Signs of a man's wrist itching. Allergy and its causes. Right wrist pain

The wrist is the area that connects the hand to the bones of the forearm. It is formed by eight polyhedral bones arranged in two rows.

Since the wrist is responsible not only for many movements in the hand, but also takes on the force loads of the upper limbs, this area is especially vulnerable. And the sooner the cause of the pain is determined and the right measures are taken, the greater the chance of maintaining mobility in it.

In this article we will look into the reasons wrist pain, we will talk about methods of self-diagnosis and the distinctive signs of diseases, and also provide the maximum possible list of other causes of pain in the wrists.

Wrist pain: causes and diagnosis

Pain in the wrists can be severe and almost unnoticeable, worsen at night or bother you around the clock; When you move your fingers in the area of ​​the wrist and back of the hand, you may feel a creaking sound - all these are important diagnostic signs. All of them, together with information about the possible cause of pain, help make the correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate examination method.

Wrist pain due to injury (fracture, dislocation, sprain)

A fall on the arm or a direct blow to the wrist can cause broken or dislocated bones and sprained ligaments.
In all cases, they will be concerned about:
  • acute pain in the wrist joint;
  • limited mobility;
  • swelling of the wrist.

Fracture or dislocation of the wrist
The most commonly fractured bones are the scaphoid and lunate bones, which will be visible on an x-ray.

In severe cases, the victim will complain of acute pain in the wrist, and upon examination, one will notice obvious deformation of the joint, its pathological mobility, bruising and significant swelling.

A mild fracture is characterized by only swelling and minor discomfort in the wrist. In this case, diagnostic errors are possible and the fracture may be left unattended. The consequence of such inattention to wrist pain is a complete loss of mobility in the joint.

Wrist sprain
Both the ligaments that hold the wrist bones together and the ones that connect the forearm to the hand can be stretched or torn.

A wrist sprain is characterized by acute pain in the joint, the inability to perform the same range of movements with the hand, and instability of the joint. Swelling of the injury site gradually increases.

First aid
At this stage, it is important to prevent the development of complications: painful shock, blood loss, or even greater trauma to the affected limb.

  • If the fracture is open and blood is flowing from the wound: first of all, you need to stop the bleeding.
  • Ice is applied to the fracture site (it needs to be wrapped in cloth) - it will relieve acute pain, prevent swelling and reduce bleeding.
  • A sterile gauze bandage is applied to the wound, if any.
  • After this, the limb must be fixed with a splint (or bandaged to a small board) to prevent the displacement of bone fragments, further trauma and pain.
  • Next, you need to see a doctor (call an ambulance or go to the emergency room yourself).
Attention! Be careful when using painkillers!
  • Topical sprays (sprayed onto the skin) should not be used on open wounds. Otherwise, the drug will enter the general bloodstream in significant concentrations, and can even lead to human death.
  • Local painkillers act for a very short time. Their repeated use is undesirable due to the possibility of overdose.
  • Painkiller tablets (powders) can cause an exacerbation of the victim's existing stomach ulcer, leading to gastric bleeding and other undesirable consequences. It is better to check with the victim about the possibility of their use before the ambulance arrives.
To diagnose wrist pain due to injury, X-rays are taken in special projections.

For fractures of the wrist bones without displacement, a plaster cast is applied to the limb for 1-6 months, depending on the type of fracture. A repeat (control) x-ray is taken after removing the plaster cast.

Important! Pain in the wrist, long after the injury, may be a sign of osteoarthritis (complications of a non-united fracture of the scaphoid bone of the wrist). In this case, there will be pain when the joint is tense, turning the palm up and down, and limited mobility.
As with any wrist pain, you should definitely see a doctor.

Pain in the wrists due to regular forceful use of the arm

Injury to the wrist can occur due to excessive, repetitive stress on the wrist (eg, sharp gripping, bending of the wrist as occurs in golf, tennis, or rowing).

As a result of such stress, tendonitis most often occurs. These diseases are more common than others due to the anatomical narrowness of the sheaths through which the carpal tendons pass. A slight irritation of these tendons is enough for seals to form in them.

A diagnostic sign of emerging tendinitis will be crepitus, a cracking sensation in the tendon running from the wrist to the fingers when moving. Several tendons can become inflamed at once. The disease develops gradually, as evidenced by increasing pain along the tendons over time.

The main reason for the occurrence of CTS lies in the woman’s increasing body weight and edema, especially pronounced in the second half of pregnancy. Swelling in the hands most often leads to compression of the median nerve.

Symptoms of this disease affect 20 to 60% of pregnant women. They can be mild or cause serious discomfort. As a rule, the pain goes away with the birth of the baby. In rare cases, wrist pain due to CTS continues for several months.

Symptoms of CTS:

  • wrist pain, itching, burning, tingling or trembling sensations in the fingers;
  • symptoms worsen at night, although they may also bother you during the day;
  • discomfort is felt on the palmar surface of four fingers (from thumb to ring) and the palm itself. If numbness is present in the little finger and is transmitted to the back of the hand, this indicates another disease;
  • weakness in the fingers when grasping objects, especially large ones;
  • numbness may extend beyond the palm if branches of the median nerve are affected. There may be a cooling of the hand, pale skin due to vasoconstriction, increased sensitivity to cold temperatures;
  • general deterioration in health, swelling in the legs and arms.
To make a diagnosis, a series of tests are performed on passive flexion and extension of the limb, tapping along the nerve, etc. Electromyography is done as an additional research method. This study consists of recording electrical impulses in the muscles, which makes it possible to identify the part of the affected nerve, or to identify a cause of wrist pain other than CTS.

Wrist pain during pregnancy: help and treatment
During the next nighttime exacerbation of wrist pain, try changing your sleeping position. Below are a number of simple rules that will help you reduce discomfort:

  • avoid placing your hand under your head while sleeping;
  • To restore sensitivity during numbness and relieve pain, shake your hands;
  • During the day, you can try to perform simple exercises: regularly clench and unclench your fingers (this technique can be carried out if it does not increase the pain);
  • try to give up work that involves constant movements of your fingers (typing on the keyboard, playing the piano, etc.);
  • When sitting in front of the TV, try placing your hands in an elevated position (for example, placing them on the back of the sofa).

Attention: If the above measures do not bring relief, you should definitely see a doctor. Left untreated and untreated, CTS can lead to permanent damage to the median nerve and severe impairment of the entire arm.

Your doctor may recommend taking vitamins to nourish the nerve, as well as wearing a special splint on your wrist at night. This splint will keep the wrist in a comfortable position and reduce muscle tension and pressure on the nerve.

If absolutely necessary, an operation is performed in which an incision is made in the oblique carpal ligament, which leads to the release of the median nerve from compression.

Occupational diseases

Wrist pain when working at the computer every day
Daily work at the computer, typing on the keyboard and controlling the computer mouse, lead to regular monotonous loads on the same muscles, the wrist is under constant tension. This activity causes the tendons that run next to the nerve to swell and sometimes leads to swelling of the nerve itself.

