Igor cornet. LPR, Igor Kornet: We are doing the right thing! We do not shed anyone's blood. Igor Kornet: from patrolman to “minister”

I think many have already read the news about Igor Kornet’s daughter. For those who are not in the know, I will repeat what the Ukrainian media write about this:

The eldest daughter of Igor Kornet is studying on a budget to become a Ukrainian prosecutor at the Kharkov Law Academy named after Yaroslav the Wise. Marina Kornet entered the Kharkov university in the summer of 2014. Interestingly, in 2013, Marina studied in the USA, loves to vacation in exotic countries, and now often comes to Lugansk, reports Obozrevatel.

Her photos also indicate that she loves to vacation in warm countries (for example, in Turkey, where Marina Cornet visited in 2017).
One of the university students said:
“She has money like dirt. She gave one of the grooms a watch for 10 thousand greenbacks. At first I lived in the seventh dorm on the fifth floor, in room 505. And now I rent an apartment in the center of Kharkov for 20 thousand.”
After journalists found out that the militant’s daughter was studying to become a prosecutor in Kharkov, the girl stopped attending classes at the university and changed her phone number and name on social networks to Sasha Pogorelova. Marina refused to admit that she is the daughter of the “Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR.” Nevertheless, she said that her name was Marina Igorevna Kornet and she was originally from Lugansk.
After some time, Marina Kornet finally commented on her relationship with her father. She made the corresponding statement on the air of the program “Penny . As soon as the journalists met the girl on the street and asked the first question regarding her scandalous parent, she immediately tried to disown any family ties with him. However, after a while she admitted that “yes, yes,” Igor Cornet took part in her birth. At the same time, according to the girl, today she does not maintain any relationship with her would-be father. It is worth emphasizing that after this conversation, journalists suggested that the girl was not completely honest with them and that all her statements about a “complicated relationship” with her father were nothing more than a made-up story for the media. They admit that Cornet is directly involved in her luxurious life in Kharkov.”

By the way, about the house in which Igor Kornet lived. They say he returned there safely and lives there quietly and comfortably. This is not said to justify Plotnitsky, but the very fact of a person living in a house to which this house does not belong does not play in favor of the republic. I understand that the owner’s lover financed the Ukrainian punitive forces, so find him and judge him, but what does the house have to do with it? In any case, you can’t just take over and occupy someone else’s house. Where is the rule of law here? They also say that Cornet drew up documents for this house in his name (or in the name of one of his relatives) on the territory of Ukraine. Of course, these are just rumors. But, if this is so, if he registered the house in his name, then how did the SBU allow the “terrorist” to purchase a house in an uncontrolled territory? Although, again, these are rumors, and we are not talking about the house now.

Let's return to the behavior of Marina Cornet. The fact that she comes to visit her relatives in Lugansk in no way makes her guilty. Thousands of people calmly pass through the demarcation line every day. But, I think, if she had no connection with Igor Kornet, she would not have deleted her account, would not have changed her phone number, would not have avoided commenting on this situation, and would not have disappeared from the university. We can now hear many official statements from the top officials of the republic and from Cornet himself, up to the refusal of father and daughter from each other, but the question is how true are they? Nowadays, believing in officialdom is tantamount to believing the words of Pasechnik, they say, Igor Venediktovich Plotnitsky resigned from the post of head of the LPR for health reasons, allegedly due to injuries received in battles (although he did not fight anywhere).
Now let’s go to Odnoklassniki on the page of Marina Kornet’s dad and see a photo of a girl who is not twelve years old, posted on July 2, 2013. The girl’s face is without makeup, but her features are very similar to the one who studies at a Kharkov university. In the comments, Igor Kornet confirms that this is his eldest daughter. In case Igor Aleksandrovich deletes the photo, I took a screenshot.

