exactly how to manage chaos, and control over it is a very big question.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The meaning of the Tarot card Ace of Swords in work is intensification, new methods. Cutting off excess. Ruthless analysis of rubble - everything that is non-functional is destroyed. Everything subjective and evaluative is discarded, there is only one criterion: it works or it doesn’t work, the rest is consigned to the dustbin of history. In extreme cases, the load is redistributed - part of the work is given to a subcontractor; outsourcing.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The sword is double-edged. You can cut yourself and hit your opponent. Likewise, the overall financial condition is ambiguous. All funds are in operation, by bank transfer. Enough for business and its development. But there may not be cash for other needs. Not because they don’t exist in principle, but here and now they are involved in the financial cycle.

The situation will continue in the future, but to clarify trends, you should refer to adjacent maps.

Positive and negative impact on income

The Ace of Swords is good where a quick and non-standard solution is needed. And vice versa - if scrupulous methodical work is necessary, he is not an assistant. It provokes instant and unsentimental reactions: fire economically unprofitable workers, for example. The introduction of innovative methods, crisis management, speed and uncompromising decisions have a positive impact on income and business as a whole.

On the other side of the scale is vanity instead of speed, reluctance to delve into the essence and sequence of the technological chain, simulation of hectic activity and, as a result, the creation of artificial chaos. And this is also an Ace of Swords situation. The downside is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Card combined with the suit of Swords

  • Tarot card Ace of Swords in combination with the card: You will lose.
  • Tarot card Ace of Swords in combination with the card: Your actions lead to collapse.
  • Tarot card Ace of Swords in combination with the card: Act immediately and without hesitation.

The Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meaning as Card of the Day

Take out the sword and cut off all excess.

Card of the day Caution

Be careful not to hurt yourself.

Card combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • In combination with: It's time to shake up your team.
  • In combination with: War will require significant funds.
  • In combination with: Who can you help with your sword?

Questions to ask

  • Who are you fighting with?
  • What unnecessary things do you need to get rid of?
  • How long have you been sharpening your sword?
  • What can you do besides war?

Keys to the meaning of the Ace of Swords: conquest, action through struggle, initiative, determination, control over everything, mental abilities, consciousness, reasoning, clarity of the situation, triumphant victory, intelligence, penetration.

Victory through persistent and properly structured struggle. Authority, power, strong will.

At the bottom of the map there are inaccessible blue-violet mountains - this means that your path will not be easy. In the center of the map, a hand peeks out from the clouds, tightly gripping a sword raised with its tip up. The tip of the sword pierces the crown. There are two green branches hanging from the crown. One branch of an olive tree is a symbol of universal peace, the other branch of a palm tree is a symbol of victory and success. The mood of the card is generally calm, but the sword makes it clear that difficulties can be overcome, but only through struggle.

Direct position value

Direct position keys: a triumphant position, an abundance of opportunities and the arrival of new ideas and proposals, conquest, victory, success. The necessary strength to fight and overcome difficulties. A new favorable period is coming into your life, a positive influence on the situation, the opportunity to make your own choices and decide what to do. Prosperity and income. The arrival of power, the opportunity to influence surrounding people. Well-developed willpower, determination, energy. Fertility and abundance of harvest.

The upright position brings success and triumph, the joy of victories and achieving what you want. Everything suggests that you will succeed and are on the right path. You are supported by your willpower, dedication and determination, and most importantly, you have the necessary energy to realize your desires.

As for your enemies, they lost and were left with nothing. Now comes a period of prosperity and favorable opportunities arise to realize your ideas. You are given the opportunity to direct your life in the direction that you need.

  • mental clarity
  • new ideas
  • new plans
  • justice
  • communication
  • green light
  • mental sharpness
  • accidents
  • surgery
  • breakthrough
  • perseverance
  • concept
  • writing

Interpretation of the inverted position

Upside down keys: disastrous destruction, fall and collapse, rapid defeat, cruelty, despotic attitude, persecution, expulsion, excessive power, failure, addiction, submission, conflict situations, quarrels and destruction, deception, selfishness.

The reversed Ace of Swords tells you that you have reached a certain level and received the results you need, but you should think about the cost of all this. Isn’t it time to stop, otherwise you risk ending up where it all started, losing what you have achieved and minimizing all the usefulness of the work done.

The Ace of Swords shows you that you influence others too harshly, take excessive advantage of your position and use other people for your own, sometimes unjustified, purposes. There is always indignation and opposition to such actions from dissatisfied individuals, which in turn hinders your development. Now is the time when you are still in control of what is happening and can think, analyze and change the situation for the better before it is too late. If you continue to act in the same way or do not make the necessary efforts, then the situation will not work in your favor and will set you back.