Wrist pain occurs more in the right hand in right-handed people. I am concerned about constant discomfort in the wrist joint, weakening of grip strength, numbness of the hands, especially the palms.
This disease is called tunnel syndrome or TTS (see description above).

Wrist pain in telephone operators, tailors, pianists, and also with regular wringing of wet laundry
An occupational disease that is more common in adult women who play the piano, work on the telephone, or constantly wring out wet clothes or washcloths is called stenosing tenosynovitis (or tenosynovitis). The disease not only causes severe pain in the wrist, but can also lead to disability.

Tenosynovitis affects the tendon bursa of the muscles that control the movements of the thumb. Wrist pain occurs on the side of the first finger (at the location of the styloid process). The skin in this area is inflamed and painful to the touch. Over time, scar tissue forms in this area. It can be felt through the skin as a dense swelling, similar to an orange seed.

Important! With stenosing tenosynovitis, there is no crepitus (creaking) when moving the fingers.

There are four distinctive symptoms of tenosynovitis:

  • there is no pain with passive extension of the thumb;
  • when clenching the hand into a fist and passively abducting it towards the elbow, the pain radiates to the styloid process, and sometimes to the tip of the thumb or up to the elbow;
  • local pain is felt when pressing near the styloid process, at a distance of up to 1.5 cm in the direction of the thumb;
  • The onset of the disease is preceded by excessive and unusual movements of the thumb.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of tendovaginitis.
If tenosynovitis is caused by a general disease of the body (brucellosis, gonorrhea, rheumatism, etc.), the underlying disease is treated. In relation to the local manifestations mentioned above, immobilization of the limb is used (fixation of the wrist with a splint for 10-12 days), physiotherapeutic and drug treatment without hospitalization.
In complex, untreatable cases, surgical treatment is resorted to.

Wrist pain in crane operators, carpenters, hewers, mechanics, and workers with jackhammers
Avascular necrosis of the bones of the wrist (Kienbeck's disease) is the name of the disease that develops most often in representatives of the above professions, as well as with congenital short ulna. The disease is more common in young men and is the result of a single injury (or multiple microtraumas) of the wrist. Avascular necrosis is based on impaired blood supply to the bones of the limb and, as a consequence, destruction of bone tissue.
The disease does not affect the wrists symmetrically: in right-handed people, for example, the right hand suffers more.

The onset of the disease is preceded by a wrist injury, the pain lasts for 1–2 weeks.
Then for several months the disease does not make itself felt.
The active period of the disease can last several years. At the same time, persistent pain in the wrist joint is disturbing, not stopping at any time of the day, and intensifying with manual work. Pressure on the affected wrist bone is accompanied by painful sensitivity.

To recognize the disease, radiography (x-ray) is performed. If there is doubt about the accuracy of the diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is performed.

At the initial stage of the disease, it is enough to completely free the affected limb from physical activity by placing a plaster cast on it for three weeks. At rest, it is possible to restore the affected bone by the body itself: the germination of new blood vessels and the restoration of tissue nutrition.
If successful, the plaster is removed and the patient is invited for control x-rays every 4-6 weeks.

The doctor may also prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures: novocaine blockades, paraffin therapy, etc., the purpose of which is to increase blood flow in the affected limb and speedy recovery.

If the measures taken are ineffective, surgical treatment may be required.

Helpful information
What questions can you discuss with your doctor regarding Kienböck's disease?
1. What stage of the disease are you at?
2. What type of treatment is now preferable: conservative or surgical?
3. How will this disease affect your future professional activities?
4. How soon can I start my job, will I have to change it?
5. What regime to follow while on sick leave: what is possible and what is not?
6. What measures can you take on your own if the pain intensifies?

Other Factors Leading to Wrist Pain

Wrist pain, in addition to the above reasons, can be a consequence of:
  • development of inflammatory changes in bones and tissues (age-related osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis affecting both wrists, psoriatic arthritis, tuberculosis);
  • deposits of uric acid salts (gout) or calcium (pseudogout);
  • diseases of the spine (compression of the roots of the spinal nerves);
  • infectious disease (gonorrhea, brucellosis);
  • various tumors of the upper limb;
  • hereditary predisposition to ligament damage;
  • taking antiepileptic drugs;
  • congenital knobby fingers;
  • Peyronie's disease (disease of men);
  • protrusions of the tendon sheath (ganglia, synovial cysts or hygromas);
  • the presence of a disease such as trigger finger;
  • obstruction of the patency of the brachial artery in the elbow area (Volkmann's contracture, accompanying circulatory disorders);
  • fractures of the upper extremities (for example, after a fracture of the humerus in the area of ​​the epicondyle);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left arm, may be a sign of a heart attack or myocardial infarction);
  • wrist strain, working in an awkward position.
In addition to the above, we will dwell in more detail on another disease of the wrist - peritendinitis with a characteristic symptom for self-diagnosis - a slightly perceptible creaking.

Peritendinitis (tenosynovitis, tenosynovitis)
The disease affects the tendons of the wrist joint and the long muscle of the thumb, as a result of which the mobility of the thumb and index fingers is impaired.

Peritendinitis may be due to a bacterial infection or rheumatism.

This disease can be independently identified by a combination of the following signs:

  • wrist pain;
  • swelling of the back of the wrist (pressure in this area causes pain);
  • When you actively move your fingers, a gentle creaking sound ("suede" crepitation) appears, which is noticeable to the touch and sometimes even audible.
A number of other diseases cause similar symptoms:
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • myotendinitis of the forearm;
  • inflammatory diseases of the wrist joint;
  • radial styloiditis (affecting the radius bone of the forearm).
To clarify the disease, an x-ray is taken, which will show thickening of the soft tissues above the styloid process of the wrist on the side of the thumb with peritendinitis.

Treatment: carried out by a doctor.

Wrist pain: when should you see a doctor?

You should definitely see a doctor if:
  • wrist pain lasts more than two days;
  • pain in the wrist is accompanied by swelling, stiffness in the joint and/or abnormal shape of the limb;
  • it is impossible to perform physical work with your hands;
  • pain in the wrist intensifies after physical activity, there is a loss of sensitivity in any part of the hand;
  • wrist pain combined with chest pain or shortness of breath; this could be a sign of a heart attack; in this case, emergency medical attention will be required.

Which doctor should I consult for wrist pain?

Pain in the wrists is usually caused by either diseases of the structures of the musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles), or pathology of the joints, or disruption of the nervous system. Therefore, if you have pain in your wrists, it becomes necessary to contact either an orthopedic traumatologist or rheumatologist (make an appointment), or to neurologist (make an appointment). Below we will look at in what cases and which doctor you should contact if you have wrist pain in combination with various other symptoms.

When pain in the wrist occurs after a hand injury of any nature and origin (falling on the hand, twisting of the hand, accidental or intentional pressure by a door, falling of a heavy object, etc.), has varying intensity (from strong to weak), is combined with swelling, then you must contact traumatologist (make an appointment), and its absence – to surgeon (make an appointment). You can contact a traumatologist or surgeon both at the clinic and at the emergency room.