Marina claims that she does not communicate with her father, but how can this be when her father posts and comments on a photo of his daughter? And divorce is not an obstacle to fatherly feelings. On the other hand, what should she have said: “Yes, this is my father, yes, he bought me an expensive car and gives me money for education and a comfortable life in Kharkov.”?
Anton Gerashchenko, a member of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, behaved interestingly in this situation. Journalists say that while commenting on the news about Marina Cornet on television, he was nervous, and then began to call someone. And Ukrainian journalists also believe that he called supposedly in order to find out whether Marina Kornet is really the daughter of Igor Kornet. But there is another version. He could have called to find out who in the SBU “leaked” information about Marina to the Ukrainian media, and for what purpose this was done. The Persona resource made interesting conclusions; although it is Ukrainian, it is worth reading:

“...But let’s return to the first “exposure” of the daughter of a Luhansk “terrorist.” Why don’t active supporters of her expulsion from Ukraine assume that they wrote about Marina on purpose?.. The fact is that it is really difficult to believe that they (the SBU - ed.) did not know whose daughter it was. Most likely, the daughter served as a kind of “hook” for the “head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR.” Now it may well happen that after such loud publicity, Marina Kornet will simply run away to Lugansk to her parents, and the SBU will lose influence on Kornet Sr.
But, as you know, the sword has two ends: now the FSB should ask questions about Cornet. It is possible that they already knew about the existence of their daughter in “Ukropov” Kharkov, but now Cornet pushed Plotnitsky himself. And the daughter remains in “Bendera”. What conclusions can they come to at Lubyanka? That’s right: firstly, educating his daughter in Ukraine means that Cornet himself does not believe in the “LPR” and is looking for options for retreat. This means Cornet is an unreliable person. Secondly, Kornet kept contacts in the Ukrainian special services or other law enforcement agencies throughout this entire time. Otherwise, my daughter would definitely have problems.
In turn, the Ukrainian authorities have two options for responding to these actions: either kick her out and send her home, as the “sofa centurions” propose, and thus lose the opportunity to put pressure on Kornet, or give her the opportunity to study further, keeping this “trump card” up your sleeve...
Although many questions arise for the daughter herself. It is generally difficult to understand her, because, having such a father, it must be scary to live in a Ukrainian city. And if it’s not scary, then the first thing that comes to mind is that Kornet has certain connections in Kharkov. And this point is worth checking with the relevant authorities.”

But it’s true, it’s somehow hard to believe that the SBU could not have known about Kornet’s daughter. The security service is primarily interested in the biography of such individuals as Igor Kornet, their relatives and where they are. And the fact that Cornet at one time “mowed dill” is also not convincing. For the sake of such a valuable personnel in the highest echelons of power of the LPR, Ukraine can sacrifice a couple of dozens, or even hundreds of its citizens. At least, the Ukrainian government is least worried about its citizens. And if Igor Kornet really has connections with the Ukrainian special services, then what did he promise them in exchange for the safety and unhindered education of his daughter in Kharkov?

P. S. All conclusions written in this text are just a version. To believe Cornet's words or not is everyone's personal choice. But still, there are still a lot of questions regarding this situation.

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Some do this strictly according to their job description, some seek fame or money for their work, but there are people for whom the most important thing is serving people. Officer Igor Kornet is one of those patriots selflessly devoted to his People's Republic.

Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR Igor Kornet was born in 1973 in Lugansk (then Voroshilovgrad) in the family of a career officer. He spent his childhood in military garrisons of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries. He graduated from the Poltava Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command Red Banner School named after Army General Vatutin. After the collapse of the USSR, he served in the internal affairs bodies. From the first days of the liberation uprising - as part of the leadership of the LPR.

In 2014, when active hostilities were underway and the young Lugansk People's Republic was confronting a superior enemy, the issue of recreating the law enforcement system became extremely acute. By the time Igor Kornet was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, there were 219 employees in the district and city departments, compared to 13 thousand who served in the authorities before the war! This is less than 2% of the personnel! There are only 8 departments for the entire Republic! It is clear that in such conditions it was impossible to carry out normal work on maintaining order; the only task was to preserve city and district departments from looting! It was important to preserve all the documentation stored there, to prevent the police archives from being destroyed. Few would have been able to organize work in such harsh conditions, when there was an extremely turbulent military situation around. Igor Kornet created the law enforcement system of the Lugansk People's Republic practically from scratch. Moreover, it is important to note that he chose a course towards the Soviet system: now the police do not turn away from people.

Being close to people is today the main principle that will never change in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic. When creating the law enforcement system, they abandoned separate departments: the departments cope with their tasks quite well. The ministry has criminal investigation, investigation, expert, and explosives services. This optimization of personnel made it possible to reduce the financial burden on the Republic, which cannot be said about many other ministries and departments! For some reason, only the security forces understand that they are a state body that lives at the expense of taxpayers.