Also in this situation you are informed that you can donate or lose your resources. Start spending what was not planned for expenses, be it energy and internal resources of your body, or finances.

But don’t be upset, your affairs are in a positive situation, you just need to reconsider your attitude towards others. Learn to be flexible, show patience, treat people with understanding, learn to listen and hear what they tell you.

  • Confusion
  • Poor plans
  • Delays in plans
  • Hostility
  • Arguments
  • Lack of communication
  • Red light
  • Injustice
  • Insults
  • Migraine

Ace of Swords at work

Professions of the Ace of Swords: information technology, programming, administration, military structure, marketer, engraving, wood carving, surgery, acupuncture, master in a tattoo parlor, analyst, information search and processing, auditor, financier.

Job prospects, promotion or career growth. The emergence of new projects and ideas. Receiving awards or project financing. You may need to undergo advanced training or some kind of training. Success awaits you in finding or changing a job; offers will appear soon.

In an inverted position - dubiousness of projects, fraud in the financial sector, possible loss of benefits or social status.


  • Journalist.
  • Academician.
  • Investigator.
  • Detective.
  • Police officer.
  • Advocate.
  • Traffic officer.
  • Military.
  • Tax officer.

Ace of Swords in Relationships

The emergence of new relationships, frank conversations and heart-to-heart conversations, resolution of all contradictions, elimination of omissions. In relationships, everything is transparent and clear, there are no ambiguities. The passing of old relationships into the past and the birth of new ones. The Ace of Swords brings freedom, liberation. It is worth remembering that in this case, no matter what is done, everything is for the better.

Ace of Swords – violent demonstration of feelings, emotional outbursts, passion, inability to restrain oneself in one’s desires. This is a troubled relationship, full of emotions - daring love and fierce jealousy. What matters here is the complete possession of the partner and the unbridled desire to conquer.

In an inverted position, there are disagreements and quarrels, conflicts, sometimes groundless, and the inability to reach an agreement. Unwillingness and inability to seek and make compromises. Hostility and desire to convict a partner of something. Aggressive moods and uncontrollable sexual desire prone to violence. Going to extremes, a tendency to tell a partner everything that comes to mind, without thinking or understanding what is happening. Also, without thinking about what such a situation could lead to.

If you're just starting to date someone, that person thinks about you a lot. There is clarity about what you want from your connection.

If you are already in a relationship, the Ace of Swords heralds a new direction in it. He or she still thinks about you a lot. Relationships can be very fair and balanced!

This person really has thoughts about you. You make him feel smart. You know the feeling you get when someone complements you intellectually and makes you feel better.

It’s quite fun and easy for you and this person.

Ace of Swords in health

A person has good health and good immunity. An inexhaustible flow of vitality. If illnesses occur, quick recovery.

In an inverted position - fractures, dislocations, bruises, possible surgical intervention, risk to life or death.

Ace of Swords to describe a situation

Change of situation for the better, victory and success. You should trust your knowledge and abilities. Don't be afraid to take risks - the risk will be justified and will bring victory.

After the interpretation of the Ace of Swords in the layout has been determined, it is worth thinking about the following questions:

Who or what are you fighting, battling, or at war with?

There is something in your life that needs to be gotten rid of. Analyze your condition and find it.

Are your weapons sharpened?

How can you solve issues differently without resorting to military strategies and actions?

The Ace of Swords' advice is that you shouldn't fight for something you're not sure of or for something you don't fully understand. Your struggle must have a clear plan with a specific goal. It is worth finding out the essence of the problem, putting together an overall picture of what is happening and drawing up an action plan.

Combining the Ace of Swords with other cards in the deck

Major Arcana

Jester. Committing stupid things, getting sick, losing.

Mag. Intrigues, divergence of interests, divergence of opinions.

High Priestess. Wisdom and the ability to use it, advice from a woman.

Empress. Pregnancy, becoming a mother, conceiving a child.

Emperor. The head of the family is a man, good luck in business.

Hierophant. The ability to use your knowledge. An opportunity to clarify the situation and understand the truth of values.

Lovers. Love relationships and everything connected with it. New romance, separations and breakups. If the cards are in an upright position, it is worth fighting for your love.

Chariot. Abuse of something. Using people for your own purposes. An opportunity is provided to understand the current situation and unravel the web of intrigue.

Force. Searching for a fair solution, searching for evidence of justice, establishing the truth. Defending the truth.

Hermit. Finding answers to questions within yourself. Inability to understand oneself. Self-analysis, you need to learn to accept yourself.