If the pain in the wrist occurs as a result of frequent high physical stress on the hand (working on the telephone, playing the piano, tailoring, lifting weights, playing golf, tennis, frequent wringing of rags or linen, etc.) and is combined with a cracking sensation ( crepitus) when moving the hand or fingers, difficulties when trying to grab any object with the damaged hand or clench it into a fist, feeling an obstacle when flexing and extending the thumb (a click is heard after overcoming the obstacle), then tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons) or tenosynovitis (inflammation of the tendons) is suspected. muscle sheaths). In this case, it is necessary to contact an orthopedic traumatologist, or, in his absence, a surgeon.

If any person (often pregnant women and people who constantly work at a computer) feels pain in the wrist area, which is combined with itching, burning, tingling and trembling in the fingers (thumb, index, middle, ring) on ​​the side of the palm, difficulty in trying to grab any object with a hand, swelling in the legs and arms, possibly with numbness of the forearm, coldness, paleness and sensitivity to low temperatures of the skin of the hand, then carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

If, several months after a wrist injury, persistent pain appears in the wrist itself, constantly present, aggravated by working with the hands and pressing on the bones of the wrist, then Kienböck's disease is suspected. In this case, you need to contact an orthopedic traumatologist. Most often, Kienböck's disease occurs in people whose work involves constant stress on their hands (for example, crane operators, carpenters, hewers, mechanics, workers with jackhammers).

If there is pain in the wrist, combined with swelling of the back of the wrist, an audible gentle creaking when moving the fingers, as well as impaired mobility of the thumb and index fingers, then peritendinitis (de Quervain's disease) is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult an orthopedic traumatologist.

If the pain in the wrist is wave-like (increases and then decreases), is present for a long period of time, is combined with swelling, redness and heated (hot to the touch) tissues in the area of ​​the wrist joints, limited mobility and a feeling of stiffness of the hand, there may be pain and redness , swelling and restriction of movement in other joints, then arthritis is suspected. In this case, you need to contact a rheumatologist.

If periodic attacks of pain appear in the wrist lasting from several hours to weeks, combined with redness, swelling and heat of the tissues of the wrist, and after the end of the attack the wrist may become deformed, then gout or pseudogout is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult a rheumatologist.

If a person suffers from burning, shooting pains coming from the neck, through the back or front surface of the hand and wrist to the middle or ring finger, combined with a decrease in the strength of the muscles of the hand and wrist, possibly numbness of the hand, then radicular syndrome is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact see a neurologist.

If the pain in the wrist is caused by arthritis of the wrist joint, that is, in addition to pain, there is also inflammation, swelling, as well as signs of some other systemic infection (multiple rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, discomfort or burning when urinating, low-grade body temperature or periodic attacks of fever, chills, headache, weakness, malaise, possibly night sweats or heavy sweats), then infectious arthritis (gonorrheal, tuberculosis, brucellosis) is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult a rheumatologist. However, the rheumatologist will refer the patient for consultation to a specialist who treats the underlying infection that provoked the arthritis (for gonorrheal arthritis - to venereologist (make an appointment), with tuberculosis - to phthisiatrician (sign up), with brucellosis - to infectious disease specialist (sign up)).

If the pain in the wrist is associated with a visible and easily palpable round formation through the skin, similar to a tumor, painful when pressing on it, then hygroma is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult an orthopedic traumatologist or surgeon.

If pain in the wrist is caused by the trigger finger, bent at the joints as if lying on the trigger, then you need to contact either orthopedist (make an appointment), or to a surgeon.

If pain in the wrist appears in combination with a change in color, impaired sensitivity of the skin of the hand, absence of a pulse in the radial artery, unremovable flexion of the wrist and fingers in the joints, then Volkmann's contracture is suspected, and in this case you should contact either an orthopedic doctor or to the surgeon.

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for wrist pain?

Since wrist pain is caused by various pathologies, if this symptom is present, the doctor can prescribe a variety of examinations and tests. In each case, the list of tests and examinations is determined by what kind of disease the doctor suspects based on the entire set of clinical symptoms the person has. Thus, it is obvious that in fact the choice of tests and examinations for wrist pain depends on what other symptoms are present in a person, since it is these that allow the doctor to make a presumptive diagnosis. Below we will indicate what examinations and tests a doctor may prescribe for wrist pain, depending on other symptoms present.

If pain in the wrist of varying intensity occurs after any traumatic impact (falling on the arm, twisting the hand, accidental or intentional pressure by a door, falling of a heavy object, etc.) and is combined with swelling, then the doctor examines and prescribes x-ray (sign up) And Ultrasound (sign up) to identify possible fractures, sprains, ruptures of ligaments, tendons, etc.

When pain in the wrist appears as a result of frequent and severe physical stress on the hand (for example, the work of telephone operators, pianists, tailors, lifting weights, playing golf, tennis, etc.), combined with crackling when moving the hand and fingers, difficulty in When you try to pick up any object or clench your fist, you feel an obstacle when bending and straightening your finger (and after overcoming the obstacle you hear a click), then the doctor suspects tendinitis or tendovaginitis, and in this case prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Listening to crackling and crunching sounds when moving the hand and fingers using a phonendoscope;
  • Feeling (palpation) of the affected area;
  • X-ray of hand and wrist (make an appointment);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up) hands and wrists.
It is mandatory to palpate the wrist and listen for crackling and crunching sounds with a phonendoscope, which, together with the characteristic symptoms, makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis. In doubtful cases, magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed. In addition, to exclude a possible fracture, cracks or other damage to the bones, the doctor always prescribes an x-ray.

When a person (especially often observed in pregnant women and people who constantly work at a computer) has pain in the wrist, combined with itching, burning, tingling and trembling in the fingers (thumb, index, middle, ring) from the palm, difficulty in attempt to pick up any object in the hand, possibly swelling in the hands and feet, numbness of the forearm, as well as coldness, paleness and high sensitivity to low temperatures of the skin of the hand, then the doctor suspects carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) and prescribes the following examinations:

  • Biochemical blood test (sign up);
  • Blood test for the presence of rheumatoid factor (sign up);
  • Neurological examination (determining sensitivity, muscle strength in the affected area, etc.);
  • Electromyography (sign up);
  • Electroneurography;
  • X-ray of the wrist;
  • Ultrasound of the wrist (make an appointment);
  • Tomography (computer and magnetic resonance imaging) of the wrist.
To diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome itself, the doctor performs a neurological examination, which consists of tingling, tapping on certain points, requests to make some movement, etc. Based on what sensations a person experiences, how he makes certain movements, nerve damage is determined and, accordingly, a diagnosis is made. In principle, the examination can be completed at this point, since the diagnosis has been made. However, if available, the doctor may order electromyography and electroneurography to assess the speed and activity of nerve impulses, as well as to assess muscle response to nerve signals.

In addition, in order to determine the causes and nature of carpal tunnel syndrome, the doctor may prescribe a biochemical blood test, a blood test for rheumatoid factor, X-rays, ultrasound and tomography of the wrist and hand.