It turns out that it is those who put their lives in danger every day and protect the citizens of the republic who do not allow themselves to thoughtlessly squander money and save every penny of the people! There is something to think about... Especially when you find out how many young “shufflers” and beauties on Louboutins are stuck in “grain” places under high patronage! Many do not like this honest position - there are quite a few dill hangers-on in power. Their tasks are different: some simply “take care” of warm places for their owners, who fled to Kyiv. And others openly work for the Security Service of Ukraine, not forgetting to portray a frantic love for the LPR. Kornet sees right through such werewolves, he has a special flair for the counter.

So “insiders” and “revelations” are coming from the Ukrainian side - look how many of them there have been since 2014! “Cornet has been arrested!”, “Cornet has fled to St. Petersburg!”, “Incriminating evidence on Cornet has been found!” – these and similar topics have already become quite tired even of the adherents of the fugitive Luhansk intellectual “elite”. Dikhtyarenko, Tsikalovsky, Belokobylsky, Filimonenko, Ivanov, Stepova and other SBU henchmen left and maintain considerable agents in Lugansk, including in the corridors of power, who transmit to them secret information that instantly ends up on the desk of SBU employees. It turns out that Kornet is plowing, personally going to all serious incidents and risking his life, and all these security agents in the People's Council and other organizations are only thinking about how to remove this restless guy who does not steal himself and does not allow others to “lose their shores”! Igor Alexandrovich is dangerous for these hidden agents! Deadly!

After all, sooner or later he will get to every “mole”, there can be no doubt about that. In just over three years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR, under the leadership of Minister I. Kornet, managed not only to stop the tide of crime, but also to improve all indicators compared to the period before 2014. And there is no need to talk about the fact that the horrific crime situation in Ukraine cannot be compared with how the Lugansk People’s Republic lives now. And this is in the most difficult conditions of constant disruption of the Minsk agreements by Ukraine! The Ministry of Internal Affairs dealt a severe blow to the trafficking of narcotic substances, blocked arms trade channels, and uncovered Ukrainian sabotage units operating in the LPR. Law enforcement officers have achieved an almost 100% detection rate for domestic crimes, the work of local police officers has been established, and they are working with difficult teenagers. There are successes in all areas of the ministry’s work!

And this is precisely what all of this frightens Ukraine: it is not possible to undermine the People’s Republic from within! Kornet is disliked by the SBU: he cannot be “buyed”, he does not submit to any power pressure, periodically thrown out “insights” turn out to be ordinary fakes. According to information received by the hotline of the DPR Prosecutor General's Office, the explosion on July 7, 2017 in the center of Lugansk, not far from the Square of Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, was aimed at the physical elimination of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR Igor Kornet. According to an anonymous source, the first low-power explosion was supposed to attract Igor Kornet to the scene: everyone knows that the minister never sits in his office, but bravely goes directly to the scene of incidents. It was for this purpose that a car filled with explosives was prepared, which, by a lucky chance, was blocked by a larger vehicle, which took on most of the destructive elements with which the terrorists’ car was “stuffed.” As they say in such cases: born in a shirt!

The Ukrainian Security Service does not give up its attempts to get to Igor Kornet. While the minister heads his department, Ukrainian agents in the LPR are living an extremely uncomfortable life. The People's Republic is growing stronger and turning into a real state entity, which does not suit Ukraine at all. It’s not easy, not only to live for three years under the constant sight of the SBU, but also to work effectively, but Igor Kornet copes with this task perfectly. We are sure that this will continue in the future!

@ Lugansk swamps

Yesterday, November 22, a working meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR was held, in which all heads of structural divisions of the Ministry, the leadership of territorial internal affairs bodies, as well as their deputies took part.

Available "Russian Spring" turned out to be video footage of the event.

The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR, Major General of Police Igor Aleksandrovich Kornet.

At the beginning of the meeting, he thanked those present for their loyalty to their oath and duty and informed them about the current situation in the Republic.

“The situation was quite difficult. The first arrests have been made. Successful arrests. Thank God, we are doing the right thing, there was no bloodshed. People give evidence. The testimony is exactly that - about falsifications starting in 2016, and about the falsifications of the “pseudo-coup”.