Wheel of Fortune. Waiting for the situation to become clearer, the answer to the question of the possibility of change. You should not lose your vigilance; sobriety of mind is necessary. Life can change at any moment, unpredictability of events and situations.

Justice. Defense by seeking help from a lawyer. Puncture or cut wounds, possible surgical intervention, a course of injections.

Hanged. Nervous states, apathy, stress, depression, self-doubt, mistrust of others. Contradictory actions and thoughts.

Death. Waiting for a new period and new beginnings. In an inverted position - stagnation of the existing situation.

Moderation. It is worth stopping there and analyzing the situation.

Devil. Dangers, conspiracies, intrigues, assassinations.

Lightning Tower. Defeat for the opponents. Building something new on the basis of the old.

Star. Ideas, plans, projects, plans. Your success will be appreciated.

Moon. Anxiety, delusions.

Sun. Clarity of the situation, moving forward, your actions bring you victory and success.

Court. Analysis of the situation, review of your life principles. Helping someone, charitable deeds.

World. Recognition on a large scale.


Ace. New ideas, inspiration. A favorable start to new business.

Two. It's time to think about what's happening. It is necessary to think about the situation and look at the available prospects.

Troika. Your dreams and plans will come true.

Four. Marriage, family, having a child.

Five. Uncoordinated actions, disruption of events, poor preparation.

Six. Social position and status. Things are going well.

Seven. It’s worth fighting for your goal and dream; obstacles are possible. It is necessary to prepare for the decisive fight.

Nine. Lack of self-confidence and strength, sluggishness, lack of progress.

Ten. Your dream will not come true. Questionable ideas and plans.

Page. Fruitful learning, easy assimilation of materials. In quarrels and conflicts there is a truce, how long it will last is up to you to decide, it is in your interests to resolve the situation to the end.

Knight. The result is undetermined. The unknown and uncertainty of the situation. Your actions may lead you in an unknown direction.

Queen. Power from a woman. Creativity, search for extraordinary approaches and solutions.

King. Improving something.


Ace. The state of being in love. There are a lot of events happening in this period of time.

Two. Romance and reciprocity in relationships.

Troika. Friendships that have been tested. The emergence of new acquaintances that may be useful in the future.

Four. Emotional imbalance, rash actions.

Five. Losing something. Actions bring disappointment.

Six. What will remain for life is relationships, friendships.

Seven. Your illusions are destroyed. Actions and decisions made may be wrong.

Eight. An opportunity to start all over again.

Nine. Success in your endeavors. Hospitable hosts.

Ten. Demanding of everyone. The requirement to get rid of obsolete things, and then happiness will not take long to arrive.

Page. External beauty, artificial beauty.

Knight. Temptation, dreams.

Queen. Melancholic moods. You have something to hide. Secrets from the past.

King. All power is concentrated in one single hand. Manipulating people for your own purposes.


Two. Inability to show feelings. Reason is above emotions and feelings.

Troika. Conflicts, possible revenge.

Four. Need for rest. It's worth catching your breath.

Five. Restrictions. Psychological fears. Possible loss.

Six. Conquering something new, learning.

Seven. Walking on the edge of a sword, a thin line between success and complete failure, a thirst for adrenaline.

Eight. The hopelessness of the situation in which you found yourself due to your actions.

Nine. Destroyed dreams, plans are not destined to come true.

Ten. Refusal on a voluntary basis. The desire to finish what you started. Wrong or ill-considered actions can lead to the collapse of ideas.

Page. Overvoltage.

Knight. Selfish attitude, achieving something by force or using force. It is necessary to act quickly, without hesitation or doubt.

Queen. A strong and independent woman. The thirst to achieve what you want by any means and at any cost.

King. Intelligence. Victory of the mind.


Ace. Financial support.

Two. Creative abilities in the field of literature. The situation will resolve itself.

Troika. Endurance and desire to work hard, intellectual abilities. It's time to freshen up.

Four. Calm state, silence, accumulation of something.

Five. Complications in the situation, possible illnesses and manifestations of illnesses and weaknesses. Additional funds are needed to resolve the situation.

Six. The financial situation is improving. Perhaps someone needs your help.

Seven. You are unhappy with yourself and your life. You can’t decide what to do next, you can’t decide what you want to do.

Eight. Change of positions or leaders.

Nine. The emergence of a new love or romance, possibly short-term.

Ten. Creating an image that everything is good when in reality everything is bad.

Page. Inspiration or love. The idea has not been fully thought through.

Knight. Single.

Queen. Change in marital status.

King. Financial stability, getting a promotion.