When, several months after a hand injury, persistent pain in the wrist occurs, which does not subside day or night, and intensifies when working with the hands and pressing on the wrist, the doctor suspects Kienböck’s disease, and to confirm it, prescribes an ultrasound and x-ray of the wrist and hand. Additionally, if there is a need for additional data on the condition of the tissues, then magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. In addition, if the medical institution has the technical capability, then tomography is prescribed immediately instead of ultrasound.

When pain in the wrist is combined with swelling on the back of the wrist, a gentle creaking sound heard when moving the fingers, and impaired mobility of the thumb and index finger, the doctor suspects peritendinitis (de Quervain's disease), and performs neurological tests to diagnose it. The diagnosis is made precisely on the basis of neurological tests; no additional tests or instrumental examinations are required. The doctor performs the following neurological tests:

  • Pressing on the thumb tendon (painless);
  • Feeling the area of ​​the styloid process (the side of the wrist from the little finger side) reveals a dense round formation, which is a thickened dorsal ligament;
  • The patient is asked to place his hands with his palms on the table and deviate the hand first towards the thumb and then the little finger (the affected hand towards the little finger deviates 20 - 30 degrees less than the healthy one, and the movement is accompanied by pain);
  • The patient is asked to place the hands on the edge with palms facing each other and then put the thumb up, like an “excellent” gesture (on the sore hand the finger is put less than on the healthy hand);
  • The patient is asked to place the thumb on the palm and cover it on top with the other four fingers, then move the hand towards the little finger (the movement causes sharp pain in the affected area);
  • The patient is asked to take a small object (pen, matchbox, etc.) with the thumb and forefinger (the person experiences pain when holding the object in the fingers).
When the pain in the wrist is wavy (alternately intensifies and weakens, but never completely goes away), bothers a person for a long period of time, is combined with redness, swelling and heat (hot to the touch) of the tissues of the wrist, limited mobility and a feeling of stiffness of the hand, possibly with pain , redness and swelling of other joints, then the doctor suspects arthritis (rheumatoid, psoriatic, etc.), and to diagnose it prescribes the following tests and examinations:
  • General blood test (sign up);
  • Blood test for rheumatic factor and C-reactive protein;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Cytological and microbiological analysis of intra-articular fluid obtained by puncture of the affected joint (sign up);
  • X-ray and magnifying X-ray in two planes of the wrist;
  • Arthrography of the wrist;
  • Tomography of the wrist;
  • Ultrasound of the wrist;
  • Scintigraphy of the wrist.
The doctor first prescribes a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, a blood test for rheumatoid factor and C-reactive protein, cytological and microbiological tests of intra-articular fluid, as well as an x-ray of the wrist. It is these studies that make it possible to diagnose arthritis, as well as determine its nature (psoriatic, rheumatoid, etc.). All other studies are considered additional and are performed only if necessary or if the medical institution has the technical capabilities. For example, ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the tissues next to the joint and the presence of effusion in the joint cavity; scintigraphy makes it possible to understand how active the inflammation is and how the bone structures of the wrist react to it.

When intermittent episodes of pain are felt in the wrist, lasting from several hours to weeks, accompanied by redness, swelling and warmth in the wrist tissue, as well as possible deformation of the wrist after the attack ends, the doctor suspects gout or pseudogout. In this situation, the following tests and examinations are prescribed:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Biochemical blood test (uric acid, total protein, protein fractions, seromucoid, fibrin, sialic acids, haptoglobin, bilirubin (sign up), urea, creatinine, cholesterol, AST, ALT, amylase);
  • X-ray of joints (sign up);
  • Microscopy, bacteriological culture (sign up) and biochemical study of the joint fluid obtained as a result of puncture;
  • Puncture of the outgrowths above the wrist joint with microscopic examination of the contents;
  • Biopsy (sign up) synovial membrane of the wrist joint;
  • Kidney ultrasound (sign up).
First of all, the doctor prescribes general and biochemical blood tests, as well as an examination of the joint fluid and the contents of the outgrowths over the joints, since these tests are the most important for diagnosing gout and pseudogout. Thus, in the joint fluid in case of gout, urates (uric acid salts) are found, and in case of pseudogout - calcium pyrophosphates, which is considered an unambiguous confirmation of the disease. In addition, urates are also found in the contents of gout growths, which is clear evidence in favor of this disease. If there is doubt about the diagnosis of pseudogout, then a biopsy of the synovial membrane of the wrist joint is additionally prescribed. Further, if gout is detected, then an ultrasound scan of the kidneys is additionally prescribed to assess their condition and identify urate stones. X-rays are prescribed for both diseases, but not to identify them, but to exclude other pathologies, as well as to assess the severity of pathological changes in the tissues of the body.

When a person has burning, shooting pains going from the neck to the middle or ring finger through the back or front surface of the hand and wrist, combined with a decrease in the muscle strength of the hand and wrist, sometimes with numbness of the hand, the doctor suspects radicular syndrome and prescribes the following examinations:

  • Neurological tests (necessary to identify which root is affected, and involve the patient performing certain movements, which are assessed by the doctor);
  • Electroneuromyography (sign up);
  • X-ray of the spine (make an appointment);
  • Computed tomography of the spine (make an appointment);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
The diagnosis of radicular syndrome is made on the basis of neurological tests and is confirmed by electroneuromyography data. After this, to determine the cause of the radicular syndrome, the doctor prescribes an x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. However, if technically possible, then X-rays are replaced with computed tomography.

When pain in the wrist is associated with arthritis of the wrist joint, that is, there is pain, swelling and impaired movement in the wrist, which are combined with symptoms of an infectious disease (multiple rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, discomfort or burning when urinating, low-grade body temperature or periodic attacks of fever , chills, headache, weakness, malaise, possibly night sweats or heavy sweats), then infectious arthritis (gonorrheal, tuberculosis, brucellosis) is suspected, and in this case the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • General urine analysis ;
  • Microscopy, cytology and bacteriological culture of joint fluid;
  • Smears from the genital tract;
  • Detection of pathogenic microbes in the blood by bacteriological examination and ELISA;
  • Mantoux test (sign up) and Pirke;
  • Ultrasound of the wrist;
  • X-ray of the wrist;
  • Tomography (computer or magnetic resonance imaging) of the wrist;
  • Wrist scintigraphy;
  • Biopsy of the synovium.
First of all, ultrasound and x-rays are prescribed and performed to diagnose infectious arthritis. If ultrasound data suggest arthritis, and there are no characteristic changes on the x-ray, since the pathological process occurs over a short period of time, then tomography and/or scintigraphy is additionally prescribed. Next, to identify the microbe that is the causative agent of infectious arthritis, microscopy, cytological and bacteriological examination of joint fluid, blood tests using ELISA and bacterial culture methods, genital smears and Mantoux and Pirquet tests are prescribed and carried out. If there is doubt about the diagnosis and the need to obtain additional data, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy of the synovial membrane of the wrist joint.

When pain in the wrist is associated with a visible eye and a rounded formation that is palpable under the skin, similar to a tumor, which is painful when pressure is applied to it, the doctor suspects a hygroma and prescribes an ultrasound and x-ray. An ultrasound is necessary to confirm the hygroma, and an x-ray is performed to exclude bone pathology. If ultrasound gives questionable results, then magnetic resonance imaging or puncture of the hygroma is prescribed. In practice, puncture of the hygroma is more often performed, since tomography is too expensive a method that cannot be used in medical institutions as often as we would like.