Unfortunately, one most worthy person can no longer be returned because of this falsification - Gennady Nikolaevich Tsypkalov. To many of you he was a true comrade in arms. Those responsible for this will be punished as soon as possible. Everyone else will be detained. No one will turn on the rear,” the minister emphasized.

The Minister also called on local commanders to take a more responsible and attentive approach to working with personnel. And identify in advance and, without any regrets, get rid of hidden careerists and sneaky opportunists who can only interfere with work and stab in the back. It was precisely such “waiters,” according to the police major general, that almost led the Republic to disaster.

“But we didn’t miss the stab in the back. It was not possible to go back to Nenka for little. In reality, not much. Literally 2 weeks,” said Igor Alesandrovich.

“I emphasize once again: we succeeded. It turned out well. You yourself can see very well that in the electronic media, which have little control, the hype is not 100%, but 80% - this is in support of our actions.

In principle, we can briefly say: if not us, then who? The last stronghold,” said the police major general.

The Minister also touched upon the topic of criminal cases initiated by the Prosecutor General’s Office over the past few weeks against a number of senior officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the police major general, all these cases are far-fetched and are exclusively of an ordered nature, which is confirmed by numerous testimonies of employees of the LPR State Police.

“Thank you very much again for your support. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I’m sure, there will still be attempts to shake the situation: to pull someone out, to drag them in - I think this is already useless,” said Igor Aleksandrovich.

At the same time, the Minister and members of the board reminded the heads of the internal affairs department that the service continues, and no one has removed the task of maintaining law and order.

“Everyone should not only be understanding, but also devote themselves to work with full depth in the current situation. In no case does everything that happens relieve us of the responsibility and burden placed on us by the population. This is a burden, first of all, of the fight against crime,” emphasized the Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR.

At the end of the meeting, all those present left for their places of duty - to continue the work of maintaining law and order and legality in the Republic.

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Some do this strictly according to their job description, some seek fame or money for their work, but there are people for whom the most important thing is serving people. Officer Igor Kornet is one of those patriots selflessly devoted to his People's Republic.

Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR Igor Kornet was born in 1973 in Lugansk (then Voroshilovgrad) in the family of a career officer. He spent his childhood in military garrisons of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries. He graduated from the Poltava Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Command Red Banner School named after Army General Vatutin. After the collapse of the USSR, he served in the internal affairs bodies. From the first days of the liberation uprising - as part of the leadership of the LPR.

In 2014, when active hostilities were underway and the young Lugansk People's Republic was confronting a superior enemy, the issue of recreating the law enforcement system became extremely acute. By the time Igor Kornet was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, there were 219 employees in the district and city departments, compared to 13 thousand who served in the authorities before the war! This is less than 2% of the personnel! There are only 8 departments for the entire Republic! It is clear that in such conditions it was impossible to carry out normal work on maintaining order; the only task was to preserve city and district departments from looting! It was important to preserve all the documentation stored there, to prevent the police archives from being destroyed. Few would have been able to organize work in such harsh conditions, when there was an extremely turbulent military situation around. Igor Kornet created the law enforcement system of the Lugansk People's Republic practically from scratch. Moreover, it is important to note that he chose a course towards the Soviet system: now the police do not turn away from people.

Being close to people is today the main principle that will never change in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic. When creating the law enforcement system, they abandoned separate departments: the departments cope with their tasks quite well. The ministry has criminal investigation, investigation, expert, and explosives services. This optimization of personnel made it possible to reduce the financial burden on the Republic, which cannot be said about many other ministries and departments! For some reason, only the security forces understand that they are a state body that lives at the expense of taxpayers.

It turns out that it is those who put their lives in danger every day and protect the citizens of the republic who do not allow themselves to thoughtlessly squander money and save every penny of the people! There is something to think about... Especially when you find out how many young “shufflers” and beauties on Louboutins are stuck in “grain” places under high patronage! Many do not like this honest position - there are quite a few dill hangers-on in power. Their tasks are different: some simply “take care” of warm places for their owners, who fled to Kyiv. And others openly work for the Security Service of Ukraine, not forgetting to portray a frantic love for the LPR. Kornet sees right through such werewolves, he has a special flair for the counter.