When pain in the wrist is combined with a bent finger, as if it is on a trigger, the doctor feels the hand, performs neurological tests and makes a diagnosis based on them. To obtain information about the condition of tissues, ultrasound and x-rays may be prescribed.

If pain in the wrist is combined with a change in skin color and impaired sensitivity of the hand, an impalpable pulse on the radial artery, and flexion of the wrist and fingers against the will, then the doctor diagnoses Volkmann's contracture based on characteristic signs. To assess the condition of tissues, joints and bones, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound, Dopplerography of blood vessels (make an appointment), x-ray.

Wrist pain: prevention and precautions

The following tips will help you prevent wrist injuries and pain:
  • regularly perform exercises to strengthen your wrist muscles;
  • when the first symptoms of discomfort in the wrists appear, stop or modify physical activity on them;
  • reduce the speed of performing repetitive movements, as well as the force applied;
  • change your position more often (for example, change your position when holding a book in your hands so that the load falls on other muscle groups);
  • grab objects with your whole hand; grasping only with your fingers harms your wrist;
  • when working with vibrating tools, use special gloves that support the hand, and also use vibration-absorbing pads;
  • follow safety rules when working with tools, hide sharp objects from children;
  • Use wrist guards when playing sports;
  • organize your workplace: make it comfortable, remove all unnecessary things;
  • Every hour of working at the computer, take 5-10 minute breaks, squat, stretch your fingers and shake your hands;
  • to prevent falls, wear comfortable, stable shoes, remove foreign objects from the floor, refrain from moving around the apartment until the floor is completely dry after wet cleaning;
  • refrain from lifting heavy objects - it is better to return several times to move the load in parts;
  • Pay attention to your hobbies and household chores - are there any repetitive movements that put stress on your wrists?
1. A nutritious diet that keeps our wrists in good shape should contain vitamin D and calcium (the latter is found in milk, yogurt and cheese, broccoli and other dark green vegetables).
2. Eat nuts and fatty fish, they contain sufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
3. Monitor your weight, prevent edema during pregnancy (proper nutrition and drinking regimen can reduce this problem to a minimum).

Physical exercise
An active lifestyle and physical exercise stimulate bone growth and strengthening. Do any sport for 45-60 minutes every day. Thanks to active movements, ventilation of the lungs and blood circulation in the tissues increase, due to this the growth of bones and muscles occurs (swimming does not affect bone growth, since the body in water experiences less gravity and, accordingly, is not prepared to counteract it).
Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the human musculoskeletal system. Doctors do not recommend drinking more than two servings of alcohol for men, and one serving of alcohol per day for women.

Smoking and the use of tobacco products increase the risk of developing osteoporosis and interfere with sufficient blood supply to tissues and their recovery after injury.

It is unacceptable to self-medicate wrist pain without a doctor’s prescription!
Home or symptomatic methods are aimed only at getting rid of symptoms. Burdock and cabbage leaves, manure are dangerous due to their untested effectiveness. And the use of ointments based on snake and bee venom means a lack of targeted action on the cause and a loss of precious time that could be spent on professional treatment. Incompetent treatment can lead to exacerbation of the disease or irreversible loss of movement function in the hand.

Heat treatments on the joint can also worsen the condition. It is unacceptable to heat a joint when it is inflamed; in such a case, cold compresses will most likely help. You should first consult your doctor about all this!

Be careful about dietary supplements. As a rule, nutritional supplements can only claim to complement the main treatment, but do not exclude it.

Good health to you!

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Folk omens are a mysterious phenomenon. They are almost always illogical. Sometimes they are prostitutes. Sometimes they contradict themselves. But nevertheless they continue to believe them! And no matter how much rationalists grin, even among them there are many who from time to time try to secretly crunch a large bill in their pocket, smack their fist or scratch an itchy palm on a wooden surface. Why, by the way, is this done and what do the signs mean if your hand itches?

Why is my right hand itching?

The right side of the body is truly “right”, that is, truthful, honest, associated with goodness and positive events. According to the Christian tradition, an angel stands behind a person’s right shoulder, pushing his ward to the best of his ability to make worthy decisions and warning against mistakes. And although the church does its best to warn us against believing in omens, even in Orthodox Rus' there were people who could not resist the temptation to tell fortunes about future events by itching in one or another part of the body.

One of the most common signs sounds quite predictable: “your right hand itches - you’ll have to say hello.” And no one has any questions, because most people really extend their right hand when they meet. But it's not that simple! To fully unravel the sign, you need to remember the day of the week, and at the same time clarify in which place the “right hand” itched. At the elbow? Underarm? On your shoulder?

Interpretation by days of the week

  • On Monday, incessant itching of the right hand predicts three excellent events at once: a meeting with a good but not close acquaintance, profit from an unexpected source, and simply a good day. Until the evening everything will be argued in your hand.
  • On Tuesday - warns that an old friend is in a hurry to visit you. And if the friend never shows up, then the salary will be paid early, and there is still a reason for joy.
  • On Wednesday, the itchy hand is preparing for a new acquaintance, and even an intimate adventure can be predicted for the most frivolous and ardent. If you already have your other half, then the sign advises you to try to revive feelings that have faded under the influence of routine; today there are all the prerequisites for this. Or it warns about the return of a debt that you gave up on. Not so romantic, but still useful.
  • On Thursday, your hand can’t wait to touch your loved one. If a date didn’t happen yesterday, it will definitely happen today. In mercantile terms, everything is also in order, Thursday is the day of bonuses and winnings.
  • After scratching your right hand on Friday, get ready to receive relatives or ask for a loan.
  • On Saturday, the belief promises a love date or a gift. Or maybe you will be able to combine both when your lover surprises you with a valuable surprise?
  • If you are trying to sell something, say, through an ad, after the Sunday itch you will definitely succeed. Also, expect to meet a high-ranking person.

Itching in the forearm promises love

Interpretation according to location

  • Have you heard the expression “itchy shoulder”? We will not say that it came precisely from this sign, but soon you will really be faced with the need to work hard. The saying will come in handy.
  • An itchy armpit is a warning of illness or advice to update your wardrobe. Don't look for logic, it's not here.
  • A slight tickle on the forearm signals: love is wandering very close by! And if the sensations are concentrated on the back of the hand or as if under the skin, inside, one can hope that the new romance will end in a wedding. In the old days, they tied a towel on the right forearm on the wedding day - isn’t that where the legs of the belief come from?
  • The elbow itches either before a quarrel that can push a loved one away from you, or before unexpected joy. But if you are planning to travel somewhere, don't worry. In this case, the elbow simply predicts an overnight stay in someone else's house.
  • If your right hand itches in the morning, you are about to become a victim of deception on the part of a loved one. Wait a minute to suspect your loved ones of plotting against you! Perhaps there was simply a misunderstanding between you?

It is sometimes believed that the right hand predicts meetings with friends and profitable deals only for men, and promises pleasant gifts and love for women. Well, the signs would not have been signs if they had not promised the young ladies a betrothed through word of mouth.

Left hand

There is a devil hiding behind a person’s left shoulder, who pushes each of us to unseemly actions and predicts nasty things. There is no need to fall for his teasing, he will also get scared, but it won’t hurt to notice them. After all, the left hand, for all its “unreliability,” tells of significant changes in life. Most likely, you will not have the easiest period, but if you come out of it as a winner, you will get more than you bargained for.

Left hand itchy - say goodbye to money

Tuesday, Friday and other days of the week

  • Monday. If the right hand predicts a meeting, then the left, by analogy, predicts separation. Or big expenses.
  • Tuesday. The money will not stay with you again, but it will go away easily and without mental anguish. Maybe you'll give a gift to someone you love, or maybe you'll give money to charity.
  • Wednesday for the left hand is the day of deception. Either you will be “heated up” for a large sum, or the person you trusted will turn out to be a scoundrel when tested.
  • On Thursday, the danger had not yet passed. This means: trust only those closest to you, or you will pay heavily for your naivety. Well, if only with money!
  • On Friday there is a high risk of loss. Keep your wallet tucked away in your purse and leave valuables at home.
  • Don't get involved in scams on Saturday. You won’t be able to win, and you will lose the respect of others.
  • On Sunday, scabies promises big expenses. But they won't upset you! After all, that’s what money is for, to allow yourself small excesses from time to time, why not indulge? Only a little!

Where does it itch and why?

  • The left shoulder itches in anticipation of the burden that is preparing to fall on it. Someone will greatly upset or hurt you, and your task is not to give in and not become depressed. All difficulties are temporary.
  • The left elbow says: this is not the time to relax! Allow yourself to make a careless remark and antagonize your relatives. If you are friendly with a pleasant young man, your spouse will write up an application for divorce. Get things started and you'll start counting every penny. You'll have to work with your elbows to stay afloat.
  • The left armpit itches, predicting illness of a loved one.
  • If the itching is deep, coming from under the skin, and is concentrated on the inner surface of the arm, it is believed that too much negative energy has accumulated in the person, which is looking for a way out. Aren't you too susceptible to resentment, anger and other bad passions?
  • Some call this scabies a reminder of a debt that is time to repay. With equal success, this could be a material and moral debt - for example, an old friend or loved one will ask you for help. Don't refuse them, give them your hand!
  • And only for players, a tickle in the left hand promises good luck.

A man who feels itching in his left hand before an important meeting need not worry about the outcome of the negotiations. Fortune will definitely be on his side. For unmarried girls, the sign traditionally promises a date with a loved one and an engagement.

Itching in fingers or palms: what is a folk sign?

Signs assign each finger its own role

What is this sign? Here the belief requires a separate discussion. Imagine, our meticulous ancestors found their own interpretation for each finger of each hand! And you can easily verify this by skimming the article.” And in the case of palms, not only the left and right sides, the gender of the person and the day of the week matter, but even the time of day! In the article you will find more detailed information on this sign.

So which hand itches for money?

The question is not easy. And there are many possible answers to it. Some believe that the right hand begins to itch for acquaintance, and the left for money. Others, in particular foreign Feng Shui, believe in the “circle of money” - the right hand receives it, the left hand gives it away, and everyone is happy. There is also a clarification according to which this rule is true only for men, while women should read the sign in reverse: money comes in through the left limb, and goes out through the right. Not everyone takes this into account, which is why the already controversial sign is completely confused.

But the most pleasant option believes that scabies will in any case turn into profit if you follow the rituals for luring money. For this it is enough:

  • kiss the top of the hand clenched into a fist;
  • tap it on the crown of the head;
  • scratch your palm on your pocket, any red object or tree;
  • squeeze a bill in your hand and put your fist under your arm or in the same pocket, but deeper;
  • scratch your hand towards you - from your fingertips to your wrist - so that the money understands in which direction it should move.

Itching in the left and right wrist or hand

  • The right wrist gets goosebumps and itches in anticipation of important but positive changes in life.
  • The left one warns that someone is going to manipulate you or even outright force you to submit, using various levers of pressure: from playing on feelings of guilt or duty to overt threats.

What does scratching in fists mean?

No wonder your hands clench into fists out of anger

Surely you have heard the phrase “your fists itch”, which is said about those who like to fight? You will feel a tingling in your fists, remember her. These unpleasant sensations signal that a lot of aggression has accumulated in a person, which is rushing out, and it is necessary to find a way to let off steam. We do not recommend delaying, otherwise anger may burst out spontaneously and at the most inopportune moment. Try using a pillow as a punching bag or beating out all the carpets in the house! You will calm down, and the apartment will become cleaner.

Does the meaning of signs change for left-handed people?

Most esotericists believe that it is changing. And radical! Most likely, signs were initially created not for the right or left, but for the leading and “secondary” hands. But since left-handers make up no more than 15% of the population, a tradition has developed that the right limb is the main one. So, if you belong to the valiant tribe of “left-handed people,” you can safely read the signs in reverse, you won’t be mistaken.

How to scare away bad predictions

We have already mentioned what to do so that your own hands do not predict financial losses for you. In the same way, you can try to cope with other unpleasant prophecies.

  • If an itchy armpit scares you of illness, try... buying yourself something new. It is believed that this sign can turn both good and bad. Play ahead and turn it in the right direction yourself.
  • If your left hand itches before parting, go to the window, blow on your open palm and say three times: “Have an easy journey!” After this, the path of the dear person will be smooth, and a new meeting will be quick.
  • Any bad sign associated with the hands removes the gold ring. Put it on the “offending” hand and don’t worry about anything.

If scabies in your hands does not go away for a long time or constantly returns, forget about the signs and plan a trip to the doctor. Itching can be a harbinger of a dozen diseases, which, once they start, will cause a lot of problems. No longer metaphysical, but very real.

Pain in the wrist of the right or left hand is a common ailment that indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the joints of the hands. The wrist joint can be subject to injury due to force loads, since this part of the arm connects the hand and forearm.

The appearance of isolated cases of soreness in the limbs, after sleep or a long stay without movement, is not a cause for concern, due to the fact that this is a normal reaction of the joints and nerve endings. However, if discomfort appears systematically and is accompanied by other types of discomfort, this may be a sign of a wide variety of pathologies.

Pain after injury

Mechanical hand injuries differ in type:

  • Fracture- This is damage to the integrity of the bone. The scaphoid and lunate bone tissues are predominantly affected by fractures. If the bone is injured, the patient will complain of acute pain in the wrist, in some cases there is bone deformation and swelling;
  • Dislocation- This is a modification of the shape of bone tissue. Which is characterized by symptoms such as swelling, loss of joint mobility, severe pain in the wrist and visible changes in the joint.
  • Stretching– this is a tear in the fibers of the ligament; due to its strong tension, a sprain of the ligaments of the wrist joint most often occurs. Both ligaments and joints can be subject to sprains. Additionally, when sprained, the hand in the wrist hurts greatly and swelling appears.

First aid for a hand injury is to prevent painful shock and severe blood loss.