So “insiders” and “revelations” are coming from the Ukrainian side - look how many of them there have been since 2014! “Cornet has been arrested!”, “Cornet has fled to St. Petersburg!”, “Incriminating evidence on Cornet has been found!” – these and similar topics have already become quite tired even of the adherents of the fugitive Luhansk intellectual “elite”. Dikhtyarenko, Tsikalovsky, Belokobylsky, Filimonenko, Ivanov, Stepova and other SBU henchmen left and maintain considerable agents in Lugansk, including in the corridors of power, who transmit to them secret information that instantly ends up on the desk of SBU employees. It turns out that Kornet is plowing, personally going to all serious incidents and risking his life, and all these security agents in the People's Council and other organizations are only thinking about how to remove this restless guy who does not steal himself and does not allow others to “lose their shores”! Igor Alexandrovich is dangerous for these hidden agents! Deadly!

After all, sooner or later he will get to every “mole”, there can be no doubt about that. In just over three years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR, under the leadership of Minister I. Kornet, managed not only to stop the tide of crime, but also to improve all indicators compared to the period before 2014. And there is no need to talk about the fact that the horrific crime situation in Ukraine cannot be compared with how the Lugansk People’s Republic lives now. And this is in the most difficult conditions of constant disruption of the Minsk agreements by Ukraine! The Ministry of Internal Affairs dealt a severe blow to the trafficking of narcotic substances, blocked arms trade channels, and uncovered Ukrainian sabotage units operating in the LPR. Law enforcement officers have achieved an almost 100% detection rate for domestic crimes, the work of local police officers has been established, and they are working with difficult teenagers. There are successes in all areas of the ministry’s work!

And this is precisely what all of this frightens Ukraine: it is not possible to undermine the People’s Republic from within! Kornet is disliked by the SBU: he cannot be “buyed”, he does not submit to any power pressure, periodically thrown out “insights” turn out to be ordinary fakes. According to information received by the hotline of the DPR Prosecutor General's Office, the explosion on July 7, 2017 in the center of Lugansk, not far from the Square of Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, was aimed at the physical elimination of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR Igor Kornet. According to an anonymous source, the first low-power explosion was supposed to attract Igor Kornet to the scene: everyone knows that the minister never sits in his office, but bravely goes directly to the scene of incidents. It was for this purpose that a car filled with explosives was prepared, which, by a lucky chance, was blocked by a larger vehicle, which took on most of the destructive elements with which the terrorists’ car was “stuffed.” As they say in such cases: born in a shirt!

The Ukrainian Security Service does not give up its attempts to get to Igor Kornet. While the minister heads his department, Ukrainian agents in the LPR are living an extremely uncomfortable life. The People's Republic is growing stronger and turning into a real state entity, which does not suit Ukraine at all. It’s not easy, not only to live for three years under the constant sight of the SBU, but also to work effectively, but Igor Kornet copes with this task perfectly. We are sure that this will continue in the future!

Back in November 2017, a scandal broke out in the networks involving the “Minister” of Internal Affairs of the LPR, Igor Kornet. One of the most popular TV channels in Ukraine, 1+1, aired a story about the daughter of the notorious gray cardinal of the Lugansk Republic, Kornet. The story confirmed that Igor Kornet’s daughter is a student at the Kharkov Law Academy; in plain text it says: “Donka Kornet is taking away a government scholarship from Kharkov to become a prosecutor.” “The Ukrainian university “Kharkov Law Academy named after Yaroslav the Wise” confirmed that the daughter of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR Igor Kornet is indeed studying with them “to become a prosecutor.” This is stated in the TSN story. Earlier yesterday, Ukrainian media reported that they had found the VKontakte page of Igor Kornet’s daughter, which, after publicity in the media, was deleted. The Ukrainian university said that Marina Kornet is an exemplary student and citizen of Ukraine, and therefore there are no grounds for her exclusion. “There was no conflict in Donbass yet, she was admitted according to Ukrainian documents - everything was as it should be. And according to the law “On Education”, we had no grounds for refusing her. “There are absolutely no complaints about the student,” said the rector of the academy.”

The same 1+1 found more relatives of the cornet in Ukraine. Father-in-law and mother-in-law also live in the Kharkov region.

There are no denials or statements from Cornet. Apparently even he himself cannot argue with these facts.

This begs the question - Igor Alexandrovich, whose will you be?!

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