In addition, you must:

  • in case of an open fracture, the bleeding should be stopped;
  • Apply ice to the damaged area. It will relieve throbbing wrist pain and swelling;
  • a sterile bandage should be applied to the injured area;
  • the damaged limb must be fixed with a splint or hard means at hand in order to prevent displacement of the bone;
  • seek qualified help from a therapist.

For acute pain, you can use some painkillers, these may be:

  • Sprays, which are sprayed onto the skin, but it is worth remembering that they cannot be applied to open wounds. Such a drug, if it enters the circulatory system, can be fatal;
  • Local preparations. They act for a short period of time, and they cannot be used repeatedly, due to the fact that they can cause an overdose;
  • Painkillers tablets and powders. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, they can cause ulcers, gastric bleeding or poisoning.

Pain with regular strength training

Due to the large number of similar loads, pain most often occurs in the wrist of the right hand. This disorder mainly affects athletes who play sports: tennis, rowing, and golf. Due to this type of stress, tendinitis occurs. This is a pathology that develops rapidly against the background of anatomically narrow tendon sheaths.

In this case, the patient experiences corresponding cracking in the tendons from the wrists to the fingers. Inflammation of the tendons also develops, the patient suffers from discomfort, which intensifies when moving both the fingers and the hand. The disorder is diagnosed during an initial examination by a therapist, and an additional study of joint mobility and localization of pain is carried out.

Wrist pain during pregnancy

CTS or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome most often occurs during the second and third trimester in pregnant women. CTS can be caused by rapid weight gain and constant swelling. However, with such a pathology, it is worth remembering that the symptoms of the disease may be mild, but in the postpartum period the painful sensations completely disappear.

Symptoms of CTS:

  • pain in the wrist when bending, itching, swelling, tingling and crunching of the joints;
  • discomfort, aggravated mainly in the dark;
  • deterioration of the grasping reflex;
  • numbness of the limbs.

To confirm the presence of a disorder, it is necessary to carry out a set of procedures for extension and flexion of the limbs (to determine the reaction of nerve endings). If necessary, specialists use electromyography. This type of diagnosis is based on the delivery of electrical impulses to the connective tissue.


Tendonitis is an acute infectious process that is accompanied by severe pain that is concentrated in the tendons. The disorder involves the rupture of a small number of tendons, which take a long time to heal. The disorder is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • throbbing pain in the dark, also with active movement of the hand and when pressing;
  • skin changes, redness, and increased sensitivity in the wrist area;
  • persistent swelling;
  • crunching sound when moving;

Over time, the disease only progresses, the tendons tighten and harden, this can lead to loss of motor functions of the arm. In addition, the disease can also cause microcracks in the joints and complete keratinization of the tendon.

The deviation is diagnosed using a primary and secondary examination; if necessary, the doctor prescribes an x-ray, which will determine the degree of development of the disorder and the amount of salt deposits. Additionally, ultrasound diagnostics is used to identify the shape and structure of the tendon.


Hygroma is a benign tumor-like formation that is filled with fibrinous or mucous fluid. Most often, the disorder occurs in people over 25 years of age. And it develops on the back of the left hand. The reasons why a cyst appears are not fully understood, but it can appear due to hereditary predisposition and frequent injuries and constant stress on the arm.

At the first stage, the symptoms of hygroma are painless, but a small roundness with a diameter of 3 cm, both soft and hard, is formed. The surface of such a cyst has significant thickening and roughness, and the wrist hurts when pressed. At the second stage, the disease begins to actively progress and the tumor begins to grow, sharp pain is possible, which intensifies with physical activity.

The disorder can be diagnosed after an initial examination by a surgeon. Ultrasound and MRI are used to confirm the diagnosis.


Tenosynovitis is an infectious inflammation of the tendon and membranes of the hand, of an aseptic nature, which develops due to the entry of certain viruses and harmful microorganisms into open wounds. In addition, the disease can actively develop due to constant stress.

Tenosynovitis manifests itself as sharp pain when moving, the hand swells, there is also a crunching sound, a local increase in temperature, an increase in muscle nodes and creaking when moving. The general condition of the patient does not change, but it is worth remembering that tenosynovitis has acute and chronic forms and affects the musculoskeletal system of the arm muscles.


Lesions of the wrist joint may result from peritendinitis. This type of disorder occurs in the synovium, which is located in the tendons of the hand and wrist. The main cause of disruption in the synovial membrane is hidden in excessive stress when working with the hands and most often becomes a work-related injury. In individual cases, a pathological disorder develops after infection.

Common symptoms of peritendinitis include:

  • swelling in the first stage;
  • an increase in the capsule with liquid and the appearance of swelling;
  • manifestation of aching and acute pain during the day;
  • with active physical activity on the wrists and when bending the arm, a corresponding crunching sound occurs.

As a therapeutic therapy, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and ultrasound procedures.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder that develops in the connective tissues of the joints and causes a large number of complications. In this case, the pathology is caused by disorders of the autoimmune system, genetic predisposition and infectious pathologies. However, according to statistics, the right wrist most often hurts.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis:

  • at the initial stage of the pathology, the area around the knuckles of the limbs and the wrist joint swells noticeably;
  • severe pain that lasts throughout the day, while it can change its character to aching and sharp, and stops at night;
  • with intense physical activity, the arms hurt more when bending;
  • in individual cases, joint numbness is observed;
  • rheumatoid nodes form in the limbs;
  • there is general physical weakness;
  • at the third stage, the limbs are deformed, there is a decrease in blood circulation and the grasping reflex worsens.

Treatment of wrist pain with this type of arthritis is carried out comprehensively and by strengthening the immune system.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects limb mobility. Occurs when there is excessive pressure on the median nerve of the carpal tunnel. This type of pathology develops after injury or during infectious processes occurring in the body.

The main symptoms of the syndrome include:

  • gradual numbness of the hand, which intensifies in the morning;
  • weakening of ligaments and muscle tissue;
  • acute pain.

Carpal syndrome is treated with physical therapy and surgery. Laser and ultrasound are also used.


Osteoarthritis is a pathological disorder that develops in fibrous tissues. As the disease develops, not only cartilaginous joints, but also bone and muscle tissues undergo changes. Osteoarthritis is caused by disruptions in the hormonal system and hereditary predisposition. People over the age of fifty are most susceptible.

Symptoms of the disease include:

  • stabbing pain.
  • crunching sound when moving.
  • visible changes in the limbs.

The disorder is diagnosed using a detailed blood test and ultrasound examination.

Doctors and diagnostics

If you experience constant discomfort, you should seek qualified help from a therapist. After the initial examination, the attending physician will determine the degree of progression of the disease and prescribe appropriate antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. In addition, you should engage in a set of special physical exercises.

Additionally, the following are used to study diseases of the extremities:

  • Ultrasound. Helps detect changes in all tissues of the hand using a sensor.
  • Electrodiagnostic studies. Helps determine muscle activity using electrodes.
  • Scintigraphy. It consists of studying the functioning of tissues using a special camera.


Uncomfortable sensations that occur in the wrist can have a wide variety of origins. Therefore, you should promptly seek help from a doctor. In addition, you should remember about preventive measures in order to prevent a number of diseases.


When writing the article, the rheumatologist used the following materials:
  • Zabolotnykh, Inga Ivanovna Joint diseases: hands. for doctors / I. I. Zabolotnykh. - St. Petersburg. : SpetsLit, 2005 (SUE Type. Science). - 220 s. ISBN 5-299-00293-9
  • Evdokimenko, Pavel Valerievich Arthritis [Text]: getting rid of joint pain: [causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, medications, therapeutic exercises, herbal medicine, diet: recommendations from an experienced specialist: 16+] / [Evdokimenko P.V.]. - 3rd ed., revised. - M: Peace and Education, 2015. - 255 p. ISBN 978-5-94666-632-9
  • Complete reference book for a traumatologist / [O.V. Ananyeva and others]. - M: Eksmo, 2006 - 733 p. ISBN 5-699-16187-2
  • Borshchenko Igor How to get rid of pain in the joints of the hands [Borschenko I.]. - M: Astrel: Metaphor, 2012, -130s ISBN: 978-5-271-38841-5

Everyone knows that you should not point your finger at something or someone, but for sailors this is not an empty phrase, since it is believed that you can anger the gods, cause a storm or become a victim of a shipwreck.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Why does your wrist itch?

Not only palmists, but also people who believe in examples pay special attention to hands. Hands and face, they believe, are an open book from which one can read the past, present and future. And the wrist plays an important role in this.

Why is my right wrist itching?

Everything on the right is responsible for work and current affairs. Therefore, itching in the wrist area foreshadows something related to these areas. Most often, this can be a cash bonus at work, a promotion up the career ladder, or the successful resolution of a long-standing problem.

The day when you feel severe and persistent itching will help you more accurately determine why and why your wrist itches.

  • Monday- new assignment, new job, new work acquaintances.
  • Tuesday- a business trip that promises big profits.
  • Wednesday- gossip at work, empty accusations and mouse fuss in the team.
  • Thursday- the danger of falling into the network of scammers and catching a virus on your work computer.
  • Friday- success at work, recognition of merit, unexpected promotion.
  • Saturday- good luck in current affairs.
  • Sunday- a decline in work activity, the possibility of receiving a reprimand and deprivation in the coming week.

Why is my left wrist itching?

Itching on the left side of the body always promises more problems than on the right. Same with the wrist. Even if you are emotionally stable now, very soon something will set you off. This can even push hot-tempered people into cruelty or committing an act that they will later greatly regret.

Depending on the day of the week, the left wrist itches to the following:

  • Monday- to a reprimand, receiving a fine for violation and other problems with superiors or government agencies.
  • Tuesday- pressure from others, at home or at work. Setting frames and boundaries that will greatly oppress you.
  • Wednesday- irritability associated with problems making a choice. Regrets about a missed opportunity.
  • Thursday- disagreements in the family, quarrels, clarification of relationships.
  • Friday- conflicts with colleagues and superiors, suppliers, co-workers, clients.
  • Saturday- material losses, damages, major troubles that promise monetary expenses.
  • Sunday- an anxious holiday that will do more harm than good.

Both at once - why?

If a person has both wrists itching at once, this promises imminent important changes in life that will affect both work and family life - moving, changing positions, having a child, receiving an inheritance, etc.

One of the most common problems is discomfort and pain in the wrist area of ​​the right hand. The latter may be a consequence of mechanical damage or the banal development of “tunnel syndrome”, “rigid hand syndrome”.

The situation associated with overstrain of the hand, and most often it is the right one, occurs among office workers who work with a computer mouse, and those who regularly write - teachers, schoolchildren, etc.

Why else might your wrist hurt?

Pain is a consequence of the development of a pathological process in:

  • Bone tissue.
  • Longitudinal muscles.
  • Nervous.
  • Vascular circulatory system.
  • Bundles.
  • Tendons.

Based on such a large number of causal sources of pain in the right wrist, self-medication by taking painkillers and warming ointments is highly not recommended. It is best to seek help from a specialist who will make a diagnosis based on the examination and accurately determine the damaged joint structure:

  1. Synovial membrane– arthritis, synovitis, post-traumatic condition.
  2. Ligaments– sprain, damage after physical overload.
  3. Bones– dislocations, fractures, degenerative changes in bone tissue, disorders of the body’s metabolic processes.
  4. Vessels– various diseases, blood flow disorders.
  5. Nerves– the previous nerve conduction is insufficient, inflammation in the spinal region, with complications in the limbs.

All this refers to chronic manifestations that do not have a precise definition. Acute pain has a precise form of origin and, as a rule, is a consequence of fractures and other physical injuries.

The most common diseases of the right hand based on structural pathology of the joint

  • Gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Polyarthritis.
  • Osteoarthrosis.
  • Bekhterev's disease.


The symptomatic picture manifests itself in different ways throughout the day. As the load on the wrist increases, so does the pain. As a rule, this is a tingling sensation, followed by an increasing feeling of heaviness when moving the wrist.

In addition to these main symptoms, the following may also appear:

  1. Redness of the lower wrist.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Itching with a red rash (may be a natural expression of carpal syndrome.
  4. Physical limitation of mobility in the wrist (one of the most serious complications).
  5. Incorrect position of the hand in a relaxed state.


Consists of two stages. The first is a consultation with a therapist, during which complaints are recorded in the hospital record and general recommendations are given. The therapist may also prescribe a course of painkillers or a group of anti-inflammatory drugs, if, of course, the inflammation is particularly severe.

Based on the conclusion obtained, the diagnosis becomes more narrowly focused. The patient may be referred to specialists such as:

  • Traumatologist.
  • Orthopedist.
  • Rheumatologist.
  • Neuropathologist.

Those mentioned, in turn, decide to carry out an accurate diagnosis, consisting of:

  • Visual inspection and assessment of current joint mobility.
  • Submission of general tests and synovial fluid.
  • CT or ultrasound.

Treatment and drugs

As mentioned earlier, pain can have both acute and chronic manifestations. If physical damage to tissue or bones has been noted, the surgeon will handle the treatment. He also prescribes and adjusts the course of the medication component of the recovery program. In addition to medications, the surgeon performs a number of instrumental measures, 80% of which require prior use of painkillers.

In all other chronic failures, the immune or endocrine systems will most likely be to blame. In both cases, a specialist can formulate a course of treatment based on the following drugs:

  1. NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain hormones.
  2. Hormonal medications - the essence of the intake is precisely to enhance the analgesic effect, reduce swelling and slow down the destruction of the damaged structure as much as possible.
  3. The therapeutic complex against gout is a targeted effect on the cause of pain (in some cases, in combination with NSAIDs, it is used to neutralize urate stones.
  4. Antibiotics.
  5. Chondroprotectors.

How to use?

These medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Daily rates and frequency are indicated in the instructions. In case of significant exacerbation or inflammation, the doctor personally adjusts the dosage.

Warming ointments can be used at your own discretion, without the recommendation of a specialist.

Wrist pain cannot be ignored. This is fraught with complications. The most severe of these may be loss of functionality after critical destruction of the joint.